BiographyCarl Nicholson has been on the forefront of the UK Underground Dance Scene since 1994. Working his way up through the ranks alongside rising stars like John 00 Fleming (MostWanted), Dex N Jonesey (Red Parrot), Luke Branccacio (Bedrock) & DJ Roosta (Honeypot Records), Carl has rocked and conquered every major venue in the Capital & the South West.Since 1999, Carl has achieved acclaim that many could not wish for in their wildest dreams. Not only is he the only HardDance D.J to have rocked the world renowned Fabric night-club in London on a regular basis, he has also graced the floors of Glastonbury Festival 2000, Brixton Academy, Heaven & Ministry of Sound to name only a handful.Carl has held many residences in the past two years but the ones he is most proud of are DTPM, Gifted & The Annual Tony de Vit Memorial of which he is also co-promoter. Tony de Vit has played a major part in Carls career as being his role model, in the past Carl has seen the rise and fall of many a one year wonder D.J. But he has always stood to the values and advice of this great man, which was to Always play from the heart and smile and the crowd will love you for itThis is why Carl teamed up with Ray (Tonys Dad), Jayne (Tonys Sister) & the mighty Fevah Productions to hold an annual memorial to commemorate a man who will never & can never be replaced. Last years event attracted over 3,500 clubbers from all around the UK, and was a night that was truly unforgettable but this year promises to be even better whilst generating revenue for good causes.Q&AQuestionAnswerCTW User Name@Carl NicholsonYear of birth1975Management AgencyClubTheWorldResidencyTDVBookings Contact@SarahPVC or (07909)621033No. of records7,500Started playing1993All time top 3 tunesTDV The Dawn, Warriors of Love Somebody Scream, Area Definition of TektoWorst DJing momentTaking wrong needle off record @SanctuaryWould most like to playDance Valley NLMost enjoyable set you've playedTDV Memorial 2001 @Brixton AcademyWhen you're not DJing you'reProduction in Studio, SocialisingFavourite DJTony de VitFavourite VenueTurnmillsFavourite PromotionTDV MemorialsFavourite ProducerJames LawsonFavourite LabelNukleuz/TidyBiggest InfluenceTony de VitDrinkRed StripeNon-music pastimeBreakdancing @John Nike Sports Centre, Tuesdays @ 6pm.Words of wisdomAnyone can beatmix with a bit of practice, its reading a crowd thats the clever part!If you could change the colour of the sky what colour would it be?Jade Blue with a pink glow!Did you ever fancy your dinner lady at school?Never ever, they were all over 65.Played alongside 2002/2003A.J Gibson, Alan Thompson, Alex P, Alister Whitehead, Andy Farley, Anne Savage, Ariel, Billy Daniel Bunter, B.K, Brandon Block, C J Mackintosh, Dan Madams, Darren Emerson, Darren Pearce, Dave Pearce, Ed Real, Farley Jackmaster Funk, Fergie, Graham Gold, Guru Josh, Ian M, James Lawson, Jeremy Healy, JFK, John Kelly, John 00 Fleming, Judge Jules, Justin Bourne, Knuckleheadz, K90, LAB4, Lisa German, Lisa Lashes, Lisa Pin-Up, Luke Branccacio, Matt Cassar, Nick Sentience, Pete Wardman, Phil Reynolds, Rachel Auburn, Rob Tissera, Sarah Chapman, Scott Bond, Simon Eve, Smokin Jo, Steve Blake, Steve Lee, Steve Thomas, Stimulant DJs, Superfast Oz, The Sharp Boys, The Tidy Boys, Tony Price, Yomanda & a Partridge in a pear tree.Events & Tours 2002/2003Sundissential North, Fevah(Heaven, London), Frantic(Camden Palace, London), Fahrenhite(Soundshaft, London), Gifted(Matrix, Reading), Syn:ergy(Phoenix, Manchester), Insomniacz (Code, Birmingham), There (Heaven, London), Match Made In Heaven (Heaven, London), Mind Over Matter (Camden Palace, London), Sunny Side Up (Ministry of Sound, London), Glastonbury Festival 2000 (Smirnoff Tent), Tidy Trax Tour, Nukleuz Tour, Miss Moneypennys Tour, Frantic & Fevah Destination Ibiza 2001 Tour, MTV Dancefloor Chart Tour, Ministry of Sound Radio (DAB) & resident for The Tony De Vit Trust which holds annual tributes in London, Midlands, Manchester & Eire.DateEventLocation24th MayRushMass, Brixton24th MayGiftedMatrix, Reading31st MayThe Harderfaster Annual PartyThe Aquarium, London7th JuneGiftedMatrix, Reading29th JuneShaftBirmingham5th JulyGiftedMatrix, Reading6th JulyAfterssentialBirmingham2nd AugustGiftedMatrix, Reading4th SeptTonic/CTWEden, Ibiza6th SeptGiftedMatrix, Reading3rd OctSinergy TDV Manchester TributeThe North, Manchester4th OctGiftedMatrix, ReadingDiscographyCarl Nicholson Ricochet (Fevah House 6) July 2001Carl Nicholson Rapture (Higher Times) Aug 2001Carl Nicholson Control Freek (White) Sept 2001Carl Nicholson & James Lawson Times Like These (Nukleuz) (Radio 1 Airplay by Dave Pearce/Ministry Tune of Month Dec 02)Also this year, Carl has had his recent collaboration with James Lawson Times Like These signed to the worlds number one dance label Nukleuz Records. This track has been causing tremendous waves in Clubland, its had airplay on Radio 1 from Dave Pearce (Dance Anthems) & Lisa Lashes (One live from Nottingham). Its reached number 14 in the UK Dance Chart & number 19 in the UK Indie Chart, plus its also been signed to Lisa Lashes forthcoming compilation Extreme Euphoria 2. Also not forgetting that its also getting a battering from the likes of Anne Savage, BK, Paul Van Dyke, Nick Sentience and to many other names to mention.But, all other things aside. The real proof is when you hear Carl play. True to the ideals that made de Vit the legend that he became, Carl is no pigeonhole DJ. Breaking down boundaries between all types of dance music, fusing and mutating like some kind of powercrazed scientist. Taunting them & taking them one level further until they are literally begging & screaming for more, and then just when they thought storm had turned, in streams the crescendo and suddenly it all makes sense, this guy behind the decks isnt playing the Lets see whos the fastest DJ scenario. Hes playing tough, hes telling a story, and hes playing straight from the heart.And now as I draw to a close, I shall leave you with one more thought. Hes the proud keeper of the Coveted Tony de Vit Trade Bag, hes played alongside pioneers of our scene like Guru Josh, Fatboy Slim & Chemical Brothers as well as the stars of today including Fergie, Anne Savage, Darren Emerson & Dave Pearce. Hes had to work his way up the ladder from scratch with no help from anyone, no favours from promoters who happen to be friends, no you scratch my back and Ill scratch yours scenarios either.He's got to where he is out of pure merit and hard graftSoundCloudSpotify