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Vinyl roots to modern beats ...

Vinyl roots to modern beats ... So having had technics for a decade and owning 500+ vinyl tunes, it seemed almost blasphemous to even consider digital decks ........ but the olive branch was “I can plug 1210’s in and I need a mixer again anyway”.... so with question 1 settled the second question was “fuck; there are so many !!!!!” I knew pioneer was the way i wanted to go, after all I’ve used many CD-J’s from days gone by.  Denon got a look but I am familiar with pioneer so I stuck to

Clubbing Si

Clubbing Si in DJing

Are you the next CTW DJ, Producer, Photographer, Blogger ?

So seeing as it’s 2020, and some of us are older than others and don’t spend days on end in clubs anymore ...... 🤫..... we are looking for the next wave of nutters like us. Don’t worry we aren’t going anywhere and if anything we have more time to focus on the site, features and ongoing work to ensure it’s success.  We need content bringers.  We need people in clubs with cameras tagging clubbers getting out of their boxes.  We need DJs, writers of articles, VIP’s to infiltrate clubs, pr

Clubbing Si

Clubbing Si in DJing

What it means to be on ClubTheWorld.uk

The last time I worked on anything for CTW was over a decade ago.  It’s nice to know that some things don’t change.   ClubTheWorld was made for one main purpose, to find friends, however it did very much more.   It took a group of individuals, misfits in some cases and utter wronguns in other cases.... and it made them family.  There were lovers, fighters, dancers, prancers, teens, tweens, threens and above, and even a 65 year old legend from Leeds, and we all had one thing in common..

Clubbing Si

Clubbing Si in ClubTheWorld

What does 15 years missing in action look like ?

Well finally after 15 years we are back in action.  When ClubTheWorld closed down due to the crazy spam attacks last time it left a huge hole in the industry.  Other market leading brands also suffered similar attacks and slowly one by one the websites slowed and eventually mostly stopped.  So what does 15 years look like ? Well, for one we all have crazy high def camera phones, that has changed the Dancefloor dramatically and the way that events are photographed.  There have been a lo

Clubbing Si

Clubbing Si in ClubTheWorld

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