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About this blog

This blog is comprises of individual posts about the origins of ClubTheWorld (CTW) and my story - we ALL have a fascinating story to tell so I would encourage everyone on this board to create their own blog ...  I for one would love to hear about peoples’ experiences over the years, what both we as a community and individually got right/wrong ...

Every day I learn really interesting details from past & present CTW members - these could be around random funny events, heart warming/breaking stories, relationships and networking - lets get this content exposed so we can all learn from one another ...

Entries in this blog

Original ClubTheWorld Mission Statement (November 2001)

Below is the original ClubTheWorld welcome message / mission statement from November 2001, it was simply these words which pulled in the very first members (Kev, Tara, Sarah, Si ...) who found this statement touched a nerve as they fell into exactly the same category as me.    They wanted to find new, real, clubbing mates - not just acquaintances, people they could meet up with week after week for a guaranteed awesome night out whenever they chose to.  Knowing they didn't have to share any


James in ClubTheWorld

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