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  • Kernzy & Klemenza


    image.pngKernzy:  Name : Paddy Kearns, Yob : 1977, Born : Kettering

    Kernzy started mixing in 1992 playing early hardcore. Continued playing hardcore / happy hardcore up until about 1997 when he decided it wasnt giving him the buzz that the original hardcore sound was, picked up on speed garage for 6 months or so before abandoning that for hardhouse, which he has been playing ever since.

    Klemenza: Name : Gav Kerr, Yob : 1976, Born : Loughborough

    Klemenza began back in 1995 during the happy hardcore explosion, continued with this sound for the next 2 years, dabbled in the speed garage scene for a short time where he met up with Kernzy (who had already decided that garage wasnt for him) and started playing with a few hardhouse tunes he'd picked up.

    The Duo: It wasnt long before the idea of teaming up as a double act was suggested and K&K was born! The only thing was that Klemenza was still using his old dj name & "Kernzy & Skippy" didnt sound too hot so a new name was needed!

    It was during a GODFATHER marathon (where kernzy made klemenza watch all 3 movies back 2 back) when the name of one of the gangsters caught the boys ears. "Clemensa"........ It had a nice ring to it and with a few alterations to the spelling, Gav had a new identity!

    After 3 years of constantly sending out mixtapes to everyone & anyone via the internet, standing outside clubs dishing out freebies & promoting their name in any way possible it was inevitable that people would start talking and it was December 2000 when Sundissential promoter MADDERS rang the boys to offer them a set in the main room of the Sanctuary for HARDHOUSE HEAVEN which then turned into the boys first residency.

    From: Kettering
    Year of Birth: Paddy (Kernzy) - 1977, Gav (Klemenza) - 1976
    Management Agency: Dropzone Management
    Bookings Contact: Charlotte or Gaz : 07973409136
    No. of records: Hmm. well between us both and including our Hardcore & speed garage... i reckon 4000 + 
    Started Playing: Paddy - about 1992, Gav - about 1995
    All time top 3 tunes: "hooked" - 99th floor elevators (pete wardman mix), "meltdown" the project (od404 mix), Hardbeat ep 11 (Changes all the time tho, theres loads of wicked tunes)
    Website: www.kernzyandklemenza.com
    Worst DJing moment: Playing at a club in Nottingham asking the sound engineer where the monitor is and him replying..."Whats a monitor" we was trying to hide after each mix. taken the wrong needle off a few times too 
    Would most like to play: Frantic & full moon party in thailand 
    Most enjoyable set you've played: Insomniacz@ Fantasy Island, Skegness. NYE 2003 - We ended up playing Karim's set which was 12:30 - 1:30 so you can imagine what the crown was like. 5000 people totaly going off at every tune you played.
    When you're not DJing you're: producing & drinking stella. - not at the same time...although some would probably say we did :0) 
    Favourite DJ: too many
    Favourite Venue: Uropa in Sheffield (orriginal home of Insomniacz)
    Favourite Promotion: When they do 2 for 1 down the sportsmans arms in Kettering
    Favourite Producer: Paul Janes
    Favourite Label: Vicious
    Biggest Influence: Andy Farley, i've never heard anyone say a bad word against him.
    Drink: Feck, Drink
    Non-music pastime: Vice city on Playstation 2
    Words of wisdom: If you want it bad enough you'l get it in the end!
    Other Comments: If there's biscuits in the tin, where's the fun in biscuits?


    • Addiction - Manchester
    • Fluffy - Birmingham
    • Twisted - sheffield
    • Hardboild - Northampton
    • Clubbed - Manchester

    Clubs Played   

    • Isomniacz / Sheffield (monthly residents)
    • Hardboiled / Northampton (residents)
    • Fluffy / Birmingham (monthly residents)
    • Roast / Kettering (residents)
    • Harsh Cow / Kettering (residents)
    • Twisted / Sheffield (residents)
    • Addiction / Manchester (residents)
    • Clubbed / Manchester (residents)
    • 24/7 @INOX / Ibiza
    • Sundissential / Birmingham
    • There @Heaven / London
    • Sinergy / Manchester
    • Dropzone / Walsall
    • Recycle / Birmingham
    • La Creation / Birmingham
    • Influence / Lincoln
    • Rise / Northwich
    • Shaft / Birmingham
    • Caution / Leicester
    • 4play / Leicester
    • Sacrilege / Nottingham
    • Blaze / Sheffield
    • Crazy Daisys / Rugby
    • Sweat / Northampton
    • Hardhouse Heaven
    • Sunday Mass / Sheffield
    • Twisted / Manchester
    • Sunday Service / Derby
    • Imagination / Northampton
    • Frisky / Northampton
    • Hard 8 / Nottingham
    • Fierce / Nottingham
    • Addiction / Liverpool
    • Random / Linconshire
    • Covert / Kettering
    • Hoover Heaven / Northampton
    • Housewives Choice / Bradford & Leeds
    • Labrynth / Northampton
    • Hoover / Northampton
    • Intense / Daventry
    • Praise / Northampton
    • Origination / Middlesborough
    • Fresh / Sheffield
    • Broken / Banbury
    • Nocturnal / Leicester
    • Wallop / Birmingham
    • Endurance / Stafford
    • Twilight / Derby
    • Solid / Wolverhampton
    • Explosive / Rugby
    • Loony toons / Birmingham
    • Rabbit / Birmingham
    • Oblivion / Northants
    • Whip-it / Middlesborough
    • Pulse / Derby




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