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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Mr Moo,

    • 2 replies
  2. Started by Mr Moo,

    • 0 replies
  3. Started by Mr Moo,

    • 0 replies
  4. Started by Mr Moo,

    • 0 replies
  5. Started by Sophie,

    you no who you are!!! i am lookign forward to tommorrow hun! gonna bring my toys for ya to play with............ JOKE!!!

  6. Started by Sophie,

    you no who you are!!! i am lookign forward to tommorrow hun! gonna bring my toys for ya to play with............ JOKE!!!

  7. Started by Sophie,

    you no who you are!!! i am lookign forward to tommorrow hun! gonna bring my toys for ya to play with............ JOKE!!!

  8. Started by Blink,

    I know it seems very unlikely, but stranger things have happened. My watch, the time on my phone, my computer, and even this website are all inisisting it is somewhere around 13.20. My bodyclock, however, is insisting it is somewhere around 9pm. I find it very difficult to believe that my bodyclock could be wrong a) because it is natural, and not some artificial time-piece, and we all know natural is good, and b)I spent all weekend feeding my body chemicals to keep it finally tuned so it could maintain long hours of dancing and talking. Obviously if my body is that enhanced that it could maintain that level of efficiency for that length of time, there is no way that m…

  9. Started by Blink,

    I know it seems very unlikely, but stranger things have happened. My watch, the time on my phone, my computer, and even this website are all inisisting it is somewhere around 13.20. My bodyclock, however, is insisting it is somewhere around 9pm. I find it very difficult to believe that my bodyclock could be wrong a) because it is natural, and not some artificial time-piece, and we all know natural is good, and b)I spent all weekend feeding my body chemicals to keep it finally tuned so it could maintain long hours of dancing and talking. Obviously if my body is that enhanced that it could maintain that level of efficiency for that length of time, there is no way that m…

  10. Started by Blink,

    I know it seems very unlikely, but stranger things have happened. My watch, the time on my phone, my computer, and even this website are all inisisting it is somewhere around 13.20. My bodyclock, however, is insisting it is somewhere around 9pm. I find it very difficult to believe that my bodyclock could be wrong a) because it is natural, and not some artificial time-piece, and we all know natural is good, and b)I spent all weekend feeding my body chemicals to keep it finally tuned so it could maintain long hours of dancing and talking. Obviously if my body is that enhanced that it could maintain that level of efficiency for that length of time, there is no way that m…

  11. Started by SarahPVC,

    Cheers for the cd hun

    • 3 replies
  12. Started by SarahPVC,

    Cheers for the cd hun

    • 3 replies
  13. Started by SarahPVC,

    Cheers for the cd hun

    • 3 replies
  14. Started by James,

    Please put forward your caption suggestions for this rather amusing pic of DJSG ... lmao http://www.clubtheworld.uk/cgi-bin/ImageFolio3/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Hall_of_Shame&image=maria2.jpg&img=&tt=

    • 27 replies
  15. Started by James,

    Please put forward your caption suggestions for this rather amusing pic of DJSG ... lmao http://www.clubtheworld.uk/cgi-bin/ImageFolio3/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Hall_of_Shame&image=maria2.jpg&img=&tt=

    • 27 replies
  16. Started by James,

    Please put forward your caption suggestions for this rather amusing pic of DJSG ... lmao http://www.clubtheworld.uk/cgi-bin/ImageFolio3/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Hall_of_Shame&image=maria2.jpg&img=&tt=

    • 27 replies
  17. Started by Kazmataz,

    I hate mondays especially when i am hungover and didn't get to bed til really late.... Oh and all the clocks in my house told me I still had another hour in bed.... then i realised i hadn't turned them forwards yet

    • 10 replies
  18. Started by Kazmataz,

    I hate mondays especially when i am hungover and didn't get to bed til really late.... Oh and all the clocks in my house told me I still had another hour in bed.... then i realised i hadn't turned them forwards yet

    • 10 replies
  19. Started by Kazmataz,

    I hate mondays especially when i am hungover and didn't get to bed til really late.... Oh and all the clocks in my house told me I still had another hour in bed.... then i realised i hadn't turned them forwards yet

    • 10 replies
  20. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    its mothers day today and guess what, yet again i havnt had anything. i no my kids are to young to get me something but you'd think my my mum or dad would at least get me a card from them. i shouldnt be ranting or raving on here but ive no one else to rant about it too. but oh well il keep my chin up like i normally do.

    • 19 replies
  21. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    its mothers day today and guess what, yet again i havnt had anything. i no my kids are to young to get me something but you'd think my my mum or dad would at least get me a card from them. i shouldnt be ranting or raving on here but ive no one else to rant about it too. but oh well il keep my chin up like i normally do.

    • 19 replies
  22. Started by Blink,

    Had a good weekend, lots of partying, and was a good boy and only had some billy. Everyone always says about bad comedowns on billy, but never noticed it myself...but this morning I am tired and miserable, and just want to curl up in a ball and hide. Unfortunately I am in [censored], and I [censored] in customer services, so I either have people phoning up to complain at me, or I have to phone people up and have a go at them for not doing their job. I really can't be arsed, I don't need anything else to bring me down, why can't I have some stupid brain-numbing job? I think being a road-sweeper for the day would be good, just for the day, out in the sun, I could hack t…

    • 8 replies
  23. Started by Blink,

    Had a good weekend, lots of partying, and was a good boy and only had some billy. Everyone always says about bad comedowns on billy, but never noticed it myself...but this morning I am tired and miserable, and just want to curl up in a ball and hide. Unfortunately I am in [censored], and I [censored] in customer services, so I either have people phoning up to complain at me, or I have to phone people up and have a go at them for not doing their job. I really can't be arsed, I don't need anything else to bring me down, why can't I have some stupid brain-numbing job? I think being a road-sweeper for the day would be good, just for the day, out in the sun, I could hack t…

    • 8 replies
  24. Started by Blink,

    Had a good weekend, lots of partying, and was a good boy and only had some billy. Everyone always says about bad comedowns on billy, but never noticed it myself...but this morning I am tired and miserable, and just want to curl up in a ball and hide. Unfortunately I am in [censored], and I [censored] in customer services, so I either have people phoning up to complain at me, or I have to phone people up and have a go at them for not doing their job. I really can't be arsed, I don't need anything else to bring me down, why can't I have some stupid brain-numbing job? I think being a road-sweeper for the day would be good, just for the day, out in the sun, I could hack t…

    • 8 replies
  25. Started by Bushy,

    I like lots of Jams, but at the moment it has to be Robertsons Classic, Blackcurrant!!! It is Luuuuuusssshhhhh!!!!!!!!

    • 16 replies
  26. Started by Bushy,

    I like lots of Jams, but at the moment it has to be Robertsons Classic, Blackcurrant!!! It is Luuuuuusssshhhhh!!!!!!!!

    • 16 replies
  27. Started by Bushy,

    I like lots of Jams, but at the moment it has to be Robertsons Classic, Blackcurrant!!! It is Luuuuuusssshhhhh!!!!!!!!

    • 16 replies
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