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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Mr Happy,

    just brought me tidy london ticket and now i'm well exited will deffo be up 4 the pre-club drink as i dont have to [censored] saturday despite what i told sarah (it was l8 and i was tired so i got my fridays and saturdays mixed up ) ne - cant fukin wait

  2. Started by Power Slough,

    Hi Claire, just a quick word to say I got your CD last night & it was banging out of my speakers all night! Damn good [censored]!! Keep it up & i'm sure we'll be hearing a lot more from you in the future, are you going to play at the CTW night?

  3. Started by Power Slough,

    Hi Claire, just a quick word to say I got your CD last night & it was banging out of my speakers all night! Damn good [censored]!! Keep it up & i'm sure we'll be hearing a lot more from you in the future, are you going to play at the CTW night?

  4. Started by Power Slough,

    Hi Claire, just a quick word to say I got your CD last night & it was banging out of my speakers all night! Damn good [censored]!! Keep it up & i'm sure we'll be hearing a lot more from you in the future, are you going to play at the CTW night?

  5. Started by Wub Wub,

    Thank f^ck, it's all downhill after today. Had a bee-atch of a week so far, doing nothing but drinking smoking and sleeping. It can really take it out of you. Still w/e is just around the corner, so that means Tidy london, and Peach on Friday. Noice!

    • 21 replies
  6. Started by Wub Wub,

    Thank f^ck, it's all downhill after today. Had a bee-atch of a week so far, doing nothing but drinking smoking and sleeping. It can really take it out of you. Still w/e is just around the corner, so that means Tidy london, and Peach on Friday. Noice!

    • 21 replies
  7. Started by Wub Wub,

    Thank f^ck, it's all downhill after today. Had a bee-atch of a week so far, doing nothing but drinking smoking and sleeping. It can really take it out of you. Still w/e is just around the corner, so that means Tidy london, and Peach on Friday. Noice!

    • 21 replies
  8. Started by Mr Moo,

    Thanx very much for the CD!!! It r0x!!! Blasting it out of my LARGE PC speakers all afternoon

  9. Started by Mr Moo,

    Thanx very much for the CD!!! It r0x!!! Blasting it out of my LARGE PC speakers all afternoon

  10. Started by Mr Moo,

    Thanx very much for the CD!!! It r0x!!! Blasting it out of my LARGE PC speakers all afternoon

  11. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    You off to XLR8 or Tidy on Sat mate ?

  12. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    You off to XLR8 or Tidy on Sat mate ?

  13. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    You off to XLR8 or Tidy on Sat mate ?

  14. Started by Wub Wub,

    Well, either that or people have checked I'm online and are purposefully staying away. This is a more likely option, now I think about it.....

    • 15 replies
  15. Started by Wub Wub,

    Well, either that or people have checked I'm online and are purposefully staying away. This is a more likely option, now I think about it.....

    • 15 replies
  16. Started by Wub Wub,

    Well, either that or people have checked I'm online and are purposefully staying away. This is a more likely option, now I think about it.....

    • 15 replies
  17. Started by matthew james,

    What a blinding film!!!! Wathc it if you get a chance!!!! Samuel L Jackson in a kilt m. p.s. haven't been here for ages, so hope you have'nt forgotten me too much!

    • 3 replies
  18. Started by matthew james,

    What a blinding film!!!! Wathc it if you get a chance!!!! Samuel L Jackson in a kilt m. p.s. haven't been here for ages, so hope you have'nt forgotten me too much!

    • 3 replies
  19. Started by matthew james,

    What a blinding film!!!! Wathc it if you get a chance!!!! Samuel L Jackson in a kilt m. p.s. haven't been here for ages, so hope you have'nt forgotten me too much!

    • 3 replies
  20. Started by Bunnykins,

    Hi! i'm in town in an internet cafe - i was in the pub and dropped my mobile down the damn loo - ggrrrr!! am really pee'd off - i got no-ones no.s so could u please pm me ur no.s again - hopefully gonna get new phone tom!! also if anyone has elly's no. could they please text her and tell her wot's happened as i'm meeting her l8r in yates!!

    • 6 replies
  21. Started by Bunnykins,

    Hi! i'm in town in an internet cafe - i was in the pub and dropped my mobile down the damn loo - ggrrrr!! am really pee'd off - i got no-ones no.s so could u please pm me ur no.s again - hopefully gonna get new phone tom!! also if anyone has elly's no. could they please text her and tell her wot's happened as i'm meeting her l8r in yates!!

    • 6 replies
  22. Started by Bunnykins,

    Hi! i'm in town in an internet cafe - i was in the pub and dropped my mobile down the damn loo - ggrrrr!! am really pee'd off - i got no-ones no.s so could u please pm me ur no.s again - hopefully gonna get new phone tom!! also if anyone has elly's no. could they please text her and tell her wot's happened as i'm meeting her l8r in yates!!

    • 6 replies
  23. Started by DJ Elemental,

    Im Claires Bitch! so nerrrrrrrrr

  24. Started by DJ Elemental,

    I'm @Claire DC's bitch! so nerrrrrrrrr

  25. Started by DJ Elemental,

    Im Claires Bitch! so nerrrrrrrrr

  26. Started by Diablo,

    Hey You Guys!!! Sorry i'm not on much these days, busy man an all......YEAH RIGHT!!!! But im still here so dont forget about little ol me! I'm off to Tenerife on Friday, and i cant wait!! CTW night looks class, maybe a bit awkward for me to get to tho ( Bad Timing!) but i'll see what i can do Hows everyone then? Diabs! (Keep in touch!!)

  27. Started by Diablo,

    Hey You Guys!!! Sorry i'm not on much these days, busy man an all......YEAH RIGHT!!!! But im still here so dont forget about little ol me! I'm off to Tenerife on Friday, and i cant wait!! CTW night looks class, maybe a bit awkward for me to get to tho ( Bad Timing!) but i'll see what i can do Hows everyone then? Diabs! (Keep in touch!!)

  28. Started by Diablo,

    Hey You Guys!!! Sorry i'm not on much these days, busy man an all......YEAH RIGHT!!!! But im still here so dont forget about little ol me! I'm off to Tenerife on Friday, and i cant wait!! CTW night looks class, maybe a bit awkward for me to get to tho ( Bad Timing!) but i'll see what i can do Hows everyone then? Diabs! (Keep in touch!!)

  29. Started by Sophie,

    everyone i am verry nervouse!!! i am going to the fridge in brixton tommorrow for a dancing audition!!!!! Wish me good luck!! i might need it!!!

  30. Started by Sophie,

    everyone i am verry nervouse!!! i am going to the fridge in brixton tommorrow for a dancing audition!!!!! Wish me good luck!! i might need it!!!

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