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The rules of this thread are easy to follow, No difficult words for you to swallow, All you must do is post in rhyme, An award for the one which is most sublime. (each reply must rhyme to the reply of the previous ... )
- 7 replies
Please note the surprise Live P.A won’t be announced until the night!!! The last Tasty @ The Mass for 5 months!!! TASTY ARENA 10.00 – 11.00 SHAFF D BASS & PAUL REEVES B2B 11.00 – 12.00 KUTSKI 12.00 – 01.00 KEVIN ENERGY 01.00 – 02.00 STIMULANT DJ’S 02.00 – 03.00 PHIL REYNOLDS (CLASSIC SET) 03.00 – 04.00 KARIM 04.00 – 05.00 ROOSTA 05.00 – 06.00 BILLY DANIEL BUNTER & JON DOE B2B DREAM LAND 10.00 – 11.00 REECE ELLIOT 11.00 – 12.00 FABRY 12.00 – 01.00 SOL RAY 01.00 – 02.00 JON DOE & BILLY DANIEL BUNTER (CLASSIC SET) 02.00 – 03.00 ANTHONY ATCHERLEY 03.00 – 04.00 STEVE B…
- 1 reply
Bye bye babies. Shrooms might be being made illegal. Its not good. Its unfair, unjust and un......un......urm....ONION???
- 18 replies
Anyone know the site where I can apply for a loan I have tried using google but it's confused me Wondered if anyone still has it saved to their favourites from the times they needed one cheers peeps
- 3 replies
how can some people be so fuking small minded not to relise that their weekend activities are pushing everyone they love away! i ahve nothing against people taking drugs as long as they dont take out their comedowns on everone else i've just had to say goodbye to an ex of mine because she was basically a fuk head. get mashed at the wkds and then being bitchy during the week. then when i told her to sort her life out she turned on me and said if i wasnt so nice all the time then it wouldnt be so hard for her to nice back. needless to say i wont be chatting to her again.... EVER. stupid bitch
Listen to the music when it kicks in too spot the difference
Hello im a clubtheworld virgin been meaning to log on for a while. My names Morgan I Promote Toast and run Toasted recordings. Hello to the people i all ready know and Hi to thouse i dont. August Dates: 31/7 Housewives Choice Presents Polly put the Kettle on @ Stinkys, Leeds. 01/8: Global Gatherin Offical After Party @ Pollysexual Vs Shaft, Birmingham. 14/8 Mayhem @ The Arena, Teeside 20/8 Insicion @ The Wearhouse,Leeds 21/8, Cancer Reserch Fund Raiser @ The Santury, Birmingham 27/8 Hard Up North @ The Works, Blackburn. Future Dates Confirmed @ Goodgreef, Addiction, Shaft,Housewives Choice,Pure Filth, Binary & All Toast events.
- 8 replies
Happy Birthday Andy .. have a good one
- 16 replies
im in pretty good mood after a fun night last night, how is everyone?
- 7 replies
like your title, you drum & bassie head... whom whom whom whom whom whom whom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 5 replies
I've forgotten and I need to find out for a bet. Cheers.
- 12 replies
Ok guys im in the midst of setting up an online radio station and need some people to help test if its working. I need people with: broardband MSN messenger and patience!!! Thanks all Ed
- 7 replies
stop being so nasty. They are useful in the eco system. Even ppl in Shoreditch. Although if you lived in a place called that i could understand it.
- 0 replies
neither of u know me so please stop causing me undue stress and making up complete shit about me thankyou
- 15 replies