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I'm still having problems accessing any of the photos from the links to the gallery. It keeps giving me 'you have not got permission', the only way I can view them is to log out, then I have to log in again once I'm done. Any chance you can have a look when you've time
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Alright you big gay bear ! Was just reminising back at the club on Sunday night - first in the pub when you were ready to go to bed to go to sleep, then seeing you in the club fecking avin it ! My god your dancing is peropa gay ! You look like you are having a fit ! Was ace to see you again tho - top dude. miss ya mate !
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what the title says if yes does anyone have any details?
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If anyone is stuck on getting there and back, there are coaches going from all over the country at reasonable prices... Go to and click on the link for global... For all you horrible lot going from peterborough, a coach leaves the taxi rank near the bus station at 12:15 on the 31st... you can get the tickets from beats 'n' pieces for £20. There are loads of seats left... Just thought i would let you all know cos there is bound to be someone panicing about how to get there and back.
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Is there a CTW trip planned for this event?? I really want to go but got no-one to go with!! (loner)
Alright fellas - did you get home ok ? I got home around 7ish this evening although we got back to Lisas about 3. Mental weekend dudes ! You guys crack me up. Bushy - credit goes to you for Saturday morning mate ! Funny as f*ck ! Totaly blew me away, freaked me out, made me laugh and very confused. HAHA don't think I have seen anyone that BAD ! then again I think I was just as bad this morning haha ! Wish I could turn the clock back ! Can't stop thinking about it really - it were well funny - and you were just a TWAT ! Shaney - what can I say - you're just a cracker - qualoty banter had with you matey - this morning was by far the best when we …
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ive decided im gettin etched this summer but need to find some people. hate visiting parlours
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was *trying* to mix my new cd and played the best 30 mins i've played in a very long time only to completely fuk up what should have been the easiest mix on the cd. granted its on of the shortest tunes in my collection, but its also the easiest to beat match. but could i find the record i wanted to follow on with? fuk no so i settled for the next best record. also a piece of piss to beatmatch. but for some reason i just couldnt get the tunes to stay in time. by the time i did get it qued up i had soo little record left it just sounded like i rushed the next record still int he mood for a mix but dont have time now
At the end of a tiny deserted bar is a huge Chav male, 6ft 5in tall and 350lbs. He's having a few beers when a short, well dressed and obviously gay man walks in and sits beside him. After 3 or 4 beers, the gay fella finally plucks up the courage to say something to the big Chavster. Leaning over, he cups his huge ear "Do you want a blow job?" he whispers. At this, the Chav leaps up with fire in his eyes and smacks the man in the face. Knocking him off the stool, he proceeds to beat him all the way out of the bar. Finally he leaves him badly bruised, in the car park and returns to his seat as if nothing had happened. Amazed the bartender quickly brings over another beer. …
... why his nick name is Bushy.
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this is the email i got from him, fucking hilarious. From: Sergio Spinosa [mailto:sergio.spinosa@seacon-******.com] Sent: 17 July 2004 17:19 To: Haydock, James (KEU.LON); Howell, Phil (KEU.LON); Pilsworth, Simon (KEU.LON) Subject: My adventure to get back in Italy Ciao mates, I was still recalling in my mind the great fun of Thursday to the party and after. James, I have to say that you really lost further fun when you left because we enjoyed a lot the disco and the 32 women that we fucked (you can cancel the last part). Guys, I wanna tell you a very funny (and sad) story. Basically, when I got the taxi back the …
I just thought I'd share with you the Truth About Rave. "RAVES ARE FILLED WITH SPIRITUAL MUSIC LEADING MASSES IN WORSHIP...BUT IN WORSHIP TO WHOM?" "All music has inspired origin, purpose, and power -- either from Almighty God, or from satan. Through the music of this world, satan stirs the masses physically, emotionally, and spiritually." "Without question, satan has counterfeited music." "The biblical evidence is clear. Music was created by God for the purpose of the worship of the One, the True, and the Almighty ( Worthy ) God. Music that is not composed and presented in tune with that purpose cannot be harmless." Just some food for thought …
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Did anyone see the bird get struck down then exploded by lightening ?
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'Tickle my fancy' said the Womble to the Badger. 'Thats so rude' answered the Badger. 'You know you love it really' jeered the Womble, to which the Badger replied 'Too fookin right, bend me over and spank me silly!! i get more and more worried bout this girl but i love her
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bastards, every bloody one of you.
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