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new backless, sticky bra things today & oh my it's like having to chicken fillets stuck to your chest, great fun
- 29 replies
We call had a fab-orooni time at Serious and much fun at the after party! what did all you crazy cats do and was as good at my weekend?
- 19 replies
click im a huge spongebob fan but even i wouldnt do this
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I be Cat Woman cause she gets to wear loads of kinky PVC.
- 15 replies
a guy is doing sign language for a nature program, it's bloody amazing. he's not doing deaf stuff for "the car has driven down the road" he's doing it for things like "these deep sea creatures have flashing blue neon bacteria, and can spot bio luminescent creatures blah blah" technical sign language. Wow.
- 3 replies
i am djing at dilate (info here) at this event and would like as much support as possible therefore i am trying to organise loads of people to go up there from london so if u have a car and don't mind giving some1 a lift there let me know, and if u would like a lift but have no way of getting up there then let me know and if there is ne1 with a spare place in a car i will let u know
- 6 replies
Been thinking about organising a reunion for all the CTW members like the good old days - maybe a house party or a BBQ What does everyone think?
- 46 replies
Happy birthday!!! Hope you have a good one lovely to see you again and meet your mates at serious hope you have the day off today and you get something nice be lazy on you birthday and be sure to get very merry! hugs and kisses Stephie xxx
- 8 replies
- Ket's a drug for c*nts. Don't endorse being a c*nt.
- 4 replies
Went to watch this tonight. Its good, VERY controversial and I've got a feeling its gonna get banned. It basically states how George W Bush is virtually on Bin Ladens pay roll, 6% of America is owned by Afghanistan, Iraq (which was bombed by Bush after the 9/11 incident) hadn't EVER done anything wrong to the USA and how THICK Bush is. It was very one sided but also very informative. I recommend seeing it if you havent.
after the major success of our 2nd birthday at mass we go back up the road for our monthly george iv adventure this month the mayhem crew have as always only the best djs london have to offer as we transform the george iv with backdrops lasers and our personal favouite the bubble machines add all of this and add the best crowd in london and as always we have one wicked party SEE U ON THE DANCEFLOOR! TOTAL MAYHEM friday 23 july george iv,144 brixton hill, brixton 10pm-6am hardhouse, hardtrance and uplifting trance DJS STEVE BLAKE (heat) DEX (smile) WAYNE BURGESS (x-static) INSANITY (smile) MICKEY.C (total mayhem) KIER…
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Before when I got a pm it would pop up infront of me Now I get a loud click and a yellow flash thing appears round my mouse arrow Is it me or have changes taken place
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Will be finally back this week, along with all the photos ever taken. This will be sitting on a completely seperate / dedicated gallery server, leaving the gallery here (the integrated forum version) for use by members to upload the odd photo / small album and the the official ctw / larger member albums will go onto the new gallery server. New URL of CTW Gallery will be here: CTW Gallery
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it was lovely. didn't manage to take a picture so couldn't capture the moment, you're just going to have to accept it from me, that it was a moment, and it was very nice.
- 16 replies
only on it for a week am not aloud no sweets and chrisps (cos thats all iv been eating latly) and been swimming but to the point, today i bout a feast ice cream had 2 mouthfull and remberd and had to throw it away then i went to mc donalds bought some chips had 2 and threw them away then i went and bought a snickers and had one bite and threw it away what a waste, iv got a memory like a sive
- 66 replies
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Im going to Queer Nation v Wild Fruit @ Zap in Brighton Where u going?
- 26 replies
Well technically not from me but Wank Away! Have fun boys (and girls wishing to please their boys)
- 11 replies
id say about 12 stone (what ever that works out in lbs)