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if so when and where? I wish i was but I've had my fun
- 15 replies
Ian left MSN running when he left the net cafe and someone got on the pc and pretended to be him!!! what is it with me and people pretending to be people I know?
quite enjoying myself today. been having a slightly pornographic convosation with this georgious girl via e-mail
- 1 reply
Big brother! Who's out? I would say shell coz she's dull but then again people vote to get them out, and I don't think theres enough motivation for people to pick up the phone and vote for her So I'm gunna say...... Victor (although I've warmed to him since the Boyz II Men escipade...) Who knows eh?
- 11 replies
that's because it's nearly 1MB a black and white animated picture, whish is nearly 1MB it's well, cool, i just saved it.
Are you ever going to add anything valuable/constructive to threads here, rather than just slating people all the time? What the fuck is the point? If you just want to slate people, I hear gurn is nice this time of year!
- 6 replies
"proper" clubbing and cheesy clubs! just saw this on another site and thought it was an interesting topic! me: Gatecrasher, the Republic may '97 (and constantly for the next few years after!) cheesy club, NYE 1995, an awful club calleed capitol and i had just turned 15 lol god that makes me sounds old
- 52 replies
Whats that all about then?? I struggle to get a normal date without the added pressure of being rushed to pull in 3 minutes...
- 16 replies
'Bread eats scotch egg' 'Flange gets pix taken' 'Emu runs around field' 'Paranoid man thinks his room mates invited him to TW in Wales so they could kill him ! haha what a knob !' Same time this year ?
- 11 replies
Starts here! (looks like it's just me and u aaron )
- 28 replies
Well my friends it has been a while hasnt it! Sorry about my absence on the board and clubs etc but of late i have been very poorly!!! BUT......i am now back to continue the nicholson onslaught to conquer the world and by jove thats exactly what i'm gonna do! Tracks out this Summer will include: Carl Nicholson & Matt Williams - Streamline/A Very special remixer has been recruited but its a secret for now (Elasticman), Carl Nicholson & James Lawson - Lose Control(Lundun Tahn):- This little baby has had interest from many of the big Guns but will be tweakin in a week or so s, so more info will be available asap. My two new solo projects: Car…
- 9 replies
I have just had an email from Serious who said Matt Hardwick would rather do the interview by email so can you get the list of questions together so that i can send them over to him? We are going to be able to meet him before his set on sat briefly so we can have a chat anyway with him
- 11 replies
check this link for cute. was on a design site and this was posted, lol.
- 25 replies
Col - thanx 4 da txt m8 - am @serious this sat so no worriez this time - will let u no for futur w/e
- 1 reply
What did you use to open the two .bin files off shareconnector? Tried using ISO buster but it errored
- 4 replies