Welcome New Members !
Please create your first post & introduce yourself here so our members can welcome you to our friendly community ! 🙏
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Welcome to our ClubTheWorld Community ! We insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. Although the administrators & moderators of the ClubTheWorld Discussion Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, the owners of the ClubTheWorld.uk will not be held responsible for the content of any message. Having clicked the agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages or images that are obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. The owners of the ClubTheWorld.uk forums have the right to rem…
- 0 replies
Welcome Dedicated Clubbers ! 👍 Firstly - welcome to our wonderful site and thank you very much for signing up ! We're 100% certain you will not regret it and you will meet LOTS of really nice people on here who are into your music & clubs ... The very first thing you should do is to post in the Welcome New Members ! forum and introduce yourself to the other members - these posts normally get a good response - especially if you let us know where you live and what clubs and music you are into. Should you have any problems using the web site please email admin@ClubTheWorld.uk or use Contact Us on the menu above. Private Messages (PMs) One of the great tools in this comm…
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Hey everyone, used to be here a loooooong time ago (my old profile is in the post below...but i have no idea which email address it is linked to ) Any of the old members still about? I still have some fun memories of playing the CTW event in London all those years ago (can still picture James' big grin when I dropped "Devils Plaything" by Weirdo ) Anyway, randomly stumbled back here while looking for my old mixes... lost everything years ago and had wondered if any links still worked (seems to not be the case). Decks and vinyls all gone since 2007 just after I moved to Japan so that was the end of my mixing unfortunately.
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Thought I'd finally join the forum seeming it's been around for donkey ages. I'm Alfie and I'm a hard house slut, got into hard house raving a few years ago and ever since then I try to go to many events as I can. I'm really into the harder and old skool type of hard house, 12 Inch Thumpers, Vicious Circle, Tripoli Trax, and Tidy Trax, If anyone is from Essex ways and fancy going out together HIT ME UP!
- 3 replies
Hiya CTW!! I was watching an old Tidy Weekender vid on FB, and saw a face I recognised at about 53s in. Several mins on Google and I found my old fav clubbing site and some familiar faces. So, this is Pablo saying hi and asking, is that Si in the video?? https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2208287965971709 Pablo
- 12 replies
wazzuup people, how r we all today? just come straight from 4clubbers to this fine forum - who here is a SS North regular visiter? hope to meet up with loadsa ya soon Take care in those clubz guys - Si xxxxx
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- 1 follower
hi i'm new too. my name is alasdair and i live in san francisco. before that i was in boston, london and my home town of edinburgh. love to dance. mostly to crazy, hard psychedelic trance. as my friend mark once observed, "if it sounds like a spaceship is landing in your head, that's psytrance" my fave psytrance acts include: Wizzy Noise Infected Mushroom SUN Project Hallucinogen Shpongle Astral Projection X-Dream Logic Bomb Talamasca other big things in my life are my friends and burning man (http://www.burningman.com) where we build our magicglasses camp every year (http://www.magicglasses.com)…
- 18 replies
- 1 follower
Hello all i'm happy to be back my old CTW name was Leedzlad I'm David 39 from Leeds i cant really remember many people here apart from Si & Majikman i think his name was. Anyway i'm a Multi-Genre DJ and been back into it 2 years now after a good 10 year break. If you want to know more about me my Social Media profiles are- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DjDavidTimothy/ Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/djdavidtimothy Mixcloud - https://www.mixcloud.com/DavidTimothy/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/DjDavidTimothy Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidtimothydj/ Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/DjDavid…
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- 1 follower
Ellooooooooo, well i know iv been introduced on another of the boards but seein as im still new i thought id harrass u all with another message!! I have a homepage with pics on and stuff if u wana look!! Hope to have some random madness with u all!!
- 68 replies
CTW is back - pls come and say hi here again so we know who’s back 🥰
- 116 replies
Allright there people? Does anybody happen to know a member on here called ClaireDC?? She's got her pictures posted on the gallery under members photos. Can't seem to contact her through the private message jobby so I would love it if somebody could help me out. Or ask her to contact me! Cheers, The Great DJ ALEX V
- 13 replies
Long time eh?? Ive had abit of a change, see piccy!! This is me now!! Hope you are all ok?? Cheers
- 8 replies
- 1 follower
God.... Tis been along time away, good couple of years i think... (w00t) anyway im back now and like to say hi to everyone..
- 2 replies
- 1 follower
Hello. Some how i got an e-mail from your website so i checked it out and joined being a fellow clubber. So hello to everyone 😎
- 12 replies
Hi all.. I am new to CTW. It looks like a great website and a brilliant way to get mixing with other djs, and hopefully get me more gigs about the country Nice to have joined! Sarah x
- 35 replies
...I've recently moved to London from Liverpool and I've been trying to find ppl who are into the same things as me ie. Hard House, Drugs and clubs. Guess what, it looks like I've found a website full of you. Its been a while since I've been out to a proper club so I think its time to Gurn. Looking forward to getting to know more of you.
- 26 replies
It's been a long long time since i've graced these forums. What's new? and how's everyone doing?
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Took me ages to sign up, but i finally got round to it can't think wot I was gonna write now it must be all the drugs...
- 29 replies
Its been a very long time. hope your all keeping well. life is good for me in sheffield. 👍 Loving my job and have a massive favour to ask from you all. we have been nominated for best bar on the galaxy night life awards. please can you spare 5 mins to vote for Takapuna Bar Sheffield as best bar. :happydance: www.galaxyyorkshire.co.uk/nightlifeawards hope to catch up with you all sometime soon. much love stephanie tart xxx
- 5 replies
Hello everyone looking for some clubbing friends and friends to talk codshit too... to know more about me check me profile...Hoping to be around a bit on these boards...i live in the wonderful [censored] hole called boston! not much i can really say lol, i aint very good at this introduction stuff. Cheers, Moff
- 19 replies
Couldn't resist restoring the original forum when I found I had actually bothered to back it up ! You guys were the original crew with by far the highest posts ! I had forgotten about so many members and events, the posts are all highly amusing. Mixed emotions. Loads of things not working, but I'm trying to fix it all; Gallery Articles CTW Newsflash Email notifications Timezone Fonts randomly changing watermark background not displaying fix logo on other colour templates ... Enjoy ! Please reply to this thread with any issues you find.
ah it's been a while. what made me think of ctw today. i'm not sure. i hope this message finds you all well - if anybody remembers me, that is. i'm still in california. i recently moved back to the bay area (san francisco) to find a long term job. 'snowboarding' for a living is a great lifestyle choice but it doesn't pay very well. i've been doing some consulting to pay the bills but i'm still looking for something permanent. what's new? alasdair
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not been on ere in aggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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just thought i'd pop on here to say hello to everyone, im in the states at the minute showing these yanks how to party uk stylee!!! hope ur all good!!!
- 13 replies
hello every1. i aint a new member as such but i aint posted on here b4. nice to meet u all anyway matt
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Hiya Im on here to hopefully chat to some like minded clubbers - I've recently moved to Manc uni (from liverpool) and OMG- people here aren't into hard house Help me out of this student cheese- filled situation?
- 26 replies