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Please take a moment to play our tracks at Sound This helps us on the charts! We are looking to move up. We are already in the top 25 with Sapphira! Please help us out. Repost and ask your friends to do the same! Please! Thanks!
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Whats up everyone?? I’m here just chillin to some new music I just got from my boss at Universal. It’s an album by Lil Flip and Mr. Capone-e called Connected. The album has a lot of great beats. I put this cd in my car and it sounds so dope. I put it on my playist I usually play on my computer. Anyone else have a copy of the album? Check it out…it’s something different and you might like it! "hustle for the same thing" is my favorite track right now
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this place is so fuckin excitin isnt it? i keep comin back every day and so far theres been no new topics posted for 2 days and thats only coz every so often u get randoms comin in to post about their myspace page. so lets talk about some pish! :happydance: am listenin to faithless just now. :D im on itunes shuffle and it has chosen for me We Come 1 good selection ma dog likes to growl randomly and there's nobody there. shes a soft stupid dog. she's so afraid at people so she barks at them with the tail between hind legs haha
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Hi, Guys...!!! I am new on your site and I am amazed by the skills of some people here... not too sure if this is the right place to be posting this msg Let me introduce myself first : I am Yann, a webmaster and dive instructor, 27 years old. i have many questions about music, web , PC and education... Where i can post my messages... So, thanks a lot!
Tasty’s 5th Birthday is just round the corner and we’re getting seriously excited about the prospect of filling all 5 rooms of the Renaissance Rooms with cutting-edge hard dance music and hundreds of mad-for-it ravers! We have a very special announcement to make. Neil The Pornstar has had to cancel his set in the Love Muzik vs Digital Love room due to prior commitments, which has left a bit of a hole in our schedule. As a result of this, Tasty is giving all you budding DJs a chance to fill his spot on the 5th Birthday line-up! We’re looking for a DJ who can play a shit-hot set of funky/dirty house, old skool or club classics to fill Neil’s place and rock…
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It's been cold all week and also wet and well windy, init ? Today, here in London, it's windy, but it is WARM outside. It kinda freak me out, global warming scares the shite out of me
Free To Be Me EP featuring Serenity If you enjoyed the instrumental CD by Tears of Technology, you will love the new tracks featuring the angelic vocals of Serenity..... New level for both to free your mind.....great electro...... Soon new material featuring Serenity will be on Apple iTunes and other file sharing services. check it available through CD Baby! Thanks everyone for the support! The Tears
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Japan's ruling party chooses Abe Japan's ruling party elects Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe as next leader, and likely prime minister.
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This week Clubbed Up are proud to present one of the biggest names in Hard Dance histroy,ANDY FARLEY. Andy has been involved in the scene right from the start, starting his career as resident for Sundissnetial at the legendary Church right the way through to modern day with residencies all over the world at only the creme de la creme of clubs,in this time Andy has headlined just about every major festival in the world including the massive Dance Valley festival in Holland. Productions wise Andy has been just as busy with early classics such as Bring It Back and Khemikal Imbalance to modern day hits like Uluru on his own Blue Cubed imprint not to forget the timeless The Ki…
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As most of you may recall today is the 2 year anniversary of Sarah PVC's passing. She will never be forgoten by me and many others. Rest in peace muntgirl, keep partying hard :yay: !!!!
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Hi everybody I know, and those I don't know. How you all doing? I am now back @ work after taking a year off to look after my beautiful new son. Haven't been clubbing in an absolute age, but will deffo try & sort something out in the near future. Would be great to meet up with you naughty lot again. So, what have I missed??? :thumbsup:
you all know the tune so sing along but try not to laugh At first i was afraid, i was petrified by the ugly wanker that was layin by my side i would,ve drunk a little less, i tried to keep my head if id known for just one second id be in ur crusty bed i tried to go, walk out the door but i laffed so hard at ur small nob that ive fallen on the floor ur butts a pimply mess, its just a broken-out disgrace but id rather look at that than ur f*ckin ugly face i want to go, ive got to leave your talk of chicks and football really makes me want to heave i only know ive got to stop drinkin spirits and the beer cos when i looked at u last nite, u…
Hard! :yay: Grady G's set from Friday 27th Oct 2006, on clubbed up. This is how I remeber hard house, nice and dirty with lots of hoovers. Takes me back to the days af getting absolutely spannered with all the CTW mob, usually at HUGE events like crasher N.E.C. Clicky clicky below \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ GRADY G
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the soca group elvis white just came out with a brand new video for "sexy waist". the song's so sick....chill, nice carrihbean vibe, good rhythm. the video couldn't be more fitting either. good setting and nice culture representation. i got a link for the video from a coworker at umgd and it's totally free so if anyone wants to give it a try, here ya go:
My oh my do we have something rather special for you this week,this week we have a rather exclusive guest all the way from the land of Oz,thats Australia for those of you who arent keeping up,please welcome Mr.GRADY G!!! Grady burst onto the UK scene in February of 2004 with his first UK release Crazee on Passion Records,since then he has continued to annihilate clubbers' eardrums with devastatingly hard NRG on a wide range of labels including Passion,Arktik and Filth Traxx with tracks including Afraid Of The Dark,Hard as Fuck and Shotgun Facelift. Not happy with being the biggest headliner down under Grady is on an exclusive whistle stop tour of the UK with some awesome …
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I used to come on here al the time with a different log in name but then stopped! I am now back again for round 2 Rather than me write a boring story about myself have a look at Russell James feel free to add yourself :thumbsup:
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Anybody can recomend me links to order professional software for advertising in internet? It's really important to me. Please, help. Thank you all P.S. Also I need for ad soft that can break CAPTHA's, can mass posting, can sort sites by Google PageRank (PR) and others. By the way, I'm interested in any scripts to work whith Google AdSense, Google AdWords. P.P.S. Sorry for my post in "Jokes" category.
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All, The Article Manager software has just been upgraded, as such there is now a new login URL ... URL: Thanks,
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Engaged to my gorgeous girlfriend Kerri, went to cornwall 2 see her this weekend and got down on 1 knee with a beauty of a half carrat diamond encrusted ring and proposed to which she said YES! I shall be moving to cornwall in november so i can get settled before christmas comes, really looking forward 2 my fresh start in life down there :love: (w00t)
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This week the Clubbed Up crew are very proud to welcome one of the biggest and most likeable stars in the Hard Dance scene today,Ben Stevens,Ben has really grown in the last few yrs since being signed to legendary Vicious Circle which has seen him play at just about every major club in the country from Sundissential to Storm to B2T to the legendary Tidy Weekenders and many other Tidy events. Not content with devastating dancfloors for a living Ben has also been busy in the studio producing and remixing for major labels including Vicious Circle and Tripoli Trax,his tracks being aired by major players including Paul Glazby,Karim,Justin Bourne,Ian M and just about every othe…
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click the link below to see the total mayhem, x-static double birthday video advert saturday 21st october 2006 @ fridge, brixton for more info goto WWW.TOTALMAYHEMUK.COM
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pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish pish …
I was at work at UMGD yesterday and I found this really hot music video - It's for a group called Elvis White, theyre like Reggae/Hip-hop. Theyre CD is so much fun, totally perfect to dance to. Check it out, Anyone like?
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i'm kicking myself coz i cant remember what this tune is called. go to this link CLICK the first tune that plays (u may watch the whole thing cos its pretty amazing) somebody told me it was by moby...
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How is everybody its been ages since i have been on here i used to come on here under a diferent name and then stopped but i am now back for round 2 as fresh as ever! Have a look at Russell James Myspace feel free to add yourself :thumbsup:
- 15 replies
Hi mate, how ya doing, long time no speak ! 2 questions for you . . Q1. Were you staying anywhere near New South Wales when you went to Australia ? If not, do you know how far a journey it is to travel from New South Wales to the main places like Sydney ? Q2. Has Shaney changed his Phone Number ? If he has can you PM me, or PM me whichever one you have. Thanks luv. x