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You dirty filthy fooker How good ... I mean how GOOD ... is Brain Damage (his new cd, if you haven't received one ask coz your missing out big time) there should be a parental advisory label on there though!!! Don't listen by yourself or in the dark Top stuff Shane
- 17 replies
Take the test My result: Apollo - God of Poetry and Music. You are the ideal man - basically, a stud. Loved by all, your golden boy charm is enough to drive most women crazy with lust. You are the most wanted of all the deities. Women place you on a pedestal during the day, and dream about you at night. And once you work your godly magic in the bedroom, you've got them hooked for life. You are the hot, smart and charming guy who all the ladies want to ravage. Your inner intelligence, sensual nature and fantastic physique make women happy to oblige any of your requests. Your hot and steamy temperament and the devotion that simmers within you make women s…
- 14 replies
Just a quick one, You can now send attachments via PMs and I've also increased the attachment sizes from 100k to 500k limit Also increased max number of emoticons in a post to 100 lol (see my blog lol)
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Oh I do love this wine. It's deffinatly my favourote brand of wine, along with Chardonnay (although not together, although I think id be up for trying a wine snakebite). I bought this bottle for my mother for christmas 2004, and it JUST been opened. Sorry mum
could someone help me? i honestly do not know how to get images in a post, such as this one. as you can see i posted the new nukleuz topic in the albums bit... ive been trying for ages to be able to get the album cover image up and on the post and i cant do it! how do u do it? everyone was able to get their angel picture and their god picture up and whatever... i tried, and it didnt work. i quoted the person who had the same as mine and took away the quote coding... so gimme a hand chums?
- 7 replies
Anyone know the contact number or where I can find it ? Cheers.
No welcome post? Where are you from, Ive heard you are a part of the hardcore massive? Come join us at tidy w'ender, Me Charlene, James and Maria could do with someone to tidy our chalet and fetch us drinks. Peace out
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WTF is going on with yiour avatar chicken?? How old 10 maybe?? jeezzzz look at those chubster cheeks
hello all, i int bin on hear 4 AGAES thort id pop n say hi n c wot u r all getting up 2. who is going 2 tw?
- 11 replies
I treated a mate to lunch - because he was skint. What have you done ? Hmmmm ?
- 23 replies
Remember this ? How awesome was seeing this RaNdOmLy cruise past, on a hot summers day, sat at the top of the 'chill on the hill' listening to the most amazing, deep dark chill out trance from Sacha and Digweed ? DANCE VALLEY. (btw that image just popped up in the Random Feature).
- 6 replies
Haven't been postin' for a couple of weeks n missed these boards alot... I got married in Florida n had the honeymoon on a cruise ship to Mexico, pics here - Wedding Pics Honeymoon Shots
- 10 replies
oi bird, thought u were calling me wen u got back from james" i have been completly skint till i get my bursery tomorrow and havent even been able to top up my fone to give u a call.. things have been real bad finacially since christmas as i had to do the whole thing my god dam self, thanx to kev!! i have been without a car as the front bumper fell off mine as well as fooked up shock absorbers, exhaust etc. i have borrowed a car now till i get mine repaird this week. it has been horrible walking every where again. the only good thing is ive put on a stone and finally have a pair of tits! IM MASSIVE oh well never mind. i will give u a cal t…
Hey dude - been speaking to Charlene via Mobilia Text Messagonia - she is well looking forward to Tidy - can't wait to see her ! Been YEARS man !!
- 11 replies
.. the children are in bed when I get here ? NO FUN
- 19 replies
Possibly the best television series ever. Just finished series 3 on DVD in time for tonite!!!
- 9 replies
I thought I'd bring a bit of culture to the board. Salvador Dali must have been a shroom monster if he painted pictures like thse... fucking weirdo...the world of art will never be the same again.
- 13 replies
She will pay for any offers, thank you please! BONJOUR BONJOUR. Diddley squat... Pin up club is the daddy of tomato sauces. TURKEY... is my beef. HOW DO YOU EAT YOURS? If I had a hammer - Id go boom bang-a-bang, boom bang-a-bang boooooooooooooooooom. Stella Artois. Live the dream. Brewed in the UK and distributed by interbrew UK ltd., Luton, LU1 3LS. Consumer helpline: 0870 241 1124 Orrrrrrrrrr, The greatest thing, you'll ever learn... is just to snort... and be sniffed in return. Late night entertainment, brought to you by Tart and Izzy.
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