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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Shaney R,

    Im off, night night, cya 2moz

    • 11 replies
  2. Yes, New Year and the first Out Of The Blue of 2005. Firday 28th of Feb at Club North, Tibbs st (Under Afflecks Palace) STU ANGUS MARC WEST (Passion) KRS (Synergy) FLASH! & LORD K (Residents) Soooooo, who's game??

    • 0 replies
  3. Started by James,

    Jon says: my plumber has attached my toilet ot the fucking hot water system. I nearly scladed my ass when i went for a crap Jon says: fucking cowboys _James says: LMAO Jon says: theyre here fixing it now _James says: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! _James says: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 7 replies
  4. Started by Maria,

    Last time I went out of the house was early this morning - and i still have my boots on. (Took my coat off about 15 minutes ago :s)

    • 14 replies
  5. Started by Bubblegum_Fairy,

    Hey hey everyone! How do?

    • 82 replies
  6. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    i passed 2000 posts haha happy post day to me

    • 9 replies
  7. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    click here?

    • 7 replies
  8. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    slap the annoying raver jus click on slap the bitchslap

  9. Started by LiamStyles,

    New year means new things so................ Im going to learn to play guitar. Have been thinking of something new to learn or do, think this will be ace

    • 19 replies
  10. Started by Lisa,

    Following on from the fav word thread what is your least fav word? Mine would be cunt, just dont like it & housework

    • 6 replies
  11. Started by Lisa,

    think ive broke my finger!!!

    • 13 replies
  12. does anyone else get goosebumps from tunes wheneva i hear hevens cry it sends shivers up my bak and i get goosebumps oh what a tune

    • 8 replies
  13. Started by Lisa,

    • 9 replies
  14. Started by Maria,

    Make your own art ! Iv just done mine - I call it Dani Can't Find The Showers At Dance Valley lmao

    • 19 replies
  15. Started by Lisa,

    checked out the new look CTW competition forum & anyone goning to enter??

    • 7 replies
  16. Started by Shaney R,

    I have a spare ticket for Tidy Weekender for sale its a Classic space and will be with Kate Bear Bungle Kates Friend Ticket is £100 (£50 in 2 weeks and the the other £50 before 18th february) Please either pm me or email me if intersted, come on guys you know ya wanna share a weekend with me

  17. Started by Chris Hutchinson,

    http://www.clubtheworld.uk/index.php?act=...=stats&gameid=1 hows that work then

    • 6 replies
  18. Started by Tidy Tart,

    Past few nights i been having oats so simple any1 else have a late night snack they have every night?

    • 32 replies
  19. Started by Tidy Tart,

    i have decided that the makers of pringles must put something in them to make them addictive like the chemicals they put in coca cola that makes people crave it. can any1 say that when they open a tub of pringles they can put the lid back on? 6their slogan is true once you pop you just cant stop not good when your tryin 2 tone up really

    • 9 replies
  20. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    i promise later i will find u some web sites i forgot today i have a contact session to go to ad wont be back till tonite il do it later or tomorrow

  21. Started by Maria,

    'Anyone know how to follow him out of the building on Chapter 20 ?' (I've no idea what this game is - posting a message for a family Member).

  22. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    make an actual pic avatar size lol i want it shrinking not cutting as i took it on my fone just of me and shay jus so i got a choice of avatar

    • 6 replies
  23. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    after having grown my nails for months i thought they needed cutting down so they could grow same length now its bloody annoying typing with fingers not nails as im not used to it and i cant scratch

  24. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    this pic look like haha its off tidy boards cant beat system forum used as the forum pic

  25. Started by Ginge,

    Now I've got your attention. Good afternoon people. How are you jolly old lot on this rather strange bright but freezing mid-january day? I'm doing surprisingly well considering I've just spent over £100 at chav central (Argos) on some new pillows, an oscillating fan heater and 3 new quilt covers...'bout time really though, I only had 1 quilt cover before (South Park) and it was getting a little faded and tatty.

  26. Started by Giftedpixie,

    Work opportunities available for Jazz Musicians asap. All types of muscians considered for other events. Free open decks party in country estate manor this weekend, please pm me for details.

    • 4 replies
  27. Started by Shaney R,

    ive just made a mega curry....................... Full bag of atlantic king prawns 1 whole onion 1 green pepper 6 chillis who dares burns sauce thai 7 spice salt pepper Lloyd Grossmans Balti Sauce & Pasta LUSH but fuck me its well hot...............................

    • 26 replies
  28. Started by Tidy Tart,

    that is me sweet dreams peeps shall be on sometime 2morrow just 2 say hello xxxx

    • 2 replies
  29. Started by Ikon,

    Anyone wanna a buy a brand new one for £340 + postage??? It's cost me nearly £30 in listing fees on eBay and I still cant get rid of it!

    • 17 replies
  30. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    taken from tidy board from someone who works for passion and storm Daley says... (13053 posts) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiesto at Passion This is the first european gig this year for the world's number 1 DJ. Tickets have been sold all over Europe for this event. Tickets are selling fast. PLEASE BUY YOUR TICKETS SOON TO AVOID DISAPPOIMTMENT. This event WILL sell out. Blue Room: Tiësto Guy Ornadel Matt Hardwick Marc West Andy Bagguley Red Room: ATFC Sonny Wharton Shane Hopkinz Chris Nobles + Live Percussion 8pm – 6am, £20. Inf…

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