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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by James,

    LMAO - PROOF that I've moved on and most of these fools havent - he STILL cant resist but resort to names. Just for the record the last straw for me at the time was what he said about Sarah, and then also when he (and Jay) subsequently decided to get involved in my PRIVATE/PERSONAL life and lecture me about my relationship and even had the nerve to go and speak to Maria's mother directly about my so-called 'behaviour'. I'm still EXTREMELY fucked off to this day - the fucking cheek of it. How can people in this world be friends with shit stirrers like this ? One of the people I particularly REALLY dislike in this world (I'v only ever met 3 people I particularly…

    • 5 replies
  2. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    o2 got a text today sayin ive earnt 33pounds free calltime apparently between october and december i spent 300 quid on my fone wen i never someone borrowed that sim for a while and now i got it back im gettin a load a free credit . i aint complaining

    • 17 replies
  3. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    gona nip to town back in a bit

  4. Started by LiamStyles,

    I dont why, i just have to. So keep up the chat people That is all

    • 54 replies
  5. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    cross and blackwells chicken soup soup in a cup thing and they really nice

  6. Started by Spunkmonkey,

    Lady Dana ...apparently, im 63% compatible

    • 21 replies
  7. Started by Maria,

    That me these past few hours !

    • 6 replies
  8. Started by Lisa,

    Ewww ming the big one, they is gonna do it!!!! If I was her id be like fook of Den have a wank in this wee pot here & pass me the turkey baister, thankyou!!!

    • 25 replies
  9. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    can u see clicky

    • 17 replies
  10. Started by Scream,

    Hello all. It's been a while since i've posted, well since i've been on any board or msn really. Work has really had me flat out, although today i've realised i really need to step things up as i have an exam either next week or the week after and i feel like i know diddly squot at the moment. anyway how are you all? Did you all have a nice xmas and a good new year? I hope you all did. I unfortunately was ill so stayed in on nye, boring i know and i really wish i was out, but hey hoy that's how it unfolds sometimes. well speak to you all soon

    • 18 replies
  11. Started by Lisa,

    Here are a few things the great man himself has said over the years (1967 When asked if he would like to visit the Soviet Union) "The bastards murdered half my family.." (1981 A comment during the UK's recession) "Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed.." (1982 To Solomon Islanders, on being told that their population growth was 5% a year) "You must be out of your minds.." (1984 On receiving a gift from a Kenyan native woman) "You are a woman aren't you?.." (1986 To a group of British students in China) "If you stay here much longer you'll all be slittyeyed.." (To a Cayman Islander) …

    • 4 replies
  12. Started by Aaron,

    Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but everyone private email address is full viewable by opening up the profile. Is there an option to this off? Gracias

  13. Started by djiceman,

    Ok, i'm a bit slow today coz i've only just noticed (somewhere) on the board the stats for pontins. can anyone tell me how to get tickets etc etc.... I've said to myself that this year i wanna get out to more meet ups! (new year resolution) p.s. i don't know whether Carol's coming yet, ain't told her.....

  14. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    did u guys get a popular chalet as apparently we have cos there was no 4 berth classics at the time we booked lmao we aint got a shower oh well who's got a shower i can borrow then

  15. Hi all, Just to let you know that (after a lengthy delay!), DJGRH.com (www.djgrh.com) is now online. Version 1 of the site features a lot of different sections and archives, as well as up to date information and a hell of a lot of audio, relating to myself. Contained within the site, you’ll find : - My current DJ biography - MP3 and other audio of mixes, radio features and production clips - My current chart - Substantial archived interviews - Photography and collage material - All my ‘latest news’ - My DJ diary - Loads of links to many varied sites - My contact and booking details - Information on my freelance marketing - A g…

    • 0 replies
  16. Started by babyred,

    Hi everyone, Long time no see! It's good to get back on here, it's been way too long! So much has happened since i was last on here, but its all good at the mo im back at college studying music management and business studies wish id done it years ago i absolutely love it! So what have you lot been up to then?

    • 6 replies
  17. Started by Maria,

    Fooking thing :@

    • 10 replies
  18. Started by Lisa,

    • 12 replies
  19. Started by Maria,

    Click !

    • 14 replies
  20. Started by Lisa,

    This is wicked & I want him to work his majic on me!! CClick on any of the pics & then roll curser over it!! TOUCHED UP!!

    • 8 replies
  21. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    home to the boyfriends in a bit so doubt il be online till tomorrow as he has promised not to go on halo 2 tonite so no net for me plus i aint seen him in 2 days if i dont talk to u later il talk to u all tomorrow

  22. Started by Carl Nicholson,

    And how the devil are you all doing!

  23. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    in tidy having an information email address and wen u email and ask them summat u get totally ignored and also the hq forum u ask a question and u get it ignored i did as requested and asked about the collection for comic releif and they blanked me too bothered about the spare change meaning them losing out if u ask me but not replying means not admitting it well im gona email all the email addresses on contact us page and make a complaint that kelzz didnt get back to me wen its her job to have at least gave me a reason ok rant over

  24. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    who agres with me that the latest up roar on prince harry wearing a natzi costume for a fancy dress party is purely stupid apparently he was meant to wear something to represent brittain as that is where he lives not another country talk about dwelling on the past i though the war was in the 1940's and all is peiceful its a fancy dress party ffs chill out

    • 9 replies
  25. Started by Maria,

    Absolutely LOVE this little dish.. Could eat it forever .. Thousand island, small prawns, and chopped up lettuce and cucumber ..

    • 21 replies
  26. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    • 5 replies
  27. Topic was moved to forum DJ Forum

  28. Started by Lisa,


  29. Started by Maria,

    Clicky clicky

    • 7 replies
  30. Started by Maria,

    Nice e:mail ! Should I be scared ? :| :s

    • 6 replies
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