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The new clubbed up webiste is finally up-and-running!!!featuring the new Clubbed Up Dj agency, information about u (the dj) can feature on the countrys biggest up-and-coming hard dance/techno radio station and a free track download in the news section!!!dont forget to check out our new message board in the contact section - WWW.CLUBBEDUP.CO.UK
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Hello everyone. 'Tis good to see lots of names I recognise on here even after a couple of years! (And my favourite smiley is still around! ---> ) I originally lurked here 2+ years ago, and then very briefly returned something like 10-11 months ago... and now Dani has dragged me here by my ear again... So I thought I'd poke my head in and (re)introduce myself. I feel totally and utterly out of touch with club culture and CTW, but it seems like I'm going to PaSSion on the 18th of Feb for NeoN's birthday bash Anyway... Ta ta for now. I need to toddle off to get some food -Nik Oh also, I have to say something after hearing about Sarah recently. …
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sort it with mark about stoppin at his that weekend and u can come tiesto in the car with me and pete if ya likes we got nik in too no need to be down and miss it it will be so good
- 7 replies
what time tomorrow am i getting picked up?? i wont be on net tomorrow to sort it out cause he is taking the laptop on the course with him
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LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Can you add this to the arcade please ? lol)
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as an idea for tidy weekend bearing in mind its only fringes and not trousers wearing sexy undies underneath so n show and fishnets give it that extra appeal lol here still out my range tho but maybe
- 11 replies
Take the test You Are A Carnal Kisser! About Your Kissing Style: For you, kissing is just an appetizer - and a brief one at that. It's not unusual for your hands to wander elsewhere when kissing, even on a first date. Truth be told, you much rather be kissed some where other than your lips! What Your Kissing Style Says About You: You're a highly sexual person and not ashamed of it. What's the big deal about sex, anyway? Of all your friends, you're the best in bed... no wonder their lovers are always eyeing you. You're biggest problem in relationships is having too many to choose from. You're in demand, babe!
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hi all happy xmas and new year am back on 8th - so far am having a right old weird hols - this tsunami is wreaking havoc over here with our weather - so far were having typhoons and sandstorms - hopefuly will sort itself out v soon so glad for james and maria from gettin back from pooket safely!!!!! maria u fuck thanks for ure shit text have a good one peeps back to chat tomoz 4 five me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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I took my mum to London yesterday to see Les Miserables for her fiftieth Today complete anti climax - totally bored so making a roast dinner for something to do. Anyone within 20 minutes away welcome to join me.. I have catered for 10, 000
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one of my hdd's just 'died' lucky is was a working pc but one of the otheres is storage so 15 or so dvd's to back it up I think means all my work has to be in the lounge now & I cant watch dvd's in bed >cry<
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Cant remember the company name (will have a look) but is anyone going for this new EIGHT megabyte broadband - its about £30 a month !
- 28 replies
Ello ello ! Did you get a phone call off me today ? My mobile was in my pocket when I went out today and it happened to unlock itself and call a few peopel in my phone book (AGAIN). Not sure if it rung your end but it was connecting when I looked at the screen before I hit disconnect ..
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Does anyone know if this is any good ? Just heard a few samples on TV and some good tunes were played.
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I think I much prefer a 'normal view' tv - these things take a bit of getting used to ! :S
Anyone seen these little cool 'projects' about ? I bought my nephew two little projects last week at Milton Keynes. You get a box with all these little 'ingredients' in. I bought him 2. One 'Make An Eyeball And See How It Works' and another 'Make Your Own Brain And See How It Works'. They are pretty damn cool for children, as it comes with a little book of facts on how these parts of the body work .. you create them and paint / colour them. VERY beneficial imo. Helped my nephew 'build' them and told him all the facts which are quite fascinating for young children !
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Why not check out the new clubbed up website? Featuring the radio show and dj agency - See how you can get involved! Theres also a forum that were getting kick started - you can register via the contacts setcion on the website Cheers The Clubbed Up Crew
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Dani, Sorry to be a pain but can you slightly shortern your signature lol
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