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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by James,

    Why do I get soooooo much shit - I've hardly been on any dodgy sites (honest!) From : Christel Sent : 05 August 2004 12:43:34 To : james@hotmail.com Subject : my new website | | Junk E-Mail | Inbox We've identified this mail as junk. Please tell us if we were right or wrong by clicking Junk or Not Junk First Time on Film Hi, My name is Christel and I have just had some seriously hardcore sex with my friends that we taped. I licked out my friend Daisy – while Bartlet rammed my ass with his hard cock.

    • 7 replies
  2. Started by Lisa,

    Really want to see this film, has anyone seen it yet? Ive read mixed reviews but mainly good & does anyone actually believe in *white noise*

    • 16 replies
  3. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    o jej, ale bym ci wylizal ten pepek bet ya cant guess what t means lmao

  4. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    just got 'smells like teen spirit' house remix by them

  5. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    all the lights have just blown lol and i was gonna go in shower

    • 5 replies
  6. Started by Lisa,

    Give it a go!!

    • 4 replies
  7. Started by Phil rr,


    • 24 replies
  8. Started by Lisa,

    Anyone watching this on BBC2, it's quite funny

  9. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    this was on my msn page wen i logged on 50 ways to propose for those old romantics and them that are clueless not that anyone here would but jus trying to post something lol here

    • 22 replies
  10. Started by Maria,

    'fucjk all matters. Why can't this be the case when you are soba ? Maybe I should become an alcoholoc ...

    • 13 replies
  11. Started by tony84,

    Hi, ive just created a new website im trying to promote rate my body ok its like hot or not you can post pictures of head pr bpdy etc nut nothing to adult related Tony

    • 2 replies
  12. Started by Lisa,

    he is a clever likkle fella, so far he has replied to posts & now he is printing off something

  13. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    my son jus nicked my crunchy out my hands the greedy shit id only had 1 bite and u know toddlers they will scream if i take it back and i cant be arsed to fight with him

  14. Started by Lisa,

    on a bloody saturday morning...... 40 come on join up & post we dont bite, much

    • 6 replies
  15. Started by Maria,

    How long the estimate do you rekkon it will take to completely rebuild ?

    • 6 replies
  16. Started by goshow,


    • 4 replies
  17. Started by Lisa,

    was pissing down this morning when I got up but fook me it's looking like a summers day out there now.. Aint the weather mad, whats it like your way?

    • 8 replies
  18. Started by goshow,


  19. Started by goshow,

    chavs LMAO

  20. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    for a bit too get some lunch and watch another round of satc talk to u if not later soon as goin home tonite and unsure if im coming back till next week as me and my fella havin few tiffs lol catch u later

  21. Started by Bukey,

    Gale force winds battering my window... Had fallen asleep, then woke up and now can't get back to sleep. Really starting to piss me off - I'm knackered and have woken up and been unable to get back to sleep twice already earlier in the week....

    • 9 replies
  22. Started by Phil rr,

    you don't get a lot in a sachet do you

    • 4 replies
  23. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    lol sorri thinkin of west side story then hehe hmm that centrecore post wouldnt it be an idea as pinned so everyone see's its a major planning in progress jus an idea as pinned events attract more interest

  24. Started by Lisa,

    Few Quotes- "Looking back over the years that we've been together, I can't help but wonder: What the heck was I thinking?" "Congratulations on your wedding day! Too bad no one likes your wife." "I've always wanted to have someone to hold, someone to love. But after having met you, I've changed my mind." "I must admit, you brought religion in my life. I never believed in Hell until I met you." "As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am that you're not here to ruin it for me." "Congratulations on your promotion. Before you go, would you like to take this knife out of my back. You'll probably be needing it again.…

    • 0 replies
  25. Started by Lisa,

    is a new member, he was on line this morning

    • 8 replies
  26. Started by Phil rr,

    finally done my news years resolution - NY res 2003 that is am now a full on tester and repairer of cd printing & duplicater machines fank you

    • 17 replies
  27. Started by Phil rr,


    • 1 reply
  28. Started by Phil rr,

    is off her face

    • 30 replies
  29. Started by Tresh,

    Get rid of that avatar boyo. Otherwise you're cruising for a bruising.

    • 3 replies
  30. Started by Phil rr,

    made you look.

    • 4 replies
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