General Discussion
Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music
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Does anyone have any ideas on how i could earn some cash fast?! i am skint!!!!
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, feels like it been AGES since i was active on this board!!! Ive been really busy with work and havent been online much at all. How is everyone? Really hope I will be over in the Jan for a night out with some of you. But will deffo be over in london for 2 weeks in Feb so will have a few w/ends to meet up. Will deffo be around the boards again now
- 11 replies
Anyone seen this ? I think it's pretty damn good - really impressed with it being that's it's a kids christmas movie. I like this one alot ! I could watch it many times !
- wow - i wish i had a million dollars
- 7 replies
Quite a few people have fairly long / large un-necessary signatures - we will probably start introducing some kind of size limit !
- 14 replies
i jus did a google search on my name babybo and found this lol am a famous japanese pop group they sound okish i think lol babyboo
- 2 replies
Just noticed . There are 4 out of 6 Mods online . I'd better be carefull
- 29 replies
Was well impressed when I went on one this morning I had any choice of music at the touch of a button - Ferry Corsten and Tiesto ! Never seen that before
- 20 replies
I know it wrong forum but i just wanna big up how much of a good mate and sorted lass she is and i aint met her yet and i already love her to bits n she has been there for me
urrmmmm tresh, tony, baz.......and everyone else i met was good to finally meet ya lisa cheers babes had a wicked night ginge - tidy tart - good to see you again babes have i forgot anyone??????
- 26 replies
tasha thanx for guest list helen and mark quality seein u both again lisa really good seeing u again tony sorry i didnt say much to u haha but i was drunk and hot in ma dress baz quality guy as usual steve and sam (digital liquid and sammy sparkles) really good to see u both i did come over to say hi to u guys and si but oh well and yes si was good to see u out too even tho u walked off tara and ya fela was good to see u guys again kether, ellie, dyl, pepsi, shen, ect u knowwho u all are emablu quality gal ginge hope u enjoyed ya lipstick marked cheek after ya birhtday kiss babe and then theres all the tidy peeps i wen…
- 8 replies
gunna buy my advent calender!!!! not long till xmas
- 11 replies
neon needs to get his ass back on this board now he is back clubbing but i get the feeling he feels he is not missed haha that was after he has been watchin u lot so everyone help by sayin how much he missed and to get his arse back on clubtheworld with his 1 track mind, and his twisted sense of humour u with me???
- 26 replies
Just an idea , do you want people to sort out any old CTW piks they have saved & send then 2 u \ upload them ?
- 3 replies
'ello kidda ...tot' a'd give ya' a proper 'ullo this time unlike @ BOSH! / Goodgreef at weekend where i did nothing more than at you before you ran off i knew i knew you, just didnt know how or who 'membered now though hope ya' enjoyed yer'self seen Sarah (Chickadee) much recently?
- 4 replies
with your exam today....there piss easy (like shud know ) wont be this weekend ur cummin down babes as i think im working as i had weekend just gone off....i will try and get next weekend off sowwy for the delay and that...will deffo try and book it off for next david bringing you or are u cummin on bus or train???
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Hi Party people, I've been away fer a bit, but I'm back What have you lot got planned for NYE? I'm off to: Life at Milton Keynes, then on to Mash-tonbury2 at Air, before finishing of at Bring back the Bounce in Blackpool, so got a 3 dayer planned this year, can't wait, cost me bout 700 notes, but worth it I'd say.
- 4 replies
hiya everyone im joined today i know some of you off harderfaster where im known as " WEBBO" decided to become unfaithful to hf like the true tart i am hope to see u all at frantic /wildchild tomm nite
- 9 replies
Anyone know the more well known alias for this dude [ or dudette ] and what it stands for? Seen the name V.A.G.A.B.O.N.D been used a lot at the moment, and know its menna' stand for something, just not sure what any help, muchos appreciado as usual
- 6 replies
this is the ONLY decent meat product sold by mcdonalds.
- 17 replies