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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by BenRW,

    • 7 replies
  2. Started by raver_baby,

    presentation to do on friday mornin and i havent written it yet and its gotta lst 20 minutes and i dont wanna do it someone think of a way i can get out of it!! go on use ur imaginations!!!!

    • 13 replies
  3. Started by stavros,

    i added snow to my site check it out Click sorry if u think its spamming but i just wanted to show ppl the snow sorry again

  4. Started by ninja,

    hey kids thinking of getting myself plus mates over to liverpool this weekend for garlands 10th birthday.... always wanted to go.... but does anyone know where i can get hold of tickets? thought as its a birthday thingy best get tickets in advance dont want it to sell out

  5. Started by Ginge,

    I've gone and done it again.....bought some strange items. Just found some nice t-shirts at www.spice.co.uk. I just liked the look of these 2... Theres some really fucked up ones there. I'm sure Tom nuthead could get some inspiration from there.

    • 15 replies
  6. Started by EmmaBlu,

    • 4 replies
  7. remind you of Tara? Well?

    • 10 replies
  8. Started by Lisa,

    • 8 replies
  9. Started by tony84,

    not sure if this is the best place to post this but ill do it here anyway I live in manchester and i was wondering is there anything here or close to here that plays hard house type music on NYE, preferably something that wont break the bank

    • 28 replies
  10. Started by Ginge,

    As seen in mixmag....Childrens knitted gimp suits. popdizzy gimp suit

    • 8 replies
  11. Started by Hardhousehunnij,

    I been asked to come on and say hey everyone hows u

    • 30 replies
  12. Started by AlexV,

    Hey people, I'm doing a survey for a local newspaper out here in the States about the General Election in the UK. I need to collect as many votes as I can on a poll in the Serious Issues and Debates Forum. Could anyone that wants to contribute to this survey please go and vote. Thanks, Alex

  13. Started by AlexV,

    "Absorbency Plus Frivolity, A Blend the World Needs" "In the wake of the recent election, there's been some talk of healing, but until today no single figure has emerged with the capacity to repair the deep fissures in the body politic. We are so hung up on blue states and red states that our only hope may lie in the primary colour that has been left off the map. We need something - or someone - yellow, and also absorbent and pourous enough to soak up the ill will and scrub away the lingering bad feelings. Now more than ever, the country needs.................SpongeBob SquarePants and starting today, in theatres everywhere, he answers the call, w…

    • 15 replies
  14. Started by raver_baby,

    written as much on my essay as i have on msn today i would have finished hours ago! how annoyin is that!!

    • 19 replies
  15. Started by Trouble,

    anyone bought any clothes off the internet iv bought a t-shirt for my love any one no how long it will take ???

    • 15 replies
  16. Started by stavros,

    there has only been 97 posts whats goin on

    • 17 replies
  17. If a general election were held tomorrow, which party would you vote for? I did want to create a poll for this but wasn't sure if it would come out right. Anyone care to make one? Use 4 fields.... Conservative Labour Liberal Democrats Other Or just reply below with your answer. I'm constructing a poll for a local newspaper out here and I'd greatly appreciate everyones help. Thanks.

    • 11 replies
  18. Started by raver_baby,

    when having travelled the whole 20 feet to my kitchen to get the box of gingerbread men that i spied with my little eye, only to discover they arent men but infact gingerbread christmas trees i mean whats that all about!!!

    • 11 replies
  19. Started by EmmaBlu,

    how are we all today?????

  20. Started by Dawn,

    Have they come yet? How's you chick ... can't wait can you

    • 14 replies
  21. Started by djiceman,

    As a few of you might know, i'm adopted! I was put up for adoption in October 1971, 6 months after i was born in hospital, by a woman who i never knew at all (father was a waste of space and buggered off bac to London) and so i was sent to a family who unfortunately lost their child in a car hit and run accident. Three months ago I had a letter from a this woman, shocked me to the bone as the letter told me everything about herself.... I now have a wonderful mother, older half brother and younger half sister...... (too many birthdays!!!!!!) the flip side of the coin is that i have just come back from my adopted mothers funeral.... very sad occ…

    • 12 replies
  22. Started by Ginge,

    In the last few months I've decided to start making things. My first idea was an armchair made from empty beer cans. I've started making it already. Now I'm planning on building a Barbie Nut House. All I need is a card board box and some maxi-pads. I think there's something wrong with me.

    • 6 replies
  23. Started by Phil rr,

    this here

    • 3 replies
  24. Started by EmmaBlu,

    clicky clicky

  25. Started by stavros,

    Any one good at them

  26. Started by Bushy,

    Rainbow like you've never seen it!!!!!

  27. Started by Phil rr,

    do these 2 work with each other? stupid question but O2 doesn't list the 6610i on their list of phones...and i tried sending the settings to my phone from their website and nuffin happened

    • 4 replies
  28. Started by EmmaBlu,

    clicky clicky

    • 1 reply
  29. Started by Tidy Tart,

    im great started my new job this week seems ok! had another wicked weekend this weekenbd i was totally 100% staright no drink well a few but not drunk and no drugs! tidy storm was wicked had such a giggle! im totally back to my old self you will all see it next time you see me! well who's here how's every1? xxxx

    • 6 replies
  30. Started by BenRW,

    oooooooo where to start beginning is prob good: friday night went with my mate scotty to infectious in SE1, and bumped into maria, james, lisa, tony P and some others - i think gr8 night and loved ed reals set and a few of the others were good. Was meaning to spend more time in the techno room, but kept being drawn back to the main room. if theres another one i'm there sat night - went to tidy vs storm and OMFG how amazing was it. Loved it all. Paul maddox live! was amazing, euphony was amazing, tidy boys were gr8 as always, amber D b2b with tara reynolds was good, lab4 were alright (not amazzing tho) then afterwards went to a friends house for a …

    • 13 replies
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