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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by hubby,

    In the next few days i'll be holding an interview with the legend himself K90 k90 playing @ invasion, eden, ibiza, July.. After playing for us at INVASION IBIZA@EDEN in July and as our Ibiza resident this year K90 will be there again on septemeber 9th! So we thought its about time we squeezed him for some K90 gossip, his general thinking on all things hard dance and his views on the random world we live in at the weekend! If you have a question you've always wanted to ask or somthing random you just don't know the answer to then please let me know via this thread and i'll put your questions to him....?? Also don't forget K90's new release his long …

    • 2 replies
  2. Started by fifedjdomo,

    well new banner there, do u like? i think its cool and the soundproof dj's thing has gone cos the owner of the bar stopped it. he changed monday nights to a residents only with barbeque so im out of djing stuff apart from this new mix i did

    • 35 replies
  3. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    have a good one hun :huggles:

    • 3 replies
  4. Started by James,

    where are ya ?

    • 15 replies
  5. Started by goshow,

    This is a guy who i met recently known as DJ Maximix. He is Bulgarian and well into Trance. He is seriously seriously talented on the decks and is very keen on playing in the U.K. Does anyone out there have any contacts they could give me for this Guy. Check out his site and download one of his mixes, you won't be disapointed. They just get better as they go on. Clicky clicky on the link below \/ \/ \/ DJ Maximix

    • 4 replies
  6. Started by Maria,

    Have you changed your Mobile number ? If so, mail me your new one.

    • 0 replies
  7. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy , it deons't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are , the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres be at the rghit pclae . The rset can be a tatol mses and you can slitl raed it ! Tihs is bcuseae the haumn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef , but the wrod as a wlohe . :uhm:

    • 0 replies
  8. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    I want :- A well built woman with good reputation, who can cook frogs legs, who likes a good fuc- schia garden, classical music & tal- king without getting too serious just read lines 1, 3 & 5 :roflmao: :happydance: :roflmao:

  9. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    Am I the only one who isn't watching a load of men playing with their balls :silly:

    • 2 replies
  10. KUTSKI ( Radio 1 ) INTERVIEW & COMPETITION We at Binary Manchester arranged an interview with the scratch master himself !! Binary resident Rascal caught up with John to discuss his views on the hard dance scene. The interview can be found by following this link…… http://www.binarymanchester.com/kutski_interview.html Some of the questions asked….. How long did it take you to master your scratching technique ? What is your best advice to someone who seriously wants to make it as a DJ ? Do all the birds in Chester REALLY look like they do on Hollyoaks ? If you played a gig at the queens birthday party, what would be your opening tune ? …

    • 0 replies
  11. Started by Backl,

    Hi there! Just bought a nice set and tunes, trying to get in to djing because i like it and my life is a lot about music. Love clubbing, next week going to Glade Festival, everything beautifull. Need some help and advice in mixing, extra gear and gadgets to get on the right road...

    • 1 reply
  12. Started by fifedjdomo,

    figured id start the thread now since no one else has lol. cmon england! thru to the quarter finals against portugal who are 2 men down. this is the reason i thought about starting the thread really, is to ask if any of you saw tonights game between portugal and the netherlands. i found it a disgraceful game and most unenjoyable due to the amount of stupid bickering that was going on basically, which caused fights, 16 yellow cards, and 4 red cards (2 to each team). i thought the ref was very over reactive and petty. i think fifa need to sort him out. he had no control over the teams and the game whatsoever from the first yellow card. i hope it doe…

    • 16 replies
  13. Started by Tidy_Hamster,

    Nice avatar pic

    • 3 replies
  14. For all you WinAmp users, we have created a special Trackitdown.net skin for you to download. All you need to do is download and save to your winamp/skins folder and then select 'Trackitdown' from the skin menu. Download the Trackitdown.net Winamp Skin Here If you don't have Winamp you can download it for free from www.winamp.com Whilst you're visiting Trackitdown.net, why not check put the following tracks topping our download charts: Vinylgroover & The Red Hed - Sweet Dreams (Traffic Records) Fatboy Slim - Everybody Loves a 303 (Plump DJ's Remix) (Skint) O'Callaghan & Kearney - Exactly (Discover Records) Dusterix - Duste…

  15. Started by Bex,

    Hello there! i'm a new member, my name is bex and i'm 23, from wolverhampton! i have joined the forum to tell you about the Escapades Amsterdam Weekender! i would love to chat to you folk! xx :happydance: www.myspace.com/escapadesweekender

    • 2 replies
  16. About www.cpr-records.co.uk CP Records (Clinical Precise Records) UK based and situated in the beautiful seaside town of Rhos On Sea near Llandudno (North Wales) and is a one stop shop for dance music lovers. CPR is specialist in house, trance, hard trance,.hard dance,hardstyle,drum & bass, and breaks on vinyl, cd and mp3 format this will include new releases, imports, upfront promo's and rarties with deliveries arriving daily. Our easy to use CPR online store aims to give customers 100% satifaction with the best prices and a fast and friendly service so please check us out. *The very latest vinyls arriving daily. *High quality MP3 Clips of all records in st…

    • 0 replies
  17. Started by Tidy_Hamster,

    Hello ! Haven't been online for ages. How is everyone ? Still out clubbing, reaching for the lazers etc ? Hehe.

    • 4 replies
  18. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    Happy birthday :flowers:

    • 1 reply
  19. Started by Feza,

    Hey anybody listend 2 sensation white 2006 yet!!

    • 2 replies
  20. Started by No1 DJ,

    Hi Everyone, Just wanted to say a big hello to you all. I used to market on this forum for Technics but not up to any tricks this time round. Just here for a good time really, excellent forum, Always has been! My names Rich, 27 and I'm a Web Developer from Coventry.

    • 3 replies
  21. Started by No1 DJ,

    My god, This place is dead right now, I guess you are all returning from work????

    • 1 reply
  22. Started by James,

    http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/ please post your favourite site ...

    • 3 replies
  23. Started by James,

    Hi, I've had a shed load of emails from promotors & producers asking us (CTW) to carry out Album reviews etc... Please PM or Email me if you have a passion for music & clubbing, and can contribute (long term only). Cheers, James

    • 2 replies
  24. Started by Ginge,

    I was sent an e:mail recently with some rather cool badges (or buttons...what ever you want to call them) Thought some of you might appreciate some of them. Thats my favorite, Think I might get it printed on a t-shirt.

    • 3 replies
  25. Started by Ginge,

    Sorry I aint been around much recently, I been working my hage hairy butt off and planning to buy a houise. My life is a little full at the moment. I have been visiting Dont Stay In quite a bit and hope some of you beautiful people can join me there sometime. Hope you're all well and good, see you soon. PEACE OUT!!!! :thumbsup: :woot: :ily:

    • 11 replies
  26. Started by Sophie,

    Hi everyone i was just browsing the website as i havent been on here for such a long time so i thought i would say hello! ive been pretty hectic ive moved house yet again, now living in highbury in islington. I am just in the process of changing jobs since i finished uni! so whats the gossip and whats everyone been up to? is everyone still clubing?? i havent been out for well over a year now! i hope everyone is well and maybe we should arrange a `mid week drink` like the old days! any one up for it? would be nice to hear from some of you soon! Sophie :happydance:

    • 0 replies
  27. Started by ian-w-,

    :excited: Hiya folks, Ian here from Midlands! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm 35 years old! (practically a pensioner! (w00t) ) and at the moment i'm not doing much apart from listening to radio one :yay: :yay: would like to talk / poss meet with others for gossips, fun and games, and general mayhem with music........... INTERESTED ANYONE?? :dj: :wicked: Ian "too much of a good thing can kill you, so someone put the volume on the hi-fi up!!"

    • 16 replies
  28. Started by BenRW,

    Happy New Year

    • 7 replies
  29. Started by Tidy_Hamster,

    Think I could eat for days on here what with all the spam.

    • 2 replies
  30. Started by Tidy_Hamster,

    Why you got a gun in ur sig ?

    • 4 replies
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