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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by James,

    There's a man I meet Walks up our street He's a worker for the council Has been twenty years And he takes no lip off nobody And litter off the gutter

  2. Started by Alex,

    • 4 replies
  3. Started by Maria,

    I thought you would have gotten ALL high scores by now ..

    • 0 replies
  4. Started by Maria,

    Apparantly .. I am a cock-heavy hosecock boy who loves to hug sperm http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=6397

    • 3 replies
  5. Started by Maria,

    As above - you old goat ! I luuuurves you and your (soon to be) wrinkles.

    • 21 replies
  6. Started by EmmaBlu,

    yay one on monday at marks and sparks and one tomorrow at the casino

    • 60 replies
  7. Started by Phil rr,

    my new nokia doesn't come with the ringtone, does anyone know how i can get it? could someone be and send it to my mobile?

  8. Started by Phil rr,


  9. Started by Maria,

    Anyone seen it ? I watched it today and thought it was pretty damn good and well worth the watch !

    • 29 replies
  10. Started by Lisa,

    well did everyone have a good one??

  11. Started by Maria,

  12. Started by raver_baby,

    you guys still around?!?!?! love rhi xxxx

  13. Started by EmmaBlu,

    ĘΜΜД ÃŸŁﺕâ„¢ - Packet of cheese and a walking clock says: who is dat - ĘΜΜД ÃŸŁﺕâ„¢ - Packet of cheese and a walking clock says: lobsteerrrrrr???? phoenix_wittering@hotmail.com says: me - ĘΜΜД ÃŸŁﺕâ„¢ - Packet of cheese and a walking clock says: you? phoenix_wittering@hotmail.com says: yes me - ĘΜΜД ÃŸŁﺕâ„¢ - Packet of cheese and a walking clock says: ahh it you phoenix_wittering@hotmail.com says: yes its me - ĘΜΜД ÃŸŁﺕâ„¢ - Packet of cheese and a walking clock says: its youuuu - ĘΜΜД ÃŸŁﺕâ„¢ - Packet of cheese and a walking clock says: phoenix_wittering@hotmail.com says: its not you - ĘΜΜД ÃŸŁﺕâ„¢ - Packet of cheese …

    • 13 replies
  14. Started by Lisa,

    Try this hahah, i couldnt even get past the first bit Click here

    • 5 replies
  15. Started by Maria,

    Hi hun. Thanks for doing me mop last night ! Hun.

    • 7 replies
  16. Started by BenRW,

    got some results for part 2 of my course, and got 82% on my DC2000 practical, 98% on my cubase audio piece and 92% on my logic midi piece and my full results from part 1 is 81% dead proud of meself

    • 7 replies
  17. Started by EmmaBlu,

    now that i have got a job sorted..im looking to geta contract phone as i have been told its alot cheeper.. i text quite alot.....and i do talk alot aswell...id rather have summit where i dont have to wait for peak times till i can actuall phone someone any suggestions??

    • 18 replies
  18. Started by raver_baby,

    bring back random bollox!!!! it was way more comical!!

    • 7 replies
  19. Started by tommy,

    Don't pick on dyslexic dwarves....... its not big and its not clever

  20. Started by BenRW,

    what a shame

    • 10 replies
  21. Started by EmmaBlu,

    • 29 replies
  22. Started by Maria,

    Hey dude - hows it going !!

    • 9 replies
  23. Started by EmmaBlu,

    tell mum we got a landline now....cheaper to ring...

    • 0 replies
  24. Started by BenRW,

    are 27 guests and 13 users sign up and sign in people

  25. Started by raver_baby,

    i miss it!!

    • 2 replies
  26. Started by EmmaBlu,

    why the fuck do i attract these freaks????? i got a message from a bloke...seemed ok so i replyed.... next question is......wanna join me in bed??? and he keeps asking to pick me up now ect etc one answer for that mr freak!!!! BLOCKED

    • 13 replies
  27. Started by Maria,

    isa very nicea .. Father christmas, take pitty on me and put one of these under my pillow xmas eve

    • 4 replies
  28. Started by Alex n Jude,

    OMG, Im so ashamed! Left my Mumsy costume at the door as I kissed my kids goodnight on Saturday and headed oop North to Parlez Vous in Bradford. I stepped into the club full of good intentions, try and look chic all night, keep both eyeballs in same direction etc etc etc. Within the hour the Demons took over good n proper! Turned into this stupid trashed woman who couldnt dance, thought I knew everyone, talked random shit to everone who would listen, and had the most surprised eyes in the club. Then to top it off, cried the whole journey home!!! Could anyone tell me what is causing this out of character behaviour and how to stop it?? and my sincere apologies to my parents…

  29. Started by Maria,

    Flipping scarey ! Makes me not wana use trains ever again I remember when all I used to see / hear on the news was about rail accidents that seemed to be never ending. I am a regular traveller on trains from Wales to Paddington so I'm kinda glad I wasn't useing train transportation this weekend - could have been me in one of those destroyed carriages Still, looks devistating. Poor people - 6 killed and 11 seriously injured. News Article.

    • 15 replies
  30. Started by James,

    Am I getting old ? I know I'm 33 tomorrow but for some reason I'm really getting back into all sorts of other non-dance music... Having finally stumbled across the original version of Ride Like The Wind, and finding out its by a guy named Christopher Cross I did a search for information about his music and found a few sample mp3s of it. I have to say its probably some of the best music I've ever heard and probably THE best set of album music I've heard, beatutifully put together and mastered, what I call 'absolute quality & faultless music'. I'm just about to order all of his 7 albums and DVDs Apologies for 'going into one' but its not every day you come…

    • 6 replies
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