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Hey dude - that Twisted Disco is pretty phat aint it ! Track 1 and 9 are my favs Love Track 9 - reminds me of EITP !! Hope alls well and youv had a good weekend cariad
- 7 replies
ben says: can i blame u for the roundabout incident? Mr Nice Guy!! says: no you can blame me for us not hitting the oncumin car though "err ben your going the wrong way" ben says: lol Mr Nice Guy!! says: going the wrong way you said?? Mr Nice Guy!! says: i said said but we're on a roundabout....pmsl that was one of those really rare classic nights
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how tough are they i still have mine im susprised my ps still works i droped it down the stairs threw controlers at it and kicked it once or twice, droped juce on it a few times carried it about by the wires threw other objects at it, yes i was a viloent child and the little beast is still going strong anyone els have one
- 42 replies
Two old ladies were outside their nursing home, having a drink and a smoke, when it started to rain. One of the ladies pulled out a condom, cut off the end, put it over her cigarette, and continued smoking. Lady 1: What's that? Lady 2: A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet. Lady 1: Where did you get it? Lady 2: You can get them at any drugstore. The next day, Lady 1 hobbles herself into the local drugstore and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms. The guy, obviously embarrassed, looks at her kind of strangely (she is, after all, over 80 years of age), but very delicately asks what brand she prefers. "…
- 0 replies
Roight ! Im after some well nice relaxing tunes / sountracks. i.e - Iv just downloaded the Titanic album as the music is just great. Im after that type music but can't think of any films with such beautifull pieces of music ? Can you help ?
- 16 replies
anyone who booked have you yet received your refunds cause my friend hasnt yet which means ive not got my money back and am gutted cause i could do with it to take wildchild with me lol thats all thankyou please
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Hello people! I'm back after a long break! How is everyone on here?
Absolutley BRILLIANT. Good tunes going back a few years. Brings back a SHIT LOAD of unforgetable memories of when I used to club down here / Birmingham every Saturday. GOD the music was wicked back then ! Would love to go back to those weekends just for one night !
Personaly, I prefer arse. A nice firm one at that. The word 'ass' went out with Noahs ark !
- 9 replies
Want to go to the pics today & almost every film showing is a bloody 15 Gonna have to doll my 11 year old up now, but dont think it will work There are about 2 films that are pg etc & they look pants grrrr Wanted to see the grudge too
Hello mate how are you? are you definitely coming up for hed kandi this weekend? i probably can't come out clubbing because i've got an assessment thingy i have to do, but i think si will go out clubbing and i can probably come out for a couple of drinks before you go to the club looking forward to meeting your new lady friend too
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Saw this last night - very impressed by the graphics etc. Its nice to see a film you know nothing about and for it to surprise you
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I'm not clued up at all about the latest mp3 players - I'm after a hard-disk based one - does anyone have any suggestions and ideas on price ? I know Sony have a new one out ?
- 13 replies
Are there any tickets left? If there are then I'd like 3 please. one for Emma, Shelley and me.
- 20 replies