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Had an excellent night everyone, great to see you all turn out it force was great 2 see everyone again, wish it could be more often!!!! Im sure Sarah would have been proud of us all, we really did go 4 it for her, brilliant. My heads a bit sore as i got really pissed so im gonna cut this short. Clubbing_si - Dont ever try and kiss me again! James - Get ya arse up here soon 4 shaneyssential ok!!! Tart - were off to kettering in the next 3 weeks, dont forget chuck ok. Tresh - Why were you pulling so many faces?
happy birthday hunni............where have you been i aint seen you for ages
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i need to be in leeds tuesday morning by about 10 o clock - and this wud mean id need to leave london about 6 am to avoid rush hour etc... for meeting a couple of close friends b4 the funeral - in order to avoid this very early set off, wud any1 be willing to put me up tomoz nite (dont take up much room lol) will have highlander with me as im taking him to the funeral. Thanks in advance to any1 that could possibly help (can give u a lift to if it helps?)
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just too let u know that i have some things here off sarah`s. she asked me too hang on too them for her. they are ok here, but just wanted too let u know. i dont mind bringing them over too you when u have got the funeral and everything over with
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Hey! Andy from Luxembourg here! I always fly over for the Hard House Academy and Riot events. Just wanna say hi and introduce myself. i'm Luxembourgs only hard house dj. My Webpage OK, just wanted to say hi. Any chance I could post my details on this site?? Peace. Andy.
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I am thinking of installing this now but have delayed the installation for some time due to most SP2 users having problems although not sure what problems .. Has anyone had any problems with SP2 (if you are an XP user) ? If so what problems were you having ? Hoping mine doesn't fook up ! :S
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tony p? need to talk to him quite urgently
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how are peeps keeping? i havent posted on here in ages. Im enjoying being woken up early by listening to 'Meat Loaf - the very best of' I think i may be going to Leeds tonight for sarahs last promotion.
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Good evening eveyone, Just want to say a quick hello for now. Hope to be chatting to you all soon on the boards. Take it easy Nikki
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Hi, I am wanting to get emails together so I can put them in a book and pass on to her father, brother and family at the funeral. please do not just put "I did not really know her etc" please write how she made you laugh, did you do any pranks, did you have any heart to heart conversations, anything which when her father, brother or family read then they will really know the true Sarah, what song reminds you of her, and not just in clubs, Sarah had a big life outside of clubbing too. But please remember I will only pass on appropriate emails. She loved going to the gym, had a successful job in IT security, helped alot of people with their problems, introdu…
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Hi all found another board to waffle my crap but thought i'd better say hi to you all before you all think i'm some kind of nutter just been let out of the state prison on mars so HI
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well hello! im new on here, just signed up to post on one of sarahs posts, well gutted some of u may know me from out n about or from biscuitmonsters live in leeds, out every weekend, not sure what else u need to know but just thought i'd say hello n introduce myself
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Hi there, I've just heard of the terrible news. Im devastated to hear of Sarah. Few peeps here know me, i actually introduced Sarah to CTW near the beginning. When helping James out get CTW off the ground i searched ICQ for fellow clubbing fanatics to jump on board. There i found Sarah and the introduced her to the gang, her dedication to the site was amazing and looks like she carried that on. I had a chance to meet her when she came up to Liverpool in her trademark PVC clubbing gear and she was definitely a cool chic. Havnt been on the site for a while but felt the need to show my respect to the one and only @SarahPVC. Loadsa LuV.....B…
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A lot of clubs in leeds are doing books of condoleneces in leeds, im going to be doing one for glasshouse and i think housewives, could some pm me an adress to forward it on when it is done Jodie x
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fone is proppa twatted batterywise - charger is in prestatyn methinks lol - will call yez from car charger tomoz -
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Hello lovley people from club the world forums. How are you? Let me tell you a bit about myself...... I'm from north London (a very exciting place indeed!) and am a student. I love music of all types but especially harddance and rock music!!!!!! If you would like to know anymore please feel free to ask!!!!
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Hi, all! My cell reminded me to visit CTW today! Appearantly, i wrote down the address sometime during tidy weekender 6 Can't remember who gave it to me, but I suspect gaz and the other guys in chalet 4. You here guys? If not, does anyone else remember being visited by a random norwegian? On a more serious note; I stumbled upon the terrible news posted here this weekend. My deepest sympathy goes out to all of you for this tragic event.
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New Years Daytime 010105 Midday to 8pm The Koko Club After nearly a year of waiting, Frantic are excited beyond belief to proudly announce our return to The Koko Club, formerly Camden Palace. Following a lengthy and multi-million pound renovation the club now has a brand new, state of the art, showpiece sound system, a massive new lighting rig and 7 next generation plasma screens for 21st century visuals. The whole venue has been repainted and new flooring introduced throughout. This will be the very FIRST Hard House and Trance event at The all-new Koko Club. It will also be the last one until Easter 2005. We have …
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anyone heard about this new superclub opening down there?
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helllooooo my lovlies!!! how are we all??? i am MASHED At the moment i cant get enough of ARMIN VAL HELDON - MY MY MY currently listening to children of the night
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All, I'm not sure if you were all aware of the hosting and site issues we've had over the last couple of years - the site was basically lost completely - twice - with no working backups of most of the site and then we had hackers etc.. etc.. I've been trying to get most of the content restored which has been a lengthly process and some of the material has been lower priority than other things (due to our work comittments etc.. / basically 'time'). Anyway, I've been spending some time getting some of Sarah's articles she'd written restored today - I've not completely finished but I think its important to get as much of her material restored as we can. O…
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