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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Gilly,

    As i am sure you know Sarah was one of the intitila founders of incision and a good friend, on firday we plan to have a book of condoleces at the door which we will be asking everyone to sign, we will also try to get this to as moany other nights over the weekend as we can and pass it to Sarah's family. or if you can not make it if you email to spinbackuk@hotmail.com i can print it out and add it in.

  2. Started by Maria,

    Happy birthday hon ! Have a good one you old pikey ....

    • 9 replies
  3. Started by nice_guy_danny,

    Screwball @ Radius, Bristol Street, Birmingham *In association with Clubbed Up Radio *Every Friday night from 9pm-2am *£5 entry all night *Music Policy-Hard Dance and Techno *Dress code-No Sherman’s, trainers ok *Info call 07786342860 15th October- Launch Night-Mark leish (Mixmag future hero’s) Gaz James (Dropzone) Nice Guy Danny (Resident) Craig Lee (Resident) *wanna play at screwball???show ur support on the night with a cd for a chance to get a future set

  4. Started by Aaron,

    Happy Birthday Liz, You look excellent for your age! Have a good one! Are you coming along to Serious next month? I think you should, it promises to be a corker

    • 26 replies
  5. Started by Maria,

    I had a dream about you last night. You said to me "We don't liek you round these parts".

    • 8 replies
  6. Started by tidy*model*uk,

    Good i hope nearly the weekend whats everyones plans?

    • 3 replies
  7. Started by tidy*model*uk,

    I'm a newbie!!!! RAAAAA Be gentle with me and play nicely!

  8. Started by DJ N-Slay,

    My show tonight on www.newtechpirates.com (8 til 10pm), as with all of our shows this week, is dedicated to the memory of Sarah PVC, one of the newtechpirates crew and a regular listener to my show, who we tragically lost at the weekend. Tonight will feature a guest mix from Tom Fox.

    • 13 replies
  9. Started by Lisa,

    Just watched this film again for like the third time now & I still cant work it out??? Anyone got on theories???

    • 8 replies
  10. Started by paula,

    great too see u all again, excellent weekend, apart from the news we got on sunday, but wee all managed too party on in sarahs memory xx

  11. Started by dj_triptech,

    Just thought I'd say Hi and introduce myself! Its a shame my first post on the board was to do with the tragic parting of the muched loved sarah pvc Im a oldskool and "happy" hardcore DJ from south london. Been recently getting into my acid techno and hard house I also run www.newtechpirates.com - a attitude free pirate internet radio station specializing in giving up and coming tallent the break we all deserve This site seems spot on! So hiya peeps Simon

    • 1 reply
  12. Had yet another one this week, ended up in hospital again & had to be resucitated! Was completely straight - maybe i should stick to getting wrecked!

    • 21 replies
  13. Started by Clubbing Si,

    can ya let me know RE the PM asap...

  14. Started by Maria,

    IS Bushy coming online tonight, do you know ?

    • 30 replies
  15. Started by Audio,

    how goes all i'm 21 and live in canada.

    • 3 replies
  16. Started by Maria,

    Poor poor show from the Welshies ! I had my England t-shirt on for the occassion !

    • 2 replies
  17. Started by Lisa,

  18. Started by Lisa,

    Polysexual this weekend are holding there night in rememberance to Sarah.

  19. Started by James,

    I've been through some of the photos of Sarah and set up a favourites list of them - there are far far too many great photos of her and this is only a small selection but over the next couple of weeks I'll set up an actual gallery of all the best photos in dedication of her. I haven't looked at some of these photos in a year or so and there are so many amazing memories of her and the nights she arranged for us & others its untrue ... Photos of Sarah

  20. Started by smegin2002,

    HELP SIS i cant sign into msn dunno why

    • 2 replies
  21. Started by WezEnTigeR,

    FOR THOSE WHO KNEW HER - JOIN ME IN THOUGHT & PRAYER ! Love to Friends & Family WezEnTigeR Team ! x

    • 3 replies
  22. Started by EmmaBlu,

    did u get my text giving my new number???? i had fone knicked couple of weeks back if not will pm it

    • 0 replies
  23. Started by James,

    I forgot to mention my new mobile number is 07810 303831

    • 1 reply
  24. Started by snowqueen,

    can u sign in to ur messenger...i bloody cant

    • 3 replies
  25. Guest Girliebob
    Started by Guest Girliebob,

    Hi All! I am new (obviously). I'm 22, live in the midlands, love going out and having a dance.

  26. Started by EmmaBlu,

    mc blokie

    • 0 replies
  27. Started by EmmaBlu,

    i aint got cred to txt bk babe

    • 0 replies
  28. Started by EmmaBlu,

    if you want it pm me

    • 2 replies
  29. Started by EmmaBlu,

    hard woooooooooooooooo double drop

    • 2 replies
  30. Started by EmmaBlu,

    • 6 replies
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