General Discussion
Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music
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For example, you meet someone, you love them for who they are / you love them as you found / met them, then you get together in a relationship, and a few weeks / months into the relationship, you obviously get to know them, but they are not really who you met. Do you try and change them ? Say, you didn't like .. the way they live each day the way they think their outlook on life the way they possibly see things differently to you their career plan their beliefes (sp) their hopes / dreams their hobbies .. and so on and so on and so on. BUT, say you do genuinely have strong feelings for him / her you WANT to be with him / her and you DO love / him / her, would you…
- 22 replies
Well we know most of the time it happens through drinks being spiked, but in an article today in the paper about the dangers of a new method of date rape. A woman was attacked and raped and new nothing of the incident until she woke up in a hotel alone and became aware she had been raped and attacked. The woman had asked for a cigarette from two unknown men and remembers feeling 'strange and dizzy' straight after smoking it. After then her memory is blank. The cigarette had been dipped in embarming fluid and has become a new method of date rape and doping victims. The US has reported more cases of the attacks but they are quite new to the UK. It si…
- 9 replies
Followed on from the conversation in general disscussion, what is everyones thoughts to homeless beggers?? I personally think in this day & age there is no need, but I do appreciate once they are in that situation it is probably hard to get out of it, but like I say today there is many organisations etc willing to help etc DISCUSS
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Deffinatly Trisha for me ! She has some great shows and she is WELL clued up in the head. I think she is ace. Jerry comes second but the rest are absolute pants. I can't think of any more hosts as I don't watch them as much as I used to so please add yer own innit.
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He has just sent me some really good pics of us all from weekends we had in london!
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what a waste of fucking space! aisle after aisle after aisle packed full of useless shite that no one's bought. do they have the one thing i want? (imperial leather shower gel) do they fuk. it seems like they stock the things the shops WANT you to buy, but not the things you actually want. shite.
- 4 replies
Hiya mate just a ickle FAO 2 wish you luck next weekend @ k90 launch night! is there anyway that i can get your mix of all the Karim tunes? do you have it online or anything? hope to see you soon thinkin of doin HHA 23rd
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spare me 1 of ure grotty hugs lol im having a wankofaday today
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He got himself a job that he applied for the other day and was losing all hope that they woudn't get back. Bless his sorry arse Nice one dude - appy for ew innit ! The next round of popadoms are on yer !
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What are you lovely lot up to? Tonight i am having an early night as my new bloke is coming over to see me straight from working his nightshift as a fireman (*sarah secretly hopes he will keep his uniform on*) Then tomorrow we have Tinrib playing at Housework
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hello my lovlies how r we all doing..... finally got to a computer so i thought id check up on you
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What a load of money spinning bollocks... What has he ever done? he's 18 for fuck sake
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read / wanked over my pathetic darth vader signature! its really crap lol- havent found anything better yet tho lol
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What is everyones opinions on this? I am all for banning it, I think it is a cruel sport full of posh ponces
- 47 replies
Went to Chester Zoo today, first time i been to the zoo in years! It was cool as fuck! I saw Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Fish, Crocs, Llamas, all sorts! Got some pics, which i may post up after
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He is gonna be my partner in crime when filming "tart ass" a new version of jack ass brought to you by hoody and tart!
- 11 replies
Hi all @ CTW, Not been on for a while and how things have changed!! James nice one for moving to IPB boards hope the site is running ok on it! So how is everyone and is there any of the old regulars still on ere?? Speek soon Kris K
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- i was nerly crying
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A nine year old boy asks his mother, "Is God male or female?" After thinking for a moment, his mother responds "Well God is both male and female." This confuses the boy, so he asks, "Is God black or white?" "Well," she says, "God is both black and white." This really confuses the boy, so he asks, "Is God gay or straight?" Feeling a bit out of her depth, but wanting to be consistent, the mother answers, "Honey, God is both gay and straight." At this the boy's face lights up with understanding and he triumphantly asks... "Is Michael Jackson God?"
- 1 reply
How's it going mate ? And hows the gorilla salad hanging in there ?
Hmmmmmm AlexV