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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by teabag,

    Shame I can't remember much about the food, or even what I ordered. All I have today is a sore stomach and a BF who is not talking to me because of my drunken foolery

    • 18 replies
  2. Started by Lisa,

    Right you horrible lot, I want you to tell us all about your first ever clubbing experience

    • 18 replies
  3. Started by chasethesun,

  4. Started by vixen,

    Hiya everyone-thourght it was time i met some like minded people-plus it's friday afternoon and my boss is out which i don't have to do any work.Yipee

    • 16 replies
  5. Started by Lisa,

    but dont post, just read all the threads, why?? Dont be shy, post or have you something to hide

  6. Started by Maria,

    Go figure !

  7. Started by Maria,

    need sound

    • 0 replies
  8. Started by LTM,

    Are you enjoying Colindale and Hendon then?

    • 2 replies
  9. Started by Phil rr,

    good hol ?? xx

  10. Started by Phil rr,

    yo gettin down in it wid da urban hype, bein wise in life, rollin wiv da moozik to da next level. there are a lot a ppl spittin it, but not a lot a ppl livin it. fakes, ya kno? electronic dance music please.

  11. Started by Maria,

    I don't sopposse you are watching Kareoke Queen on TV are you ? They are in NEWPORT ! It's WELL funny !

  12. Started by vixen,

    Hi there everyone any of you from my neck of the woods???? Just recently become single and enjoying havin my life back and ready to get back on the clubbin circuit!!! Just bourght some fab new cyberdog outfits off ebay and im gagging to strutt my stuff in them!!! So get in contact please

    • 25 replies
  13. Started by Dj Kris Kelly,

    James, I have the server space to run 2 streams if you wish?? 1 stream @ 24kbps (Narrowband Listeners) 1 stream @ 64kbps (Broadband Listeners) Let me know! kris K

  14. Started by Maria,

    Where do these names for hurricanes originate from ? Does it come form the name of the person who discovered it / them ? It's all going off in Florida (or nearby). FOUR Hurricanes in the space of a very few little weeks ! :|

    • 2 replies
  15. Started by Phil rr,

    taken direct from their website "soulseek version 152 has a glitch which prevents some XP systems from appearing on the central database correctly, which may exclude some other nodes from your search. Please download version 154.b to correct this. Thanks! the soulseek team"

  16. Started by Maria,

    Have you had your bed yet ? I mean all of it ?

    • 14 replies
  17. Started by Maria,

    If I drink some alcohol on tablets ? I don't mean a shit load of alcohol ... just a few glasses of wine .. I am on a course of tablets and i have the opportunity to get a few beers inside later on ... I don't particularly wana be boring and sip on cokes ! Dare to risk it for a biscuit ?

    • 10 replies
  18. Started by Maria,

    I just watched the vid from Summer Camp

    • 3 replies
  19. Started by Maria,

    Woke up at 12:20 today ! :| I hate sleeping in till that late Musta needed it ..

    • 12 replies
  20. Started by James,

    All, It has come to my attention that a few members are mis-using the Private Message (PM) system on CTW to contact other members advertising other message boards and sites. Anyone found to be doing this will be warned and then possibly banned - especially if they arent on this site to become part of this community. We allow enough advertising of events in the events sections and advertising of other sites through the links section so I think its a bit unfair of people to join this site only to contact members. This site has always been run for free and will continue to be run for free - myself and the team donate our time to the running of the site for fr…

    • 9 replies
  21. Started by Bushy,

    When am i gonna get a copy of these pics and videos from summer camp Laaaaa?

    • 3 replies
  22. Started by Maria,

    Sickening news, once again. The last scene about the poor guy who got beheaded, I often think about, and was thinking just the other day about it, and how traumatising it was for me to see it being done on the net, and then feeling for the families and friends, and today I only found out that it had been done again to another soldier. I hate news like this as it makes me sad and f*cking angry to see / hear that people are going through this kind of torture by such 'vultures' who love doing this kind of thing just to 'get' at us / Americans etc. When will the war ever end ? :@ :@ :@

    • 4 replies
  23. Started by Maria,

    You will be pleased to hear I am drinking a cup of coffee. So I guess I don't HATE coffee at all, like I said the othe rnight I did. Mum just aint been down the shop to get more fecking TBAGS ! :@ It's not that bad actually .... *whistles*

  24. Started by Lisa,

    I know it has been done before but what would your ideal line-up be in a night & what club?

    • 15 replies
  25. Started by Lisa,

    Who still lives at home with parents & who doesnt?

    • 18 replies
  26. Started by Bushy,

    Recently i have noticed a lot of people mentioning soulseek, have been using it for a while. So if you use it why not stick your username in this thread and then we can rob each other blind! My username is: Bushy

    • 17 replies
  27. Started by Maria,

    Where are you man ? Remember this ? The singing voice sounds liek YOU when you have done funny voices when we have been TRASHED

    • 5 replies
  28. Started by Lisa,

    How does this work & is it really any faster??

    • 6 replies
  29. Started by Lisa,

    Can you imagine chanting his namew out from the crowd

  30. Started by Tidy Tart,

    for the job i applyed for @ coca cola!! GET IN

Clubbing the world together ...