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Wow. A new personal best. Not bad, considering I joined this site the day before Big Beach Boutique. So, in a little under five months I've clocked 4000 posts? How [censored] pathetic. Just proves what little interaction with the real world I can actually maintain. I'm not proud of this fact that I can spend endless days whiling away the hours babbling bullshit on this board. It sickens me. But hey, it's just a forum. No big deal.
- 4 replies
Wow. A new personal best. Not bad, considering I joined this site the day before Big Beach Boutique. So, in a little under five months I've clocked 4000 posts? How [censored] pathetic. Just proves what little interaction with the real world I can actually maintain. I'm not proud of this fact that I can spend endless days whiling away the hours babbling bullshit on this board. It sickens me. But hey, it's just a forum. No big deal.
- 4 replies
Wow. A new personal best. Not bad, considering I joined this site the day before Big Beach Boutique. So, in a little under five months I've clocked 4000 posts? How [censored] pathetic. Just proves what little interaction with the real world I can actually maintain. I'm not proud of this fact that I can spend endless days whiling away the hours babbling bullshit on this board. It sickens me. But hey, it's just a forum. No big deal.
- 4 replies
James/ the boss people, I would like to suggest the following rule to be added for title changes: If a poster is found guilty of repeatedly posting simply for the sake of getting a title change, they are deducted 100 posts for the first offence. 200 for the 2nd offence etc. This is aimed at no one in particular, I never even thought about Big_eeee when posting this!!
- 0 replies
James/ the boss people, I would like to suggest the following rule to be added for title changes: If a poster is found guilty of repeatedly posting simply for the sake of getting a title change, they are deducted 100 posts for the first offence. 200 for the 2nd offence etc. This is aimed at no one in particular, I never even thought about Big_eeee when posting this!!
- 0 replies
James/ the boss people, I would like to suggest the following rule to be added for title changes: If a poster is found guilty of repeatedly posting simply for the sake of getting a title change, they are deducted 100 posts for the first offence. 200 for the 2nd offence etc. This is aimed at no one in particular, I never even thought about Big_eeee when posting this!!
- 0 replies
Get a graphics tablet for your computers - they are FANTASTIC!!!!
- 1 reply
Get a graphics tablet for your computers - they are FANTASTIC!!!!
- 1 reply
Get a graphics tablet for your computers - they are FANTASTIC!!!!
- 1 reply
Perfect end to the perfect day! *Wub swoons out of ClubtheWorld*, but not before leaving a behind!
- 3 replies
Perfect end to the perfect day! *Wub swoons out of ClubtheWorld*, but not before leaving a behind!
- 3 replies
Perfect end to the perfect day! *Wub swoons out of ClubtheWorld*, but not before leaving a behind!
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This new, much coveted, title is currently held by Wub Wub, at 33, Creamy is in the runner up place with a mere 20, and Horror of Horror's Sarah is well down the field at 15. Even Sarah herself has expressed shock and dismay at this appaling state of affairs, and so i think the time has come to launch, the 'Sarah PVC for most prolific poster' campaign. Now people, these things don't orgainsise themselves!!. Sarah is far to busy concentraing on important 'Admin' stuff, organising meet ups, and promotions, to be able to spend the ridiculous amount of time needed to sustain a 33 posts per day of membership average like Wub. So here's were the volunteers step in.…
- 23 replies
This new, much coveted, title is currently held by Wub Wub, at 33, Creamy is in the runner up place with a mere 20, and Horror of Horror's Sarah is well down the field at 15. Even Sarah herself has expressed shock and dismay at this appaling state of affairs, and so i think the time has come to launch, the 'Sarah PVC for most prolific poster' campaign. Now people, these things don't orgainsise themselves!!. Sarah is far to busy concentraing on important 'Admin' stuff, organising meet ups, and promotions, to be able to spend the ridiculous amount of time needed to sustain a 33 posts per day of membership average like Wub. So here's were the volunteers step in.…
- 23 replies
This new, much coveted, title is currently held by Wub Wub, at 33, Creamy is in the runner up place with a mere 20, and Horror of Horror's Sarah is well down the field at 15. Even Sarah herself has expressed shock and dismay at this appaling state of affairs, and so i think the time has come to launch, the 'Sarah PVC for most prolific poster' campaign. Now people, these things don't orgainsise themselves!!. Sarah is far to busy concentraing on important 'Admin' stuff, organising meet ups, and promotions, to be able to spend the ridiculous amount of time needed to sustain a 33 posts per day of membership average like Wub. So here's were the volunteers step in.…
- 23 replies
Cats always land on there feet and toast always lands butterside down. So if you strapped a bit of buttered toast on a cats back and then chucked it out of the window what would land on the floor first??
- 14 replies
Cats always land on there feet and toast always lands butterside down. So if you strapped a bit of buttered toast on a cats back and then chucked it out of the window what would land on the floor first??
- 14 replies
Cats always land on there feet and toast always lands butterside down. So if you strapped a bit of buttered toast on a cats back and then chucked it out of the window what would land on the floor first??
- 14 replies
The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death. Whats that, a bonus?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first. Get it out of the way. Then you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start [censored], you get a gold watch on your first day. You [censored] forty years until your young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for high school. You go to primary school. You become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities. You become a litt…
- 9 replies
The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death. Whats that, a bonus?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first. Get it out of the way. Then you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start [censored], you get a gold watch on your first day. You [censored] forty years until your young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for high school. You go to primary school. You become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities. You become a litt…
- 9 replies
The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death. Whats that, a bonus?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first. Get it out of the way. Then you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start [censored], you get a gold watch on your first day. You [censored] forty years until your young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for high school. You go to primary school. You become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities. You become a litt…
- 9 replies
anyone else seen those adverts for penis development pills? I cant see how a pill could make my penis grow. And to be honest, I dont really want it any bigger anyhow!
- 11 replies
anyone else seen those adverts for penis development pills? I cant see how a pill could make my penis grow. And to be honest, I dont really want it any bigger anyhow!
- 11 replies
anyone else seen those adverts for penis development pills? I cant see how a pill could make my penis grow. And to be honest, I dont really want it any bigger anyhow!
- 11 replies
From : From The Illustrated Book of Sexual Records. © 1974, 1982, 1997-2001 G.L. Simons According to Kinsey maximum masturbation rates were to be found in children under the age of fifteen. For this age group the maximum frequency of masturbation was in excess of twenty-three times a week. Some females surveyed had experienced orgasm from this source as many as thirty or more times in a week. Some energetic females had masturbated to orgasm as many as one hundered times in a single hour! But some women only tried it once a month. Kinsey concluded that "the range of variation in almost every type of sexual activity seems to be far greater among females."
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