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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by betty boop,

    what kind

    • 19 replies
  2. Started by Maria,

    Sinse WHEN have you been into the Tidy Boys ? :S

  3. Started by betty boop,

    well then lets see... lover test

    • 19 replies
  4. Guest nursenancy
    Started by Guest nursenancy,

    ive gotta go now due in for a lecture on libary services real interesting wen r u home and ill call over to c u

    • 1 reply
  5. Started by Maria,

    My latest typo .. lol "returanuts"

    • 14 replies
  6. Started by Maria,

    Just found a nice site http://www.pies.com/

  7. Started by Phil rr,

    Did you think... Good special effects, didn't mind the "turn brain off" storyline Don't like "turn brain off" storyline films or did it prompt you to give a high profile speech about the supposed global climate change

    • 15 replies
  8. Started by Phil rr,

  9. Started by betty boop,

    which one?

    • 11 replies
  10. Started by Phil rr,

    • 2 replies
  11. Started by smegin2002,

    • 13 replies
  12. Started by betty boop,

    What are your honest opinions on them. Do you think some people can take them way to seriously and get too wrapped up in them? Do you see them as a way to be someone else, a net persona if you like? Or do you see them as good fun, be yourself and have a laugh?

    • 14 replies
  13. Started by teabag,

    When am I dragging my pussy foot to Brum then? Gaah, I'm still working, been here since 8am. Should be on MSN (a lot) later though

  14. Started by betty boop,

    When you are having a heated debate or arguement and you know 110% you are right, yet the other person is insistant on continuing to row do you carry on til you are blue in the face or do you agree to disagree and walk away confident in knowing you are right?

    • 19 replies
  15. Started by Bushy,

    For me South Park wins hands down. Screw you hippy!!!!

    • 16 replies
  16. Started by EmmaBlu,

    went out for my b/f birthday in liquid..... was on snakebite and black............................... went to the q club (snooker hall) afterwards and fell asleep in there baout 5am my mates decided to write all over me BASTARDS!!! and im still pissed!!!!!!

    • 11 replies
  17. Started by teabag,

    It is red and yellow and swollen and I can hardly walk Guess I won't be going clubbing for my birthday then

    • 14 replies
  18. Started by betty boop,

    I have to get on with some work or may just not have a job if I carry on chatting. Will try to pop on later and catch up. Have fun one and all xx

    • 8 replies
  19. Started by James,

    (not allowed to post brand names but you will know the one I mean - ps joke, as are all of my posts over the last 7 days) It cost approximately £67,000 to research and manufacture It tastes SHITE

    • 10 replies
  20. Started by Ginge,

    Next time you're having a house party, heres an evil game you can play. Go to a supermarket with your partner. (Has to be a supermarket) Go to the booze isles with an empty basket. Completely fill it with booze (Lager, spirits, wine, EVERYTHING). THEN go to the child care section and put in a packet of nappies. When you get to the checkout counter...make out you havent got enough money for everything AND PUT THE NAPPIES BACK. Then try not to laugh at the reactions of the person on the till and all the people in the queue.

    • 25 replies
  21. Started by stavros,

    need to know how u defeat that stupid boss on a blast can some 1 tell me plz

  22. Started by EmmaBlu,

    gunna see if i can raise some money to go out for my b/f birthday hopefully cya all tomorrow

    • 5 replies
  23. Started by Maria,

    NOICE !! I am in the house all alone though and knowing my luck, it will probably get 10x worse than when im not alone :|

    • 32 replies
  24. Started by EmmaBlu,

    robbed off niteclubbers Paint your windows. Boil ice cream. Join Hell's Angels by mail. Redecorate your garage. Kidnap Cabbage Patch Kids. Bury your fathers car. Tell your him the dog did it. Challenge the neighbor kid to duel. Climb a sidewalk. Donate your brother's body to science. Have your cat bronzed. Hot wax the bottoms of your brother's dress shoes. Learn to type...with your toes. Make a quilt out of used cocktail napkins. Mow your carpet. Paint your home...day-glo orange. Pinstripe your driveway. Plant a shoe. Play Houdini with one of your siblings. Plot the overthrow of your local School Board. Pou…

    • 14 replies
  25. Started by EmmaBlu,

    fankooooo made mistake and put in here

  26. Started by Maria,

    .. what one tune would you want to take into your grave (if any) ? Mine would be a Techno Chewn = DDR - The Gift =

    • 45 replies
  27. Started by betty boop,

    Ok I know there is only a few of us but I feel I am slowly getting to work out peoples on line personas etc. But would like to get to know you all a bit better. So how about a game for us to play, asking and answering questions. I will start... Alex do you have a girlfriend?

    • 15 replies
  28. Started by Maria,

    Your up late sis ? Has he fallen asleep on you again ?

    • 23 replies
  29. Started by Lisa,

    As in the title, what would you do, where would be & with whom would you spend it?

    • 30 replies
  30. Started by James,

    Is it me or are the police, ambulance and firepeople having a laugh - I must have heard about SEVEN different types of Sirens this morning alone - ALL sounding like some kids toy you put on the handle bar of a BMX ! _the_world_has_gone_barking_mad_

Clubbing the world together ...