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hiya, sorry i dont know you but creamy told me it was your birthday soon and told me to wish you a happy birthday and that he has got some nice girls for you, lol anyway,from everyone in thisd part of the world, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
hiya, sorry i dont know you but creamy told me it was your birthday soon and told me to wish you a happy birthday and that he has got some nice girls for you, lol anyway,from everyone in thisd part of the world, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
That's right, the Daks-man has made a limited one-time only stop-in on the site! Sorry it's been so long guys, I've actually been busy in my job and can't spend 8 hours online during the day like I used to! Hope everything's ok...I'll never get a chance to catch up on all of these post's, but I'm sure Wub_wub will give me a nice soap-opera style run-down on the goings on in CTW Land. Have had some negative bank balance issues, so hence the lack of attempts to make it out anywhere, but hopefully they'll be sorted sometime :-) I'm not sure when I'll get back on here, but I will try, as I know you've all been missing my intelligent input and witty repostes If I…
- 5 replies
That's right, the Daks-man has made a limited one-time only stop-in on the site! Sorry it's been so long guys, I've actually been busy in my job and can't spend 8 hours online during the day like I used to! Hope everything's ok...I'll never get a chance to catch up on all of these post's, but I'm sure Wub_wub will give me a nice soap-opera style run-down on the goings on in CTW Land. Have had some negative bank balance issues, so hence the lack of attempts to make it out anywhere, but hopefully they'll be sorted sometime :-) I'm not sure when I'll get back on here, but I will try, as I know you've all been missing my intelligent input and witty repostes If I…
- 5 replies
That's right, the Daks-man has made a limited one-time only stop-in on the site! Sorry it's been so long guys, I've actually been busy in my job and can't spend 8 hours online during the day like I used to! Hope everything's ok...I'll never get a chance to catch up on all of these post's, but I'm sure Wub_wub will give me a nice soap-opera style run-down on the goings on in CTW Land. Have had some negative bank balance issues, so hence the lack of attempts to make it out anywhere, but hopefully they'll be sorted sometime :-) I'm not sure when I'll get back on here, but I will try, as I know you've all been missing my intelligent input and witty repostes If I…
- 5 replies
hiya, good to see you in brighton last week, adam says hello and all the peeps you met at the weekend say hi to we love you creamy, come back soon and bring some more of your mates along next time too. i mite be down for xlr8, not sure if my boyfriend is up foir it yet though the boring bastard, lol. is there any meeting times for this saturdays events mite come down with my mate jem is shes up for it, not sure yet tho. ps. do you ever reply to any texts people send you
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hiya, good to see you in brighton last week, adam says hello and all the peeps you met at the weekend say hi to we love you creamy, come back soon and bring some more of your mates along next time too. i mite be down for xlr8, not sure if my boyfriend is up foir it yet though the boring bastard, lol. is there any meeting times for this saturdays events mite come down with my mate jem is shes up for it, not sure yet tho. ps. do you ever reply to any texts people send you
- 0 replies
hiya, good to see you in brighton last week, adam says hello and all the peeps you met at the weekend say hi to we love you creamy, come back soon and bring some more of your mates along next time too. i mite be down for xlr8, not sure if my boyfriend is up foir it yet though the boring bastard, lol. is there any meeting times for this saturdays events mite come down with my mate jem is shes up for it, not sure yet tho. ps. do you ever reply to any texts people send you
- 0 replies
Hey there ladies and gents, As you may or may not of noticed, I haven't been around recently, well thats been due to some technical problems with BT....... ok so they just blocked my phone lines for no apparent reason...gits but im back now so bring on the chat as for BT....
- 9 replies
Hey there ladies and gents, As you may or may not of noticed, I haven't been around recently, well thats been due to some technical problems with BT....... ok so they just blocked my phone lines for no apparent reason...gits but im back now so bring on the chat as for BT....
- 9 replies
Hey there ladies and gents, As you may or may not of noticed, I haven't been around recently, well thats been due to some technical problems with BT....... ok so they just blocked my phone lines for no apparent reason...gits but im back now so bring on the chat as for BT....
- 9 replies
If a small child is choking on an ice cube, don't panic.Simply pour a jug of boiling water down its throat and hey presto! The blockage is almost instantly removed. Manchester United fans. Save money on expensive new kits by simply strapping a large fake penis to your forehead. It is now clear to all, as to your allegiance. Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away. Keep the seat next to you on the train vacant by smiling and nodding at people as they walk up the aisle. Weight watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at the chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by no…
- 2 replies
If a small child is choking on an ice cube, don't panic.Simply pour a jug of boiling water down its throat and hey presto! The blockage is almost instantly removed. Manchester United fans. Save money on expensive new kits by simply strapping a large fake penis to your forehead. It is now clear to all, as to your allegiance. Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away. Keep the seat next to you on the train vacant by smiling and nodding at people as they walk up the aisle. Weight watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at the chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by no…
- 2 replies
If a small child is choking on an ice cube, don't panic.Simply pour a jug of boiling water down its throat and hey presto! The blockage is almost instantly removed. Manchester United fans. Save money on expensive new kits by simply strapping a large fake penis to your forehead. It is now clear to all, as to your allegiance. Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away. Keep the seat next to you on the train vacant by smiling and nodding at people as they walk up the aisle. Weight watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at the chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by no…
- 2 replies
Just to let u know that tonight Kernzy & Klemenza were tryin to reply to a post but the site wasntletting them and was showing them on who's online as "logging in" i sent him a private mail and he could see it but couldnt get to it, i tried logging in as them and it worked fine for me on my pc!! They even got a new temp password to try but still didnt [censored]!! Just wonderin if u know whats goin wrong!! If u need any more info ask me or paddy (thats who was tryin to get in) cheers hun!! Hope uv had a good weekend!! xXx
- 3 replies
Just to let u know that tonight Kernzy & Klemenza were tryin to reply to a post but the site wasntletting them and was showing them on who's online as "logging in" i sent him a private mail and he could see it but couldnt get to it, i tried logging in as them and it worked fine for me on my pc!! They even got a new temp password to try but still didnt [censored]!! Just wonderin if u know whats goin wrong!! If u need any more info ask me or paddy (thats who was tryin to get in) cheers hun!! Hope uv had a good weekend!! xXx
- 3 replies
Just to let u know that tonight Kernzy & Klemenza were tryin to reply to a post but the site wasntletting them and was showing them on who's online as "logging in" i sent him a private mail and he could see it but couldnt get to it, i tried logging in as them and it worked fine for me on my pc!! They even got a new temp password to try but still didnt [censored]!! Just wonderin if u know whats goin wrong!! If u need any more info ask me or paddy (thats who was tryin to get in) cheers hun!! Hope uv had a good weekend!! xXx
- 3 replies
i think the title speaks for itself!!
- 1 reply
i think the title speaks for itself!!
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i think the title speaks for itself!!
- 1 reply
Morning people!! Anyone else have a stoooopid hangover like me ??? WHO THE HELL DECIDED THAT INVENTING JACK DANIELS WAS A GOOD IDEA ?!!! Anyone else coming out to play at HHAcademy tonight ???
- 10 replies
Morning people!! Anyone else have a stoooopid hangover like me ??? WHO THE HELL DECIDED THAT INVENTING JACK DANIELS WAS A GOOD IDEA ?!!! Anyone else coming out to play at HHAcademy tonight ???
- 10 replies
Morning people!! Anyone else have a stoooopid hangover like me ??? WHO THE HELL DECIDED THAT INVENTING JACK DANIELS WAS A GOOD IDEA ?!!! Anyone else coming out to play at HHAcademy tonight ???
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.. One hour , so don't forget and be late for church !
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.. One hour , so don't forget and be late for church !
- 16 replies
.. One hour , so don't forget and be late for church !
- 16 replies
Due to technical difficulties (?) before, these CD's never got sent out, and now Claire has lost all of your address'. If you'd still like a copy of the afore mentioned CD, PM me your address and i'll mail you a copy in the next few days.
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