General Discussion
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Well happy campers, how has it been so far for you all? Mine was relatively quite went for drinks with friends Friday got sloshed and suffered the hangover Saturday morning and had a night in last night watching movies.
Hello my love. Just wandered if a scanner would come in handy for you, as I have one here, in good nick, sitting under my bed all on it's lonesome.
I have done it TWICE in the last two e:mails I have written. What is wrong with me :S
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I went last night and had a wicked time - but feeling really battered and bruised as my sister squashed all my bones on the rides. Although not been to a fair ain ages and it was well fun ! Took my nephew on this well fast ride - although he didn't wana go on it at first, but when he did, he wasn't liking it and was alsmot about to cry. Alas, if it wasn't for me the little nipper would have cried his eyes out ! It was well funny - I think sinse last night, I really am officialy (sp) a WHACKO The last ride I went on they were playing chilled Techno Which made the ride even more worth while Got some pics put up in the Members Gallery too ! Do y…
- 16 replies
(excluding CTW!) post the WORST web site you can find ... Are We Going To Blow Up Or Not ?
- 16 replies
I had a dream about you last night. If it wasn't for seeing your name online, I would never have remembered.
That there is only ONE person for you on this Earth ?
- The only thing which is worrying me is that each time I visit the site I have a few more years taken off :s Your Personal Day of Death is... Thursday, February 8, 2018 Seconds left to live... 422,991,686 Delay Your Date of Death
- 17 replies
For those who love conspiracies, check this out..
- 9 replies
Personally, I am all for 'mwa'. I think 'mwah' is a very 'poof like' term !
- 44 replies
Mine has to be egg fried rice, mushrooms and prawn crockers. And I am having it tonight ! :yummy:
- 29 replies
... at this time of morning ! I do not miss the sky starting to brighten up at this hour of morning. BLISS
See this another site & just what will people think of next look here!!
- 13 replies
Are there any funky housers on this chat? I have only spoken to about 5......
- 22 replies
have delivered my fukkin mattress at LAST bunch of after 2 weeks we managed to contact the ppl at the warehouse, where the mattress had been sitting doing nothing for almost 3 weeks. half an hour ago i got a call from the driver in the van "how do we get to your place?". the deopt is within walking distance of where i live. the van's just driven up the road with a long piece of rope dragging from the door handle, on the road. riiiiiiiite.