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Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Im getting there around 5pm & going straight in the pub!!

    • 18 replies
  2. Im getting there around 5pm & going straight in the pub!!

    • 18 replies
  3. Im getting there around 5pm & going straight in the pub!!

    • 18 replies
  4. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    Who would you choose to perform ( lookalike & songwise ) if you had to go on ' Stars in They're Eyes ' ? I'd be someone from So Solid, just go onto the stage, cause a load of aggro and hey presto - get thousands of fans ! Please not that Boy George is reserved for CreamyC and James will be starring as Rick Astley !!

  5. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    Who would you choose to perform ( lookalike & songwise ) if you had to go on ' Stars in They're Eyes ' ? I'd be someone from So Solid, just go onto the stage, cause a load of aggro and hey presto - get thousands of fans ! Please not that Boy George is reserved for CreamyC and James will be starring as Rick Astley !!

  6. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    Who would you choose to perform ( lookalike & songwise ) if you had to go on ' Stars in They're Eyes ' ? I'd be someone from So Solid, just go onto the stage, cause a load of aggro and hey presto - get thousands of fans ! Please not that Boy George is reserved for CreamyC and James will be starring as Rick Astley !!

  7. Started by James,

    This is one of the best ones I've seen. Zipped Excel Spreadsheet Attached !

  8. Started by James,

    This is one of the best ones I've seen. Zipped Excel Spreadsheet Attached !

  9. Started by James,

    This is one of the best ones I've seen. Zipped Excel Spreadsheet Attached !

  10. Started by Tidy Girl,

    yey!! see ya there kids!

  11. Started by Tidy Girl,

    yey!! see ya there kids!

  12. Started by Tidy Girl,

    yey!! see ya there kids!

  13. Guest
    Started by Guest,

    Hi guys, Myself and Pander have finally sorted our pad out and are now looking into having a house warming party, we're looking at around November time which would be IDEAL as we could have a firework party etc - ARRGHH, I'm losing it, hehe - it may be the closest weekend to the 5th as HUMANLY possible !! So whos up ?? James

  14. Guest
    Started by Guest,

    Hi guys, Myself and Pander have finally sorted our pad out and are now looking into having a house warming party, we're looking at around November time which would be IDEAL as we could have a firework party etc - ARRGHH, I'm losing it, hehe - it may be the closest weekend to the 5th as HUMANLY possible !! So whos up ?? James

  15. Guest
    Started by Guest,

    Hi guys, Myself and Pander have finally sorted our pad out and are now looking into having a house warming party, we're looking at around November time which would be IDEAL as we could have a firework party etc - ARRGHH, I'm losing it, hehe - it may be the closest weekend to the 5th as HUMANLY possible !! So whos up ?? James

  16. Started by Blink,

    Resuming my "toast" post, I was thinking today, would you rather live without Cheese, or Bread? I mean, you can't beat a lump of mature cheddar....but there is toast. And what would happen to sandwiches? Pizza.....can't happen without cheese, but does a pizza base count as bread? We should think oursleves lucky we don't have to deal with these things!! (Blink, 11 stone, needing to diet, but thinks about cheese way too much) More cheese Grommit?

  17. Started by Blink,

    Resuming my "toast" post, I was thinking today, would you rather live without Cheese, or Bread? I mean, you can't beat a lump of mature cheddar....but there is toast. And what would happen to sandwiches? Pizza.....can't happen without cheese, but does a pizza base count as bread? We should think oursleves lucky we don't have to deal with these things!! (Blink, 11 stone, needing to diet, but thinks about cheese way too much) More cheese Grommit?

  18. Started by Blink,

    Resuming my "toast" post, I was thinking today, would you rather live without Cheese, or Bread? I mean, you can't beat a lump of mature cheddar....but there is toast. And what would happen to sandwiches? Pizza.....can't happen without cheese, but does a pizza base count as bread? We should think oursleves lucky we don't have to deal with these things!! (Blink, 11 stone, needing to diet, but thinks about cheese way too much) More cheese Grommit?

  19. Started by big_ee69,

    Can you delete my angry post below. Thanks ian

  20. Started by big_ee69,

    Can you delete my angry post below. Thanks ian

  21. Started by big_ee69,

    Can you delete my angry post below. Thanks ian

  22. Started by Beckie in La La Land,


    • 15 replies
  23. Started by Beckie in La La Land,


    • 15 replies
  24. Started by Beckie in La La Land,


    • 15 replies
  25. The other day me and James were sat eating a meal in this nice pizza place, when we started having a conversation that i have been thinking about alot since. We were talking about clubbing, ( i cant remember the whole conversation) and James replied: "Well your not a proper clubber!" I was a bit taken back buy this...... and would like to propose the question What is a proper clubber?? I hear this term used alot on the site, and i have alot of issues about it! can it be a censored word/s???? My issues ... 1) The words proper cluber are used all the time on the site. and is it right that just becouse i cant afford to go out every weeke…

    • 69 replies
  26. Started by CreamyD,

    Off all the abuse..as the most mild manered member of CWT, i've taken just about as much as i can stand...so it's time to take the gloves OFF.... 1st Campaign Ban RAY!!!!

    • 20 replies
  27. Started by CreamyD,

    Off all the abuse..as the most mild manered member of CWT, i've taken just about as much as i can stand...so it's time to take the gloves OFF.... 1st Campaign Ban RAY!!!!

    • 20 replies
  28. Started by CreamyD,

    Off all the abuse..as the most mild manered member of CWT, i've taken just about as much as i can stand...so it's time to take the gloves OFF.... 1st Campaign Ban RAY!!!!

    • 20 replies
  29. Started by MattD,

    Anyone watch Ibiza TV Trippin' with Morillo - Wednesday nites on 4? About Ibiza clubs, beaches....

    • 8 replies
  30. Started by Mitzie Dancer,

    Whats ur favourite colour underwear? These answers always interest me

Clubbing the world together ...