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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Bushy,

    To watch the football tonight!!! :D Cant wait, never been to the millenium stadium before, ad Eddie has pulled through with tickets free of charge and players lounge passes afterwards! Woo-Hoooooooo!!!! Cant wait!

    • 8 replies
  2. Started by Rascal,

    Where have you been???

    • 10 replies
  3. Started by Phil rr,

    didnt cancel the cheque, did u?

    • 11 replies
  4. Started by Ginge,

    Top ten comments made by sports commentators that they would like to take back: 1. Weightlifting commentator at the Olympic Snatch and Jerk Event: "This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria. I saw her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing." 2. Ted Walsh - Horse Racing Commentator: "This is really a lovely horse and I speak from personal experience since I once mounted her mother." 3. Grand Prix Race Announcer: "The lead car is absolutely, truly unique, except for the one behind it, which is exactly identical to the one in front of the similar one in back." 4. Greg Norman, Pro Golfer: "I owe a lot to my parents, especially my …

    • 7 replies
  5. Started by Bushy,

    QUOTE Bushy I'll be out in Sheffield a fair bit from October if your ever in that region? Sounds good to me, get in touch with that retard simon and we can organise a night of unadulterated alcoholism!

    • 6 replies
  6. Started by Phil rr,

    think these are pretty decent, but they seem to leave a slightly wierd after taste, which they didn't before... kinda 'yum'.

    • 11 replies
  7. WHYYYYYYYYYYY? I rely on them to scrape through the day

    • 8 replies
  8. Started by stavros,

    my account was suspened for a while can some 1 tell me y please

    • 13 replies
  9. Started by Lisa,

    What is everyone up to this weekend? I was supposed be going to London, but cos im ill, thats that plan out of the window

    • 38 replies
  10. Started by betty boop,

    Good afternoon all you lovely CTW people. How is everyone today and what has been occuring? Not been able to get on much as been busy bee at work. Where is the lovely LiquidEyes and Alex

  11. Started by stavros,

    i was on niteclubbers forum and read the topic in suggestions section saying this QUOTE something flashy or a brighter colour to say when we have PMs....i dont notice otherwise........am i alone? probably so i replyed QUOTE u mean make the (1 new message) thing flash i had it on my site i had it flashing lime green its easy to do and vince the owner said QUOTE I DONT CARE WHAT YOU'VE GOT ON YOUR SITE...AND NO ONE ELSE DOES HERE EITHER! thank u.. do u think he will ban me

    • 34 replies
  12. Started by Maria,

    Does this come with all computers bought straight from the retailer these days, or do you have to buy it seperatly ?

    • 6 replies
  13. Started by Adam,

    Can you change mine to Lamb Chowder? Many thanks and ta's...

    • 2 replies
  14. Started by marias mum,

    On the morning of my birthday I have had to come here and scold you lot You call yourselves adults .....your like a bunch of kids in the school playground. First of all let me say when I first came to CTW I thought you ALL where a horrible bunch of people especially Creamy C. What ever I wrote he would come back at me with a torrent of abuse like f*** of you welsh bitch I really took offence at that considering (i'm Irish) . No matter what I posted he and others would slay me with abuse but then I met the reknown Creamy C and what a surprise I had a nicer guy I have never met. I dont know any of you people here in person but I have got an insight as…

    • 23 replies
  15. Started by EmmaBlu,

    your avatar is freaky!!!!!

    • 8 replies
  16. Started by Maria,

    I seemed to have forgotten how to create a desktop password on my WindowsXP and I have racked my brains out trying to do it and im not getting any where ! *pulls hair out*. Can anyone help / advice ?

    • 8 replies
  17. Started by Lisa,

    Morning one & all, how are we this fine thurs, not long til the weekend. So what has been happing on CTW etc

    • 30 replies
  18. Started by Phil rr,

    hi, i won't be in work today. bye.

  19. Started by Rascal,

    Who does this look like?!

    • 60 replies
  20. Started by Louise,

    i feel as everyone else is getting there accounts suspended for no reason its about time i spoke up........heres the PM i sent ja\mes....& if this gets deleted i will post it again QUOTE hello james, seen as maria & lisa/betty boop keep asking as to why members are leaving, i thought i best give reasons as as you both kepp asking nothing can be done to rectify the situation, but i know nothing will be done to rectify the situation anyway because of who it involves. CTW has become a place of not what you know but who you know & if your face dont fit ........then dont you just know its become one rule for one but another for everyone else (eg ban…

    • 2 replies
  21. Started by betty boop,

    Here's mine from the film *city of angels* *iris* by the Googoo dolls And I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life 'Cause sooner or later it's over I just don't want to miss you tonight * And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything…

    • 38 replies
  22. Started by Maria,

    Does anyone have one of these ? I am having trouble 'sussing' out how to transfer MP3s and pictures from PC to this phone. Iv installed the 'suite' software and have read the manul and the read me files, but there is no information how to transfer from PC to Phone via the cable ? Help

    • 10 replies
  23. Started by James,

    Cant believe how much space this archive site must have to store a history of all websites !!! http://web.archive.org/web/*/www.clubtheworld.uk

  24. Started by Maria,

    Crikey - this stuff is lovely. Didn't know this juice exsisted untill I openend my fridge when I got back home last night in a mega thirsty state. Smells 'orrible, but tastes devine and well freshed ! It's lovely to sip when you first get up in the morning. Im all for healthy products today !

    • 13 replies
  25. Started by betty boop,

    Hey CTW guys and gals, question for you all. What type of person do you go for? Blue/brown eyes black or blonde hair. What kind of person stirs the urges in your loins?

  26. Started by Tw!stedM!nx,

    Hey Just thought I would say as its my first posting today....

    • 1 reply
  27. Started by stavros,

    i have helped CTW there is a link on my forum to CTW check it out here http://s3.invisionfree.com/Clubbing/index....view=getnewpost

    • 15 replies
  28. Started by Maria,

    Yo ! I avern arf missed ya bint ! Hope you're staying.

  29. Started by betty boop,

    Hi people, How is everyone, just thought I would join up, after, lurking around for a week!! I was given a card a HHC V Frantic by some nice people, so thought id join up, say hi & join in. Please be nice though ok xxxx Betty xxxx

    • 21 replies
  30. Started by squeakage,

    while we're asking questions usually see her post on one site or another is she on hols or something?

    • 22 replies
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