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And why was it closed?? I wanted an answer to my post, if the mod's closed it because they didn't agree with what was written, surely that in itself proves that they shouldn't be mod's due to the fact that they definitely can't be impartial?!?!? Is this site going back to the pile of wank it became before the old site suddenly dissapeared, or is something going to be done about the abuse of power this time??
Are you serious maria?? The reason people can't point these things out is due to the threads being deleted, do you expect people to save every thread locally so they can remember what was said?? Please get off your high-horse and actually remember what has happened and to whom it has happened... Seems to me there is a convenient forgetfulness being employed by the Mods/Admins here... As you know, I don't bother posting much here anymore due to the fact that nothing every gets done about issues that arise or PM's to the Mods/Admins never get answered, but the posts I have read from you in the last coup…
do you still have that cu...nt sequence thing with the kittens and stuff? if so pm it to me please
- 4 replies
whats the weirdest person or place name u have seen mines would be Mrs Cockburn (not that good)
- 16 replies
Just watched 'Hellboy' again, and despite it looking like absolute toss from trailers, its the best film I have seen all summer so far BY AN ABSOLUTE MILE Never heard of anyone in the cast, but the script, storyline and special effects make this (imo) the best comic book-to-film yet!!! The only negative point is the ending which is a bit of an anti-climax in comparison to what has lead upto it, cos it just kinda ends suddenly... not too badly though!! Defo worth seeing if your a fan of xmen/spiderman etc films
- 25 replies
Inspired by a line from "Shaun of the Dead", can Dog's look up? Photographic or Scientific evidence required.
- 7 replies
i bought PC at the weekend for £880 it has a 17" flatscreen moniter cd/dvd writter 80gb hard drive (i think) came with free digi cam and printe/scanner/copier
- 4 replies
I need to get in contact with the Orange Customer Service department to set up a few facilities on my new phone. Due to the cost of making a phone call to them directly through the options on my mobile phone, I don't have the sufficient funds in my phone to contact them. Is there a site online ( = VOID) or a number I can call from my landline that anyone would know ? Please and thanks. Maria (Miss).
- 0 replies
My mates band is in a poll for some reason. They're called "When Trams Were Kings". I was wondering if you lot could take 10 seconds out of your day and vote for them here. The poll is down the right hand side of the page and they're No. 10. Cheers.
- 17 replies
who is goin to met lounge on thursday night?????
- 22 replies
I caught up with Caroline Banx to ask a few questions....................... Caroline Banx Interview
Does anyone know a good basic site where I can learn flash ? Scream ?
- 2 replies
and my mate has just passed out on the sofa
- 10 replies
movie villain?? do i have a penis????
- 25 replies
I think we need just one more Peterborough post. umm.... Go and live somewhere decent.
- 6 replies
dunno if anyone has posted this, but this should brighten up anyone having a case of the moody Tuesdays Bush Vs Kerry cartoon needs sound! dj.
- 1 reply
I'm back from the dead I s there anyone left on here who can remember me? I'd like to catch up with all my old buddies.
- 5 replies
Hello Rascal, im being nosey now and wondering if there was any updates on the she scores subject?
I dunno who it is and I'm sorry if I offend anyone else... I dunno who it is so I am makin this on a couple different places of boards.... please stop emailin me things pertainin to a certain know who you are and I haven't been commin on here sayin anything and things are bad enuff as it is... This ISN'T a piss take for anyone who doesn't know about this... I don't like it and it hurts cos' problems between me and this other if they weren't already there....So enuff is enuff... Stop emailin me annon wise and stop callin me!!! Don't you have anything better to do with your time and your money than to be callin me and being a jerk...…
- 5 replies