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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Phil rr,

    is so uncool but it's great at being an oven glove

    • 46 replies
  2. Started by Maria,

    Was just sat eating whats left of my chips from cooking up steak and chips. Was typing away and then reached to the left for, what I thought, was the last chip. It wasn't there and I was really looking forward to it.

    • 19 replies
  3. Started by Maria,

    Mine is ... Stop mourning your wilder days. Didn't you just paint the town? Even your fiery sign occasionally needs time to rest, regroup and get ready for the next fiesta. Yawning is perfectly acceptable.

  4. Started by Maria,

    Do you have one ? They are a killer to use when you are soooo new to them. Shiyza !

  5. Started by Maria,

    is so cool it's even great at being an anal glove

    • 10 replies
  6. Started by Alex,

    Yoko Ono "Experimental artist Yoko Ono is set to recreate one of her best-known works 40 years after its debut, as part of a London exhibition." "The 71-year-old recreated the work in Paris last year in an effort to promote world peace, but left the stage in her underwear." Why will she not retire gracefully!!

  7. Started by stavros,

    yipppeeeeee off friday only two days to go till weekend ( not including 2day )

    • 3 replies
  8. Started by betty boop,

    and you are?

    • 18 replies
  9. Started by marias mum,

    Ok now for the Pikey Test clik here opps one question they left out ................... Have you ever bought Tesco Value Facial Tissues

  10. Started by Phil rr,

    the board used to be so much better 6 months ago

  11. I'd have to say Gladiator and the Green Mile always do it for me

    • 42 replies
  12. Started by 2funkedup,

    saw some wicked y-fronts in loaded years ago and now want some

    • 2 replies
  13. Started by BenRW,

    just set my alarm for 5am i hate early morning practicals

    • 0 replies
  14. Started by squeakage,

    I love watching horror flicks (only when if got my man to hold my hand though) saw hellrasier and hellbound this weekend very disturbing!! *eek) what's everyone's favourites?

    • 33 replies
  15. Started by Ginge,

    I've logged in about 10-15 times now and every time I try to get into ANY forum, I get logged out. Anyone got any ideas?

    • 2 replies
  16. Started by Maria,

    Have you had yours, today ?

    • 48 replies
  17. Started by Maria,

    Any one seen this ? Considering the more up-to-date Episode is now bought, I think I may watch it this afternoon.

    • 19 replies
  18. Started by betty boop,

    which one would you be and why? I would definately have to be........................

    • 14 replies
  19. Started by James,

    All, Please will you welcome Amanda as a new moderator within the events section - she has very kindly agreed to help out with the event content and to help keep the topics on-topic so we can ensure the content is up to date and fresher. We are also going to look into ways of ensuring that the non-hard-dance events have better visibility as there have been examples recently of members being put off from posting about new nights relating to other genres etc. I'd like to thank Amanda for her ideas and help so far and of course for her excellent work with Tony.P and Lisa - Amanda shares our passion for what we do here and having her input and advise can only be go…

    • 8 replies
  20. Started by squeakage,

    does anyone know how much an open return from Kings X to p'boro is using the WAGN service I know it's £20 (with a railcard) using GNER but I'm gunna be a student so may need to downgrade... cheers if anyone knows

    • 12 replies
  21. Guest Luke90
    Started by Guest Luke90,

    QUOTE As I say, any members who feel there are any problems with the site or the admin or the moderation please pm myself or James so we can look into it & sort as need. I think there lies your problem Maria. No one will because nothing ever gets done.

    • 7 replies
  22. Started by stavros,

    i went to see hellboy on st good film

    • 8 replies
  23. Started by betty boop,

    Do you have any and what are they?

  24. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    I quite liked this one. Click here QUOTE Summary of Strategists Quiet, easy-going and intellectually curious Use logical, objective thinking to find original solutions to problems Think of themselves as bright, logical and individualistic May be impractical, forgetting practical issues, such as paying bills or doing the shopping More about Strategists Strategists are quiet people who like to get to the heart of tough problems on their own and come up with innovative solutions. They analyse situations with a sceptical eye and develop ways of measuring everything, including themselves. Strategists are generally easy-going. They are intellectually …

    • 29 replies
  25. Started by Maria,

    Hey, you never guess what I can play on the Piano ??

    • 3 replies
  26. Started by betty boop,

    So then, did you hit a club, the pub, cinema or just stay indoors?

    • 25 replies
  27. Started by Glitz Chick,

    I have recently taken up a position at the Club Colosseum in Vauxhall and as part of my re branding / marketing I am looking at sourcing a piece of music ideally house or trance to include as the background to our website www.clubcolosseum.com The club used to hold regular garage / R & B nights but has not done so for 3 years and now has strict music policies against holding such nights now or in the future. So I feel the music of the website must now reflect these changes. The piece of music needs to be at least 2 minutes in length with or without vocals. The producer will have their name credited on the website and we can also arrange for a link to th…

  28. ... computer desk ? On James', we have .. FOUR empty packets of crisps (all mine) THREE empty packets of Maltesers (all mine) SEVEN empty glasses (both of ours) ONE empty bottle of wine (both of ours) TWO bowls containing a few coco pops (all James') ONE plate (mine) ONE small plate (mine) ONE empty carton of milk (James') ONE knife (mine) ONE fork (mine) TWO spoons (James') Tramp ALERTIO !!

    • 53 replies
  29. Started by Alex,

    I can't help but feel, for the sake of a quiet house, it would have been wiser to have chosen a new car... King chooses next bride.

    • 27 replies
  30. Started by betty boop,

    Inspired by a comment made by Alex in general. Can anyone shed some light on this and post views and opinions. Im away to search on good old google now for some info

    • 45 replies
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