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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by betty boop,

    I am with ntl and keep having bloody problems with my modem Keep getting cut of etc, bloody annoying

  2. Started by betty boop,

    when your balls drop, can you feel it & does it hurt?

    • 46 replies
  3. Started by Steph,

    Hello my sweet What you up to this friday night? I start my new job at liquid so you should pop down and have a ganders! Did you go out with fern for her biffday last night? I couldnt make it

  4. Started by Maria,

    I think we should go out and buy a DVD recorder / writter this weekend. Whaddya think ?

    • 18 replies
  5. Started by EmmaBlu,

    i werent ignoring your texts , i just ran out of credit did you have a good time ?

    • 7 replies
  6. Started by betty boop,

    well what do you do during the week to pay the bills etc?

    • 23 replies
  7. Started by stavros,

    just writing to say thanks to ctw for lettin me post me forum on the forum i got some new members through it and now have 2,500 posts so thanks

  8. Started by Maria,

    Anyone seen this ? What did you think of it ? I have been wanting to see this for ages as it looked really good ! Watched it last night on DVD and overall, I was dissapointed !

  9. Started by Maria,

    Crikey - he is getting WELL old ! He used to be a looker - now he is a wrinkler !

  10. Started by Spunkmonkey,

    ... probably a question thats going to make me sound more of a thick twat than first tot' ...but... can anyone tell us the name of the first track played by Amber D @ Creamfields in Tidy Arena *not counting the "Can't touch this" skit*... and then again later by Andy Farley as the last track, again, in the Tidy Arena @ Creamfields? been bugging me all week trying to think of what the fuck it was taaaaaaaaar ...think it may of been recently(ish) released on one of the said Tidy Labels?

    • 4 replies
  11. Started by dissolved girl,

    Now, I love fresh salmon. But, when I cooked some the other day, the whole flat stank like a stale festering bin bag. It wasn't even rudely fishy, in the way that anchovies might be pejoratively accused of smelling of female genitalia which brings me to my favourite joke, as told apparantly by Princess Di once at a dinner party thus hideously shaming Prince Charles What smells worse than an anchovy? An anchovy's bottom

    • 21 replies
  12. Started by Maria,

    Mine is when I was getting to the next stage of my mathematics book in the infants and I was dead chuffed !

    • 7 replies
  13. Started by smegin2002,

    i've just installed service pack 2 onto my p.c. It took a long time to load up after restarting, has anyone else installed it? Has anyone had any problems with it?

    • 25 replies
  14. Started by Maria,

    Pretending to have his hair coloured.

    • 15 replies
  15. Started by betty boop,

    do you ever suffer from camel toe?

  16. Started by Maria,

    .. supposed to start getting cold ???

    • 17 replies
  17. Started by betty boop,

    Well, I hate heights & of course erasers What do you fear or have a phobia of?

    • 17 replies
  18. Started by natron,

    hi im from vancouver bc canada and im a huge fan of uk hardhouse.i have about 300 records of pure hardhouse.im dj natron and i have a new mix i made ready for anyone who is interested.the hardhouse scene here is bad,there is none.If i could i would go to london any day to spin. hope to hear from all you uk hardhouse fans natron

    • 15 replies
  19. Started by nuthead53,

    • 4 replies
  20. Started by Ian Cashman,

    I just heard your new tune in the new PC World advert m8!!! Well Done!!!

    • 12 replies
  21. Started by paula,

    sorry ive not been online so couldnt get too chat. ive had the most horrendus week ever, fuking workmen, dont trust the bastards ever. hopefully catch up with soon xxx

    • 4 replies
  22. Started by Mr Moo,

    Where me and "TidyToss" were playing b2b. It would have been proper shit. Cheesy disco 80s Bit of house/old skool & D&B

    • 17 replies
  23. Started by Trouble,

    off away for the next for days to leeds Im sure most of you bunch will be glad to be rid of the sight of me, but i hope one of you will miss my stupid ass well i'll have fun, get pissed, have lots of sex (wiv the same person) and see what els takes my fancie mwah love all you lovely person's loads if you miss me the ceque will be in the post ill leave you wiv this pc of me

  24. Started by Trouble,

    do you want to give me heartattack opend up your profile and boom jumped out my skin scary stuff there hun i think im gonna have to dig out the plastic sheet for my bed whas this ment to look like this mwah love ya

  25. Started by betty boop,

    Lets talk about anything, but lets talk please

    • 27 replies
  26. Started by squeakage,

    People who take the piss and don't pay their way in life namely my brother annoys me how he think the world owes him a favour and he should have a free life grrr

    • 5 replies
  27. Started by Phil rr,

    back to watch the telly with family.

Clubbing the world together ...