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What is your favourite? Mine I think is out of these few....
Happy friday everyone on clubtheworld So have you all got any weekend plans
With added peach flavour. Anyone tried it ? Like it ? Tell Moira.
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This made me chuckle, a bit of friday humour for you all. The miracle
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Guys and Gals are there any decent movie releases at the local blockbusters you would recommend? Fancy sprawling in front of the tv tonight with a bottle of black tower and need a good film to view, so any ideas please
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Good day for me today. After only being awake for 25 minutes I won £700 on an internet casino. Think I'll top up my DVD collection and get some new clothes.
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does ne1 like them not sure if i do, but belly flops used to be my party piece when i was a youngster
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Hey - where abouts are you from ? Must meet up some time soon ! You out this weekend hon ?
into the photo galleries at once or does it have to be one at a time?
does any1 else absolutely hate these infernal machines? as a company they are so up their own arse, their OS is shit, their standard mouse is shit and basically they just really are shit and the worst bit is that i have to use them for some of my coursework in college give me a PC anyday
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Hello there big fella - how was the weekend down this way ? Did you wave to my parents ?
Personally I blame students but there's fucking millions around at the moment. The current "in" look is to look like that whoever cut it was having a laugh. It certainly makes me laugh.
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Tomorrow ... what are your plans my love Did you get my number off Cal?
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I have just got to the part where you play about with the service monorail thingy (after you get chainsaw - yay ) How far behind you am I in the game?? I knew I should have gone on an easier setting then 'veteran' cos its gettting fucking tough now
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How can you PREFER this version ? You're having me on, innit ? It's pants ! Absolutleeeeeeeeeey, P.A.N.T.S. Peropa, shit stained, y-front, Mr Bean style ....... PANTS I LOVE the original ! Shall I say it one more time ? It's absolutleeeeeey PANTS. What's your WORD at the moment Hombre ? Mine's DEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFO ......... PANTS ! Chryst on a bike ! It's pants I tell ya ! sorry. Got a bit carried away by the shitness of it there ! (sorry - im in a well funny mood It's Ginges fault ) Just gona download the original now though the one that isn't so PANTS innit !
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