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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by j1983m,

    i got a little letter icon flashing at the top of the page!!! ... the links at the top arent working tho so i cant read it. so to whoever sent it... im not ignoring ya just dont have a clue who it was!!!

    • 37 replies
  2. Started by j1983m,

    i got a little letter icon flashing at the top of the page!!! ... the links at the top arent working tho so i cant read it. so to whoever sent it... im not ignoring ya just dont have a clue who it was!!!

    • 37 replies
  3. Started by Bladeclubber,

    BRING IT ON!!!!!!

    • 17 replies
  4. Started by Bladeclubber,

    BRING IT ON!!!!!!

    • 17 replies
  5. Started by Bladeclubber,

    BRING IT ON!!!!!!

    • 17 replies
  6. A friend came round mine the other day and told me he was the happiest he'd ever been, really content and everything in his life was good! Hurrah I thought, good for him...then he broke down in tears because he was scared the happiness was gonna end and he would never feel so good again! What a strange guy, kinda scary really! He's fine now, thinks it was strange too, any1 had anything similar?

  7. A friend came round mine the other day and told me he was the happiest he'd ever been, really content and everything in his life was good! Hurrah I thought, good for him...then he broke down in tears because he was scared the happiness was gonna end and he would never feel so good again! What a strange guy, kinda scary really! He's fine now, thinks it was strange too, any1 had anything similar?

  8. A friend came round mine the other day and told me he was the happiest he'd ever been, really content and everything in his life was good! Hurrah I thought, good for him...then he broke down in tears because he was scared the happiness was gonna end and he would never feel so good again! What a strange guy, kinda scary really! He's fine now, thinks it was strange too, any1 had anything similar?

  9. Started by MS Zee,

    An idea for the fitst CTW night - these two in giant Sumo suits kicking seven bells out of each other.....

  10. Started by MS Zee,

    An idea for the fitst CTW night - these two in giant Sumo suits kicking seven bells out of each other.....

  11. Started by MS Zee,

    An idea for the fitst CTW night - these two in giant Sumo suits kicking seven bells out of each other.....

  12. Started by CreamyC,

    Can I just say that Ibiza has thre wirsst keyboards on Planert Earth! I canbt type for [censored]! Oh, and Ibixa is a pile os [censored]! Never agaiun! And FredTheTosser is exactkly that!

  13. Started by CreamyC,

    Can I just say that Ibiza has thre wirsst keyboards on Planert Earth! I canbt type for [censored]! Oh, and Ibixa is a pile os [censored]! Never agaiun! And FredTheTosser is exactkly that!

  14. Started by CreamyC,

    Can I just say that Ibiza has thre wirsst keyboards on Planert Earth! I canbt type for [censored]! Oh, and Ibixa is a pile os [censored]! Never agaiun! And FredTheTosser is exactkly that!

  15. Started by matthew james,

    Public Service Announcement Don't drink Aftershock and Tequila at half past two in the morning and then try to do your job at 8am. IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT. m.

  16. Started by matthew james,

    Public Service Announcement Don't drink Aftershock and Tequila at half past two in the morning and then try to do your job at 8am. IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT. m.

  17. Started by matthew james,

    Public Service Announcement Don't drink Aftershock and Tequila at half past two in the morning and then try to do your job at 8am. IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT. m.

  18. Started by CreamyC,

    STATEMENT: "CreamyC this morning made an anbnouncement stating that he will not be returnuing from Ibiza! The chock news came last night after Porn Industries Ltd apprioached Creamy to star in a new film involving lots of birdages! Althouhgh this will please 98%v of creamy nation it ids sure to [censored] going to uppset many girls, he is sorry but this is going to catapaulyt him to worldwide stardom! Many thanks to everyone that has supported him over the last few months but bugger off the lot of ya, hes a star now! LOSERS!!!" PS: He also wishes to announce that the keyboards are [censored] AS!

  19. Started by CreamyC,

    STATEMENT: "CreamyC this morning made an anbnouncement stating that he will not be returnuing from Ibiza! The chock news came last night after Porn Industries Ltd apprioached Creamy to star in a new film involving lots of birdages! Althouhgh this will please 98%v of creamy nation it ids sure to [censored] going to uppset many girls, he is sorry but this is going to catapaulyt him to worldwide stardom! Many thanks to everyone that has supported him over the last few months but bugger off the lot of ya, hes a star now! LOSERS!!!" PS: He also wishes to announce that the keyboards are [censored] AS!

  20. Started by CreamyC,

    STATEMENT: "CreamyC this morning made an anbnouncement stating that he will not be returnuing from Ibiza! The chock news came last night after Porn Industries Ltd apprioached Creamy to star in a new film involving lots of birdages! Althouhgh this will please 98%v of creamy nation it ids sure to [censored] going to uppset many girls, he is sorry but this is going to catapaulyt him to worldwide stardom! Many thanks to everyone that has supported him over the last few months but bugger off the lot of ya, hes a star now! LOSERS!!!" PS: He also wishes to announce that the keyboards are [censored] AS!

  21. Started by Claire DC,

    I got this in an email .......... Fat Bald Ugly Insecure Broke? Guys! Did you know you can learn to hypnotize women into bed? Come on, dude - you can't tell me you don't need a little extra edge when it comes to scoring. It's FUN, and it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

    • 20 replies
  22. Started by Claire DC,

    I got this in an email .......... Fat Bald Ugly Insecure Broke? Guys! Did you know you can learn to hypnotize women into bed? Come on, dude - you can't tell me you don't need a little extra edge when it comes to scoring. It's FUN, and it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

    • 20 replies
  23. Started by Claire DC,

    I got this in an email .......... Fat Bald Ugly Insecure Broke? Guys! Did you know you can learn to hypnotize women into bed? Come on, dude - you can't tell me you don't need a little extra edge when it comes to scoring. It's FUN, and it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

    • 20 replies
  24. Started by matthew james,


  25. Started by matthew james,


  26. Started by matthew james,


  27. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    Does anyone agree that the bbc putting this pic up in a report about the new laws on dope is just askin for grief..................

  28. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    Does anyone agree that the bbc putting this pic up in a report about the new laws on dope is just askin for grief..................

  29. Started by TidyTraxGrant,

    Does anyone agree that the bbc putting this pic up in a report about the new laws on dope is just askin for grief..................

  30. Started by alasdairm,

    hey i got back from black rock city - burning man 2002 - yesterday. i'm totally out of it but feeling wonderful. one thousand wonderful stories to tell, so much great time spent with my incredible group of friends, falling more in love than ever with my beautiful girlfriend, and smiles on the faces of thousands of strangers... i didn't get much clubtheworld business done... it was a bit of a blur of chemicals, incredible psytrance and dust storms... forgive me. more later when i've decompressed a bit. pictures to follow... hope you are all doing good? alasdair

    • 6 replies
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