General Discussion
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Now i can have a pump moment on the dance floor
- 21 replies
So what did all the clubtheworld guys and gals get up to over the bank hol weekend then?
- 13 replies
What happened to my mix mate ? You ripped me off ! I feel violated.
I am currently waiting for an NTL Engineer to come to my house and install broadband in my bedroom. Although the time scheduled is between 12:00 - 17:00, although I aint gona be here from 14:30 onwards. I bet they come at 16:55 ! :@ This is usualy the case. A SPECIFIC time is more to my needs.
haha me and my sister just fooled my mum. It was WELL funny (yes you had to be there). My sister and I swapped names on MSN and I was pretending to be her and vice versa. My sister is the opposite to me when it comes to chatting 'banter' or swearing and saying rude things just for a laugh. So I was chatting away to mum, first off casualy, then getng a bit more 'different' by using the odd swear word which was shocking my mother at first, then going to the extreme of saying how 'I wish my husband wasn't playing darts tonight as I am feeling well horny - he is wicked in the bedroom - especialy when he goes down south !" and then my sister pretending to be me by s…
I can see a few members are on line, yet no-one is posting? Come on get your typing fingers on and lets chat, it is good to talk Bob says so
mine has to be bonkers XI forevolutions loving hardcore right now but for tamer stuff nothing beats the original trance nation album or for that slightly harder edge resonate 2
I really do. Was just about to walk through the kitchen into the bathroom to jump into my bath. Just as I stepped in the kitchen, I saw this MASSIVE spider right on the centre of the floor. So I got my mum to kill it. Got to the bathroom and looked EVERYWHERE before I got in, to make sure there were no spiders in sight, then I'd feel comfortable to get in the bath and relax. It was a nice bath. I got out, reached down to pick up my towel, and seen this MASSIVE, HORRIBLE lookin spider, right in the corner, not moving, as though he was looking at me and thinking 'Spiders gona get ya, spiders gona get ya'. With that I got my towel and ran as fast as I could. Y…
- 14 replies
did you sent a PM to "aaa" ? if so could you re send it to me please?
- 1 reply
Hey all, here are some nice lame jokes for you all to enjoy. A bloke is driving happily along in his car with his girlfriend when he's pulled over by the Police. The police officer approaches him and asks: "Have you been drinking Sir?" "Why?" asks the man, "Was I driving badly?" "No" replies the Officer, "You were driving splendidly. It was the ugly fat bird in the passenger seat that made me suspicious" _________________________________________________________________ Following a night out with a few friends, a man brought them back to show off his new flat. After the grand tour, the visitors were rather perplexed by …
- 13 replies
Gate crasher last sat, tresh wiggled like a worm.
- 2 replies
washing my hair with menthol head and shoulders and then rinsing with cold water makes my scalp go all tingly and the feeling is exsquisite
- 20 replies
shes so good but shes not fit so its really a 7/10 day today
- 16 replies
nice weather, im drowning out the neighbours car with my tunes, my washing machine has arrived and i just got £25 back from the bank
- 7 replies
Lee S vs Heavens Cry - Get Into It Not only does it sound dire, its crusified heavens cry.
- 2 replies
ive finally moved in my flat in loughton so ive now more freedom and not under the watchful eyes at the refuge haha can also have ppl round now unlike bein in refuge but unfortunately the walls are quite thin so cant have a party as i hoped still the place is absolutly amazing and looks like somethin u see on them property tv shows really nice and spacious
- 20 replies
Hey ho lady ! Got the post this morning - will get them sorted tomorrow for ya ! Cheers for the essay also, it brightened up my morning Aint you going on Holidays tomorrow ?! Just remembered. Well have a nice time you guys and bring me back something special ! Marry-a x
- 21 replies
and it's making want to y'all needed to know that... x
- 10 replies