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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Sophie,

    ... this new forum!!! well done james!!! havent really had a good chance to take a look around, so thought i would now! -i like the way you are notified of a flashing envelope whrn you got a pm! -i like the way you can see what other people are doing!! i hated it at first, but i really love it now! any how just thoguh i would share that with you all!

    • 2 replies
  2. Started by Sophie,

    ... this new forum!!! well done james!!! havent really had a good chance to take a look around, so thought i would now! -i like the way you are notified of a flashing envelope whrn you got a pm! -i like the way you can see what other people are doing!! i hated it at first, but i really love it now! any how just thoguh i would share that with you all!

    • 2 replies
  3. Started by Mr Christian,

    It been along time in coming, But whats 36-18???

  4. Started by Mr Christian,

    It been along time in coming, But whats 36-18???

  5. Started by Mr Christian,

    It been along time in coming, But whats 36-18???

  6. Started by SarahPVC,

    Found these 2 pics of me & james on UKClubPics.com - i think they were taken at Release in London..........

    • 0 replies
  7. Started by SarahPVC,

    Found these 2 pics of me & james on UKClubPics.com - i think they were taken at Release in London..........

    • 0 replies
  8. Started by SarahPVC,

    Found these 2 pics of me & james on UKClubPics.com - i think they were taken at Release in London..........

    • 0 replies
  9. Started by Pepsi,

    There really cute and I miss them Some are still here but not all of them, did they all have a big argument and some of them quit, I don't understand Will the Graemlins be coming back?

    • 3 replies
  10. Started by Pepsi,

    There really cute and I miss them Some are still here but not all of them, did they all have a big argument and some of them quit, I don't understand Will the Graemlins be coming back?

    • 3 replies
  11. Started by Pepsi,

    There really cute and I miss them Some are still here but not all of them, did they all have a big argument and some of them quit, I don't understand Will the Graemlins be coming back?

    • 3 replies
  12. Started by Ross.Rocks,

    Howdy Ravers... Iz in London!!!!!!!!!!!! Just been to that Lab4 thingy.... and OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS ACE!!!!!!! - Dunno if any of you ravers are around now but we have all the sweets in the world and have left the after party cus it was shite!!! I'll be in London all weekend and would luv to bump into you lot, give me a call or txt or call on 07811 326761. ASAP cus we're lookin for summit todo!!! See y'all soon, wish you could have been there!!! Gotta get out this cyber caf before they rape me for every penny I have!!! PS am in camden, an got shat reception, so if ya cant get through txt us!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

  13. Started by Ross.Rocks,

    Howdy Ravers... Iz in London!!!!!!!!!!!! Just been to that Lab4 thingy.... and OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS ACE!!!!!!! - Dunno if any of you ravers are around now but we have all the sweets in the world and have left the after party cus it was shite!!! I'll be in London all weekend and would luv to bump into you lot, give me a call or txt or call on 07811 326761. ASAP cus we're lookin for summit todo!!! See y'all soon, wish you could have been there!!! Gotta get out this cyber caf before they rape me for every penny I have!!! PS am in camden, an got shat reception, so if ya cant get through txt us!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

  14. Started by Ross.Rocks,

    Howdy Ravers... Iz in London!!!!!!!!!!!! Just been to that Lab4 thingy.... and OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS ACE!!!!!!! - Dunno if any of you ravers are around now but we have all the sweets in the world and have left the after party cus it was shite!!! I'll be in London all weekend and would luv to bump into you lot, give me a call or txt or call on 07811 326761. ASAP cus we're lookin for summit todo!!! See y'all soon, wish you could have been there!!! Gotta get out this cyber caf before they rape me for every penny I have!!! PS am in camden, an got shat reception, so if ya cant get through txt us!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

  15. my moving date has been put forward to this weekend, so as from friday evening i will not have the internet. if any one needs to contact me please do so on sophie@hotmail.com or my mobile: 07734259234 thanks sophie x

    • 3 replies
  16. Started by tidyboy69,

    hi ya hun how u doing?? im back on the site now.

  17. Started by tidyboy69,

    hi ya hun how u doing?? im back on the site now.

  18. Started by tidyboy69,

    hi ya hun how u doing?? im back on the site now.

  19. Started by scouseladuk,

    James is still having problems with the site. For some reason him and Kev could both see the site this morning but then started having problems again in the afternoon. It's becoming very intermittant and is affecting only some users while others can get on fine. The ISP is making more changes later on this evening which should help the problem. James will post a message back to you all the moment his access comes back. Cheers

    • 10 replies
  20. Started by scouseladuk,

    James is still having problems with the site. For some reason him and Kev could both see the site this morning but then started having problems again in the afternoon. It's becoming very intermittant and is affecting only some users while others can get on fine. The ISP is making more changes later on this evening which should help the problem. James will post a message back to you all the moment his access comes back. Cheers

    • 10 replies
  21. Started by scouseladuk,

    James is still having problems with the site. For some reason him and Kev could both see the site this morning but then started having problems again in the afternoon. It's becoming very intermittant and is affecting only some users while others can get on fine. The ISP is making more changes later on this evening which should help the problem. James will post a message back to you all the moment his access comes back. Cheers

    • 10 replies
  22. Started by James,

    changed your login id to 'Bunnykins' please use this and not your old login name. Note: it is case-sensitive I think so use 'Bunnykins' not 'bunnykins' or 'BunnyKins'

  23. Started by James,

    changed your login id to 'Bunnykins' please use this and not your old login name. Note: it is case-sensitive I think so use 'Bunnykins' not 'bunnykins' or 'BunnyKins'

  24. Started by James,

    changed your login id to 'Bunnykins' please use this and not your old login name. Note: it is case-sensitive I think so use 'Bunnykins' not 'bunnykins' or 'BunnyKins'

  25. Started by LittleMissLoud,

    where has every1 gone?

    • 57 replies
  26. Started by LittleMissLoud,

    where has every1 gone?

    • 57 replies
  27. Started by nice1bruva,

    Happy Birthday Babe Hope you get lots of nice prezzies Here's a birthday kiss from me X Have a lovely day H&K Bruvva

    • 11 replies
  28. Started by nice1bruva,

    Happy Birthday Babe Hope you get lots of nice prezzies Here's a birthday kiss from me X Have a lovely day H&K Bruvva

    • 11 replies
  29. Started by nice1bruva,

    Happy Birthday Babe Hope you get lots of nice prezzies Here's a birthday kiss from me X Have a lovely day H&K Bruvva

    • 11 replies
  30. Started by Bunnykins,

    I've had to re-log in!!!! Can u sort me out so i am back to dedicated clubber - hehe!! coz now i'm a newbie again

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