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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Claire DC,

    I have just got 2609 in blast billiards but it's frozen and not registered but it does this every time i get over 2000 for some reason, is there any reason for this do you know? I am champion of it now but it won't let me be it officially.. i am very distressed about this, as you can see. Cheers m'dear. x

    • 12 replies
  2. Started by James,

    When can we meet again mate?!!!!!

    • 0 replies
  3. Started by Rascal,

    How was the weekend away?

    • 5 replies
  4. Started by Maria,

    Anyone watch these programmes ? I was up untill 5.30am (so what if I am sad !) this morning watching it. If I had a credit card, I would SERIOUSLY do some damage to it and max the limit right out. There is so much stuff I have seen over the past few months that I SO want, why can't America's products come to the UK huh ! I am currently loving the teeth whitner product. Wether it be a load of bollox or whatever, I am so EAGER to give it a whirl ! And that hair brush that rotates and straightens your hair. So much choice ! TV Shop is just the best.

    • 0 replies
  5. Started by Phil rr,

    r u Laurences bro ?

    • 1 reply
  6. Started by Maria,

    Can you come on MSN and send me Loops and Tings ? Perrrrlease...

    • 3 replies
  7. Started by squeakage,

    cooking one today all on my own (and my first proper roast) wanted to know if anyone does anything in a special way to make things extra nice and they would care to share it wwith me I'm sure Ian would appreciate it!

    • 16 replies
  8. Started by Phil rr,

    had the best weekend, EVER

    • 9 replies
  9. Guest George
    Started by Guest George,

    hiya, i'm 26 and like my music hard and bouncy or uplifting (or all 3)!! i met lisa (i hope thats her name) at SE1 a while back. we didnt chat long but she did mention this site (she said she was a regular). somehow i never forgot the name of it (impressive heh?).

    • 25 replies
  10. Started by Ginge,


    • 14 replies
  11. Started by LittleDave,

    Hello there i am running a charity night in Manchester on the 17th Sept 04. We need as much support as possible so if your interested please pm me through this board!!! Event details: http://www.clubtheworld.uk/index.php?showtopic=8562&st=0&

  12. Started by Dance Music Society,

    Hi all, We are a Dance Music Based University society (yeah, we get given money to do parties ) and spotted your site here. It looks great, lots of interesting discussions and info. congratulations. Hope to see you all around your forums in the future.

    • 10 replies
  13. for me has to be the sims, GTA 3 or medieval total war tho tetris has to be up there

    • 88 replies
  14. right, its only 5 days away now so this is a reminder of whats going on this comin saturday... if you want quit and easy guaranteed entry without having to sign in please email me kym@dilate.biz with full names and telephone numbers of everyone who is coming in your party and you will be placed on the paying guestlist THIS SATURDAY - DILATE @ THE BARN - LINCOLN 8pm - 6am LADIES DJ COMP CAROLINE BANX PRINCESS SKB AYRESY SAZZ CALLY GAGE MAD MISS HELL PENNY PITCH CHERYL BORDINO JANA BRING YOUR OWN BOOZE those after directions etc please email me or call on 07833326843 if you get lost see you saturday

    • 11 replies
  15. Started by stavros,

    if u click on the top site list in the top right hand corner u will see my forum addy its called clubbin forum tell me what u think

    • 15 replies
  16. Started by Maria,

    She is REALLY amazing. Came home last night from a weekend away, to find she has booked me my new installation to have my own broadband account connection in my room again, my PC is now sitting on a new PC 'workstation' AND she ordered me a NEW double bed. Don't quite know what I did to deserve it all ! :S TOP STUFF !

    • 15 replies
  17. Started by Maria,

    I am quite enjoying it, gona watch the British kid in the finals of Boxing this afternoon ! Watching the Olympics makes me wish I was a runner again. If you had to take part in the Olymics and you were asked to choose a sport to be trained up on, which would it be ? For me, it would deffo be the 25 times around teh track jobby. Can't remember how many metres that is ? :S

    • 13 replies
  18. Started by EmmaBlu,

    oi oi. was a bit mashed on saturday hun. i didnt talk to much shite did i will give ya a bell when i get some more credit

    • 4 replies
  19. Started by Filthy Monkey,

    Hiya everyone, just got recomended to join your great forum by trouble, so here i am just thought i would say a big HELLO !!

    • 22 replies
  20. Started by Maria,

    Thanks for the post card mate ! Was a nice suprise my mum telling me there was a P/C ere for when I got back this evening ! You picked a nice one - although, with limited space on the back. I think a few of us CTWers feel privelaged to having recieved a P/C from Beijing !

    • 1 reply
  21. Started by LiquidEyes,

    "2 User(s) are browsing this forum (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)" Explain that!

    • 9 replies
  22. Started by Maria,

    I just remebered I had a dream about you the other night - and you were the REAL Avid Merion ! :S

    • 0 replies
  23. Started by Maria,

    Anyone like it ? I absolutley HATE it. Brings tears to my eyes, I am so scared of it. Walked over Brighton Pier yesterday, hated every minute of it (apart from eating in the Pier Resturaunt and going in the arcades). I aint scared of heights but walking over the pier knowing I can see the sea under my feet - makes me queezy and makes my stomach feel all funny.

    • 19 replies
  24. Started by Maria,

    Happy birthday hon hon !

    • 0 replies
  25. Started by LTM,

    You probably look nothing like her in real life but in your avatar you are a brunette Kim Cattrall.

    • 5 replies
  26. Started by Aaron,

    > MOST SEMEN SWALLOWED > Michelle Monahan had 1.7 pints of semen pumped out of her stomach in > Los Angeles in July 1991. > > LONGEST PUBES > Maoni Vi of Cape Town has hair measuring 32 inches from the armpits > and 28 inches from her vagina. > > MOST CAVERNOUS CROTCH > Linda Manning of Los Angeles could, without preparation,completely > insert a lubricated American football into her vagina. > > ZITS > In July 1987, Carl Chadwick of Rugby, England, squeezed a zit and > projected a detectable amount of yellow pus a distance of 7ft 1inch. > > WORST DRINK > The most horrible drink to …

    • 7 replies
  27. Started by nuthead53,

    Bring on 70s Try Hard correctly spealt to.

    • 7 replies
  28. Started by James,

    http://www.clubtheworld.uk/html/emoticons/ohmy.gif Superb - its a must - you also get a £40 game FREE (spiderman2, max payne 2 ... - HMV) (PS2 also £99)

  29. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fucking pussy.

    • 5 replies
  30. Started by Maria,

    Happy birthday honey ! Hope you have a wicked day and have a wicked holiday in Paphos with Mark aswell. See you both soon !

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