General Discussion
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51,306 topics in this forum
> How many men does it take to open a beer? > None. It should be opened by the time she brings it. > ---------------------------------------- > Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman? > Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will > probably never be able to support you. > ---------------------------------------- > Why do women have smaller feet than men? > It's one of those "evolutionary things" that allows them to > stand closer to the kitchen sink. > ---------------------------------------- > How do you know when a woman is about …
- 6 replies
Fcuk me, if anyone can eat one of these new bastard pot noodles (with the sauce i take my hat off to you and will personally eat my own excrement ! Fcuk they are hot. Whoever invented tobasco
- 3 replies
Fcuk me, if anyone can eat one of these new bastard pot noodles (with the sauce i take my hat off to you and will personally eat my own excrement ! Fcuk they are hot. Whoever invented tobasco
- 3 replies
It was fantastic to finally meet you 2 wonderful people last night - I was somewhat taken back as to how relaxed & cool you guys are - you have the PERFECT attidude and everything I look for in people joining this site - you are a credit to CTW and you have my full backing all the way. As I mentioned I hope to set up dedicated DJ pages in the future for you two, HouseWhore, Rob Freano, ClaireDC and other up-n-coming DJs - you deserve just as much exposure as the top line DJs in my opinion - and believe me you will get it. With you all the way guys! James
- 8 replies
It was fantastic to finally meet you 2 wonderful people last night - I was somewhat taken back as to how relaxed & cool you guys are - you have the PERFECT attidude and everything I look for in people joining this site - you are a credit to CTW and you have my full backing all the way. As I mentioned I hope to set up dedicated DJ pages in the future for you two, HouseWhore, Rob Freano, ClaireDC and other up-n-coming DJs - you deserve just as much exposure as the top line DJs in my opinion - and believe me you will get it. With you all the way guys! James
- 8 replies
IS THIS TRUE LOVE OR WHAT? > > An elderly couple are sitting around one evening and the man > says to his wife "Marsha, we are about to celebrate our 60th wedding > anniversary. > > We've had a wonderful life together, full of contentment and > blessings. But there's something I've always wondered about: Tell > the truth. Have you ever been unfaithful to me? > > " She hesitates a moment, then says "Yes, 3 times, Sidney." > > "Three times?" How could that happen?" Sidney asks. > > The wife begins recalling slowly "Well, do you remember right > after we were married and we were so broke, and the ban…
- 0 replies
IS THIS TRUE LOVE OR WHAT? > > An elderly couple are sitting around one evening and the man > says to his wife "Marsha, we are about to celebrate our 60th wedding > anniversary. > > We've had a wonderful life together, full of contentment and > blessings. But there's something I've always wondered about: Tell > the truth. Have you ever been unfaithful to me? > > " She hesitates a moment, then says "Yes, 3 times, Sidney." > > "Three times?" How could that happen?" Sidney asks. > > The wife begins recalling slowly "Well, do you remember right > after we were married and we were so broke, and the ban…
- 0 replies
..... as read that everyone on here is slightly disturbed? sx
- 5 replies
..... as read that everyone on here is slightly disturbed? sx
- 5 replies
..... as read that everyone on here is slightly disturbed? sx
- 5 replies
> > A woman recently lost her husband. She had him > > cremated and brought his ashes home. Picking up the > > urn that he was in, she poured him out on the patio > > table. Then, while tracing her fingers in the ashes, > > she started talking to him. > > "Andrew, you know that fur coat you promised me? I > > bought it with the insurance money!" > > "Andrew, remember that new car you promised me? Well, > > I also bought it with the insurance money!" > > "Andrew, do you remember that emerald necklace you > > promised me? I bought it, too, with the insurance > > money." > >…
- 0 replies
> > A woman recently lost her husband. She had him > > cremated and brought his ashes home. Picking up the > > urn that he was in, she poured him out on the patio > > table. Then, while tracing her fingers in the ashes, > > she started talking to him. > > "Andrew, you know that fur coat you promised me? I > > bought it with the insurance money!" > > "Andrew, remember that new car you promised me? Well, > > I also bought it with the insurance money!" > > "Andrew, do you remember that emerald necklace you > > promised me? I bought it, too, with the insurance > > money." > >…
- 0 replies
Lionel is in your area in two weeks Pop Pickeresses ........ (Oooops, girls only!) [ 14 August 2002, 14:26: Message edited by: Lionel The Vinyl ]
- 1 reply
Lionel is in your area in two weeks Pop Pickeresses ........ (Oooops, girls only!) [ 14 August 2002, 14:26: Message edited by: Lionel The Vinyl ]
- 1 reply
would any1 be able to get me copies of Mac software on the sly and CHEAP??? MUST BE MAC SOFTWARE NOT PC..... im looking for ..... *quarkXpress *corel draw *illustrator *fireworks ANY HELP???
- 6 replies
Who has got your photos of Hard House Academy? Have they been scanned in yet? Have a top hol
Who has got your photos of Hard House Academy? Have they been scanned in yet? Have a top hol
You theiving bastards! I must of speny well over £20 on about 20 cheapo sunglasses and EVERY SINGLE GODAMM NIGHT I go out they get nicked by one of you lot! I know what it is and you can deny it as much as you want, its coz Creamy is wearing them isn't it and you all wanna piece of me dont ya? I know, I am not stupid, I dont mind, I'm more than happy to give them out no probs, I'll even sign them with my autograph nest time as well, see I'm not all bad am I! I do charity work, I even packed my nans shopping the other day but you all still nick my glasses you bastards! Feel ashamed!
- 16 replies
You theiving bastards! I must of speny well over £20 on about 20 cheapo sunglasses and EVERY SINGLE GODAMM NIGHT I go out they get nicked by one of you lot! I know what it is and you can deny it as much as you want, its coz Creamy is wearing them isn't it and you all wanna piece of me dont ya? I know, I am not stupid, I dont mind, I'm more than happy to give them out no probs, I'll even sign them with my autograph nest time as well, see I'm not all bad am I! I do charity work, I even packed my nans shopping the other day but you all still nick my glasses you bastards! Feel ashamed!
- 16 replies
quote: Originally posted by CreamyC: Mint Menthol - Nicorette patches! You can get Ecstasy flavoured bubble gum in Manchester. They call it E By Gum (I did that joke the other week, didn't I?)
- 17 replies
quote: Originally posted by CreamyC: Mint Menthol - Nicorette patches! You can get Ecstasy flavoured bubble gum in Manchester. They call it E By Gum (I did that joke the other week, didn't I?)
- 17 replies
if i dont answer then i am probably asleep or busy. please leave an answer message and SAY UR FUKIN NAME! cos i have had a few answer messages of cocknies and dont know who they are! cheers big ears
- 55 replies
if i dont answer then i am probably asleep or busy. please leave an answer message and SAY UR FUKIN NAME! cos i have had a few answer messages of cocknies and dont know who they are! cheers big ears
- 55 replies
pinks on radio 1 singing "get the party started" in which she sings the infamous line "i'm coming up so you'd better get the party started". i've said it before and i'll say it again. while i love the idea of pink coming up i much prefer the idea of me coming up pink. sx
- 7 replies
pinks on radio 1 singing "get the party started" in which she sings the infamous line "i'm coming up so you'd better get the party started". i've said it before and i'll say it again. while i love the idea of pink coming up i much prefer the idea of me coming up pink. sx
- 7 replies
pinks on radio 1 singing "get the party started" in which she sings the infamous line "i'm coming up so you'd better get the party started". i've said it before and i'll say it again. while i love the idea of pink coming up i much prefer the idea of me coming up pink. sx
- 7 replies