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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by MItz,

    Hey Thanks ever so much for the cds that you sent....I got them this mornin and it put a big smile on my face before I came to work! Thanks again matey!

    • 2 replies
  2. Started by MItz,

    Hey Thanks ever so much for the cds that you sent....I got them this mornin and it put a big smile on my face before I came to work! Thanks again matey!

    • 2 replies
  3. Started by Diablo,

    Longest session?????????

    • 11 replies
  4. Started by Diablo,

    Longest session?????????

    • 11 replies
  5. Started by Diablo,

    Longest session?????????

    • 11 replies
  6. Started by stryker,

    in their new song the sugarbabes sing the line: "don't need no man i get my kicks for free" i would just like to point out that if they ever change their minds i will willingly kick any of their back doors in. sx

    • 22 replies
  7. Started by stryker,

    in their new song the sugarbabes sing the line: "don't need no man i get my kicks for free" i would just like to point out that if they ever change their minds i will willingly kick any of their back doors in. sx

    • 22 replies
  8. Started by stryker,

    in their new song the sugarbabes sing the line: "don't need no man i get my kicks for free" i would just like to point out that if they ever change their minds i will willingly kick any of their back doors in. sx

    • 22 replies
  9. This should really be in a Serious forum, but never mind (maybe James should roll the Help & Advice bit into one big Serious forum). I don't understand it. I am going travelling in April next year, but at the moment, i have no idea where my life is going, or when its going there, or how its getting there. I seem to be coming up against one barrier after another, and its starting to do my head in. All but two of my friends are starting to irritate me, I'm not sure if I can wait 'till next April to get away. m.

    • 2 replies
  10. This should really be in a Serious forum, but never mind (maybe James should roll the Help & Advice bit into one big Serious forum). I don't understand it. I am going travelling in April next year, but at the moment, i have no idea where my life is going, or when its going there, or how its getting there. I seem to be coming up against one barrier after another, and its starting to do my head in. All but two of my friends are starting to irritate me, I'm not sure if I can wait 'till next April to get away. m.

    • 2 replies
  11. Started by SarahPVC,

    Thank u soooo much for my CDs - i got them this morning along with the infamous pic - its quite good but im pulling a dreadful face (as always!) Your a

    • 2 replies
  12. Started by SarahPVC,

    Thank u soooo much for my CDs - i got them this morning along with the infamous pic - its quite good but im pulling a dreadful face (as always!) Your a

    • 2 replies
  13. Started by Tony P,

    just pm'ed you that stuff mate, remember to pm me your address for the photos. Cheers buddy

  14. Started by Tony P,

    just pm'ed you that stuff mate, remember to pm me your address for the photos. Cheers buddy

  15. Started by Diablo,

    Who's got the best clubs? I'm voting North obviously - Crasher, Talltrees, Sundissential (both Birmingham & Leeds) Mint Club, Majestyk's etc

    • 69 replies
  16. Started by Kenikia,

    Ive been out all night (practicaly!!) and got home at 8am! Im now knackered to buggery! Should I go to bed or just make the most of the day? Hrm... decisions.

    • 5 replies
  17. Started by Kenikia,

    Ive been out all night (practicaly!!) and got home at 8am! Im now knackered to buggery! Should I go to bed or just make the most of the day? Hrm... decisions.

    • 5 replies
  18. Started by Wub Wub,

    I got a bit f^cked saturday night and thought it would be hilarious to walk off with one of your banners. I'm sorry, I was acting a cunt. You will get it back intact and unsoiled at Creamfields. Apologies for any inconvinience caused.

  19. Started by Wub Wub,

    I got a bit f^cked saturday night and thought it would be hilarious to walk off with one of your banners. I'm sorry, I was acting a cunt. You will get it back intact and unsoiled at Creamfields. Apologies for any inconvinience caused.

  20. Started by mac,

    OK guys, tell the moment that made you cringe, we've all had , i might even tell you mine!

    • 15 replies
  21. Started by matthew james,

    A guy who works in the sales dept of my company cycles to work. "Thats fair enough!" I hear you mere mortals cry! Not when he cycles 20 MILES to get here its bloody not! Sort it out and get a car. m.

  22. Started by matthew james,

    A guy who works in the sales dept of my company cycles to work. "Thats fair enough!" I hear you mere mortals cry! Not when he cycles 20 MILES to get here its bloody not! Sort it out and get a car. m.

  23. Started by matthew james,

    mmmmmmkay. m.

  24. Started by matthew james,

    mmmmmmkay. m.

  25. Started by Wonky,

    When im straight and i listen to my tunes i still get massive tingles in my head like when im all messy. Does that happen to anyone else??

  26. Started by Wonky,

    When im straight and i listen to my tunes i still get massive tingles in my head like when im all messy. Does that happen to anyone else??

  27. Started by Flakey Dove,

    Well its THE burning question of the moment,so before fisticuffs ensue,let's once and for all get to the crux of the matter and establish the big bertha awards once and for all.

    • 33 replies
  28. Started by Flakey Dove,

    Well its THE burning question of the moment,so before fisticuffs ensue,let's once and for all get to the crux of the matter and establish the big bertha awards once and for all.

    • 33 replies
  29. Started by Flakey Dove,

    Well its THE burning question of the moment,so before fisticuffs ensue,let's once and for all get to the crux of the matter and establish the big bertha awards once and for all.

    • 33 replies
  30. Started by Claire DC,

    A comment made by FTB has prompted me to do a post!! Have you ever wound someone up bout it and had them fall for it? I said that they had taken gullible out of the dictionary to my mum and she fell for it hook line and sinker, she said "well thats just stupid, how can they just take a word and say it doesnt mean anythin anymore?" she was quite annoyed that they could do that so i tried askin her what gullible meant and all i got back was "i know what it means, well what it did mean" took me bout half an hour to get it thru to her Still wind her up bout it now [ 13 August 2002, 15:41: Message edited by: Claire DC ]

    • 18 replies
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