General Discussion
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A comment made by FTB has prompted me to do a post!! Have you ever wound someone up bout it and had them fall for it? I said that they had taken gullible out of the dictionary to my mum and she fell for it hook line and sinker, she said "well thats just stupid, how can they just take a word and say it doesnt mean anythin anymore?" she was quite annoyed that they could do that so i tried askin her what gullible meant and all i got back was "i know what it means, well what it did mean" took me bout half an hour to get it thru to her Still wind her up bout it now [ 13 August 2002, 15:41: Message edited by: Claire DC ]
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So im a little mashed again but... 1 U shudnt mix electric with water!!!! well [censored] me. Im clamming 4 a cup of T but cant use water with the kettle. ive had 2 get a cold shower as ive got an electric heated one n had 2 wash my clothes in the sink 4 fucks sake cos of the electric washer. Why do they make these things I cant use. Why did i buy the fuckers in the first place!!! It all made sence b4 friday night!!! 2 why does records have 2 speeds on them?? why arnt they all just 33 then u cud fit more on it as it wud go slower than a 45. I mean CDs r all one speed rnt they. if they is a valid reason why dont u have tons of [censored] speeds??? stu…
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How many times have you woken up in the morning after a hard night of drinking and thought 'How did I get home?' As hard as you try, you cannot piece together your return journey from the bar to your home. The answer is that you used a beer scooter. The beer scooter is a mythical form of transport, owned and leased out to the drunk by Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. Bacchus has branched out since the decrease in the worship of the Roman pantheon and bought a large batch of these magical devices. The beer scooter works in the following fashion: The passenger reaches a certain level of drunkenness and the slurring gland begins to give off a pheromone. Bacchus or o…
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How many times have you woken up in the morning after a hard night of drinking and thought 'How did I get home?' As hard as you try, you cannot piece together your return journey from the bar to your home. The answer is that you used a beer scooter. The beer scooter is a mythical form of transport, owned and leased out to the drunk by Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. Bacchus has branched out since the decrease in the worship of the Roman pantheon and bought a large batch of these magical devices. The beer scooter works in the following fashion: The passenger reaches a certain level of drunkenness and the slurring gland begins to give off a pheromone. Bacchus or o…
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Hiya all ! How the hell is it goin ? Two weeks seems like a fcukin long time when your back home after a holiday. As most of you prob know, i've been in Gran Canaria for the past two weeks, which i gotta say was pretty blindin, some good places to go except almost every night, me & mate had to request trance & or HardHouse in every club we visited ! And even when the request was fulfilled, it was mainly cheese, but we still raved hard ! So how has the board been ? Any exciting news to report at all ? Major changes ? I see we got a few new smileys, a smut forum, fcuk knows how many new topics and some new members. Lastly GodsKitche…
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Hiya all ! How the hell is it goin ? Two weeks seems like a fcukin long time when your back home after a holiday. As most of you prob know, i've been in Gran Canaria for the past two weeks, which i gotta say was pretty blindin, some good places to go except almost every night, me & mate had to request trance & or HardHouse in every club we visited ! And even when the request was fulfilled, it was mainly cheese, but we still raved hard ! So how has the board been ? Any exciting news to report at all ? Major changes ? I see we got a few new smileys, a smut forum, fcuk knows how many new topics and some new members. Lastly GodsKitche…
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Hope you are all well, I am hunky dorey!! You can tell I didnt go out at the weekend cos its tuesday and I'm not on a comedown!! In fact I feel bloody good I might do this more often Weekend soon H&K Bruvva
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Hope you are all well, I am hunky dorey!! You can tell I didnt go out at the weekend cos its tuesday and I'm not on a comedown!! In fact I feel bloody good I might do this more often Weekend soon H&K Bruvva
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After smoking for the last 11 years, I really really badly need to stop. Does anyone know any websites that give advice? m.
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After smoking for the last 11 years, I really really badly need to stop. Does anyone know any websites that give advice? m.
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where the android did the thing with the knife? me and dan (crazy guy i work with) just did that with a compass, and i stabbed him in the finger. ha ha ha ha ha ha cruelty rules man!!! m. [ 13 August 2002, 14:47: Message edited by: matthew ]
- 1 reply
where the android did the thing with the knife? me and dan (crazy guy i work with) just did that with a compass, and i stabbed him in the finger. ha ha ha ha ha ha cruelty rules man!!! m. [ 13 August 2002, 14:47: Message edited by: matthew ]
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My beautiful chuckle twinny, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ! This fish misses her C and is sending her lots of birthday fishes kisses
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My beautiful chuckle twinny, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ! This fish misses her C and is sending her lots of birthday fishes kisses
- 12 replies
Hiya hun, just a quick note to let u know im still not home lol, but will fone for def mon/tues and discuss bout Ibiza!!
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Hiya hun, just a quick note to let u know im still not home lol, but will fone for def mon/tues and discuss bout Ibiza!!
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Ahhh so you start with 5 then people knock your confidence by downgraiding you.... ...nice
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Ahhh so you start with 5 then people knock your confidence by downgraiding you.... ...nice
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