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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. I dumped somone by text once when i was a wee whipper snapper, but i got dumped on msn 2 years ago

  2. Started by stavros,

    hello all clubbers just joined clubtheworld heard good things

    • 15 replies
  3. Started by Maria,

    Can anyone get in it (NOT the Members gallery) ? It was accessable to me just a few moments ago, but now its PCBD :S Could someone try for me please ? Ta.

    • 2 replies
  4. Started by Maria,

    Anyone seen it ? Lots of people told me this film was shit - so I watched it in bed yesterday, and though it was a fantastic film. Something I would watch over and over. Discuss.

    • 32 replies
  5. Started by jellybabyuk,

    http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/badgers.php Dont think it ever stops!

  6. Started by Ginge,

    Looks like it could be fun

    • 0 replies
  7. Started by Trouble,

    have sex or whats the best place you have had it

    • 8 replies
  8. Started by Maria,

    I think I am going to do a spot of healthy eating. I fancy .. Pitta Bread Turkey Ham Potatoe Salad Tomatoes Lettuce or maybe something a bit more fatty and savoury.

    • 17 replies
  9. Started by Stu,

    come to wildchild. we have more bonding to do...

    • 3 replies
  10. Started by Maria,

    It's battering it down here ! I lurve it !

    • 8 replies
  11. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,

    • 12 replies
  12. Started by Maria,

    Suzi misses you. She does And me

    • 0 replies
  13. Started by kitty,

    a new person?

  14. well come on then!

  15. Started by Aaron,

    What are you feelings on PA's and Pierced 'foof's Are they attractive, and do the make sex more pleasureable?

    • 14 replies
  16. Started by SarahPVC,

    Does anyone know of any porn videos made especially for women? I know they exist just dont know where to start looking

    • 4 replies
  17. Started by Maria,

    At long last ! Been networked to my mums PC for a few months now - and there is always something up with my mothers computer, which then leads in it having to go up the computer shop to get 'cleaned', which results in MY computer being disconnected untill my mothers PC is back at the house. Thanks to having a wonderfull mum, she is paying for me to have my own broadband connection set BACK UP in my own room. Gawd, she is good to me. I owe that woman my life the ammount of things she does for me ! *smugs it*

    • 3 replies
  18. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,

    Was just reading yesterday that the UK has sold the Sudan hundreds of tons of weapons over the past 3 years. The very same weapons the Janjawid (or Janjaweed if you read the sun) are using to massacre their own people. Which is nice. Doesn't it make you so proud that we arm 3rd world countries to the teeth.

    • 3 replies
  19. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,

    Mine is being in a beer garden with my mates with no work the day after. That is lush.

    • 17 replies
  20. Started by Maria,

    I am currently loving Crispy Spring Rolls, Chicken and Sweetcorn Soup and Beef with Green Pepper in Black Bean Sauce. Just YAY ! Yummy.

    • 30 replies
  21. Started by paula,

    from dawn? ive been txting her but had no replies. im quite worried bout her

    • 1 reply
  22. Started by Ginge,

    If anyone has registered with these people, I reccommend you delete your account as soon as you can. I've been sent an average of 5 texts per day for the last 8 weeks. I recieved my phone bil today and it was £165....£140 of it was from SMSING.NET charges for the texts they sent me. So far today I've E:mailed them 4 times to ask them to delete my account but they have sent me MORE texts. I think I'm gonna have to block their texts somehow.

    • 4 replies
  23. Started by kitty,

    my new found amazing pizza of all time is: sweet chilli chicken pizza on cibatta bread by goodfella's oh my gosh,taste the divineness

    • 15 replies
  24. Started by Ginge,

    I had a VERY VIVID sexual dream about a certain female CTWer 2 nights ago. Its someone who I think is single and totally gorgeous but way too good for me. No I didnt wake up in a sticky mess before anyone asks but I did wake up in the middle of the night and had to check my flat to see if it was real or not. The things this girl could do in bed were AMAZING, my imagination totally run riot and I wish it could of happened. Now I'm starting to wonder if she can do half the things she was doing. Has anyone else had any rampant dreams about any other member?

    • 17 replies
  25. Started by Aaron,

    James/Maria/Mods, Can you change my member title to "Throbbing Accompaniment" :thankx:

    • 7 replies
  26. Started by Sophie,

    Last night was amazing had such a wicked time!!! Kitty- was great to mee you and your friends, your all such a lovely bunch of funksters!!! cant wait to see you all at the next one! Ed- sorry i just cant do trance any more! Maria- Was great to buy you a drink hun! sorry i didnt get to say good night! but me and paul were proper loving the funky room! i diddnt stop dancing till about 6 am, and then my body finally packed up!!! hope to see you soon! Formula@egg guy- sorry dont no your name! and i diddnt get to meet you.. were you the guy wearing a black top near the dj box? i think you took a photograph of me, i was wearing a white short dress…

    • 9 replies
  27. Started by raverbird (jinx),

  28. Started by ChrisT,

    Some of you might not like it, but i couldnt give a shit http://maddox.xmission.com

  29. Started by Frantic Amanda,

    http://www.angryalien.com/0804/jawsbunnies.asp Need sound....

  30. Started by Jessica Rabbit,

    Miss You xxx

Clubbing the world together ...