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Who talk out of their fanny.... JUST COS ITS GOT LIPS...DOESNT MAKE IT A MOUTH!!
- 4 replies
i would have x-ray eyes, so i could see which lottery cards were winners. Honest. (It has nothing to do with the fact that the temp whos just started has the most fantastic arse I've seen for ages and I want to see what it looks like with no clothes on. Honest) m.
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How smashed am i... this makes scence Belly nudge cyber type 3 with fizy flip bomb masher. wee need to escape cos the hypothesise will break the time continuim smashing rellity to pieces n contiuing to burn a whole in my pocket. 2 counter this please check ur potassium gage located on a rapid bus thets far from. take the red the blue and the green pill. Shake it baby!!!!!!!!!!
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Ok, here's setting the scene. Im in the chair wen morphious is explaning about the red pill n the blue pill. all hes offering is the truth, n im [censored] board as i dont care for reallity much Hes waffling on for wot seems like yonks. i Quickley snatch both pills out of his hand and continue to chuck them down my neck n have the ultimate matrix buzz ever not knowing if reallity exists or not. I get Morphious to crank up the tunes n continue to bounce all over the place for days.. Yehaaa Morphious becomes my dealer n im a fu*cked up addict The rest of the cast r not needed n r sacked but i invite all the club the world gang over. we program…
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While in safeway we discovered loaded cheesy skins and fat bastard chardonnay!! call me easily pleased but i think is a fantastic combination!!
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While in safeway we discovered loaded cheesy skins and fat bastard chardonnay!! call me easily pleased but i think is a fantastic combination!!
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While in safeway we discovered loaded cheesy skins and fat bastard chardonnay!! call me easily pleased but i think is a fantastic combination!!
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- Pretty please with a cherry on top?
- 10 replies
just been prompted by another post, but remmeber when u gave me that lovely massage!!!!! ooooooh nice nice nice!! xx
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just been prompted by another post, but remmeber when u gave me that lovely massage!!!!! ooooooh nice nice nice!! xx
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we have had the biggest storm for the last half hour!! our garage just flooded!!! m. [ 07 August 2002, 22:29: Message edited by: matthew ]
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Damnit people, I'm bouncing off the walls in this here office, and there's f^ck all happening on the board! MAKE SOME NOISE! HAVE SOME SMUT! TALK SOME [censored]!
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"im gonna suck your cock till you cum like niagra falls" Thats what a girl said to me once. Still find it funny a couple of years later. m.
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"im gonna suck your cock till you cum like niagra falls" Thats what a girl said to me once. Still find it funny a couple of years later. m.
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"im gonna suck your cock till you cum like niagra falls" Thats what a girl said to me once. Still find it funny a couple of years later. m.
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Ok, call me wierd, but there's a massvie storm kicking off over my house in S/E London right about now ... since it's started, i've become very horny ... is this oddity unique to me, or are there more out there that are the same as me?
- 6 replies
Ok, call me wierd, but there's a massvie storm kicking off over my house in S/E London right about now ... since it's started, i've become very horny ... is this oddity unique to me, or are there more out there that are the same as me?
- 6 replies
Ok, call me wierd, but there's a massvie storm kicking off over my house in S/E London right about now ... since it's started, i've become very horny ... is this oddity unique to me, or are there more out there that are the same as me?
- 6 replies
This site is done for a DJ. Now any DJ site that i've seen that is say UK based in my eyes is usually total shite. Now this site is fooking sweet from a designers view. The mixer is good fun too. Enjoy
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i was wondering, do any of the lads have a thing for gothic girls? im not goth, but because i wear a lot of eyeliner and i used to dye my hair black and i have fair skin, lads assumed i was a goth, and most of them tried to get me back to their place.. they assumed i was into domination and stuff.. if there ARE any guys on here who like gothic girls.... wtf is with that!
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i was wondering, do any of the lads have a thing for gothic girls? im not goth, but because i wear a lot of eyeliner and i used to dye my hair black and i have fair skin, lads assumed i was a goth, and most of them tried to get me back to their place.. they assumed i was into domination and stuff.. if there ARE any guys on here who like gothic girls.... wtf is with that!
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i was wondering, do any of the lads have a thing for gothic girls? im not goth, but because i wear a lot of eyeliner and i used to dye my hair black and i have fair skin, lads assumed i was a goth, and most of them tried to get me back to their place.. they assumed i was into domination and stuff.. if there ARE any guys on here who like gothic girls.... wtf is with that!
- 4 replies
Take the Animal Quiz! ********************************************** Grrrr!!! You sexy beast! You're a party-goer, the life and soul! Anything goes, and its usually instigated by you. Role play, bondage, it's time to get kinky. You're passionate, energetic, raunchy and sometimes noisy! Anyone caught in your claws is gonna be walking funny for the next few days. Easy tiger!. **********************************************
- 23 replies
Take the Animal Quiz! ********************************************** Grrrr!!! You sexy beast! You're a party-goer, the life and soul! Anything goes, and its usually instigated by you. Role play, bondage, it's time to get kinky. You're passionate, energetic, raunchy and sometimes noisy! Anyone caught in your claws is gonna be walking funny for the next few days. Easy tiger!. **********************************************
- 23 replies
Take the Animal Quiz! ********************************************** Grrrr!!! You sexy beast! You're a party-goer, the life and soul! Anything goes, and its usually instigated by you. Role play, bondage, it's time to get kinky. You're passionate, energetic, raunchy and sometimes noisy! Anyone caught in your claws is gonna be walking funny for the next few days. Easy tiger!. **********************************************
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James & Kev - Difficult as both usually disappear constantly in a club! Paul Glazby - working on fitness levels (all Djs like to shag to the sound of their own records) as Glazby plays at 160+ bmp! Eddie Halliwell - working towards bumping his girlfriend off 1st 😛 Rob Tissera - only in daylight as by night he takes on a Satanic resemblance Fergie - has just dumped his girlfriend but is getting too fat. Guess its gonna have to be MC Mikee Freedom or DJ Spoony (BOOM) as they are the only available straight Djs that play slow enough! (note to self - i must learn to like Garage, i must learn to like Garage, i must learn to like Garage, i must l…
- 28 replies
Just noticed that I've been voted for 5 times and I've got 5 stars - cool!! Not sure who you are, but thanks to everyone who's voted for me since joining. I have respect for you, considering you've not met me and not many of you have seen me!! Belle
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What is every1s problem with me? I know this is what beckie and people said they didnt want to have to listen to, but i dont care so listen. Why is everybody being shitty with me today? Creamy, FTB, etc. I am not in the mood and as much as i can take a lot of things light heartedly, this is really pissing me off.. I do give abuse myself, but only if someone starts it first. I know that none of you have met me (excpet sluk) and you think that i am just someone on the board, but i am a person and you wouldnt say that to my face so why do it on here. ive had a shitty day as it is and dont need this.
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