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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by LibbyVanDyke,

    What is every1s problem with me? I know this is what beckie and people said they didnt want to have to listen to, but i dont care so listen. Why is everybody being shitty with me today? Creamy, FTB, etc. I am not in the mood and as much as i can take a lot of things light heartedly, this is really pissing me off.. I do give abuse myself, but only if someone starts it first. I know that none of you have met me (excpet sluk) and you think that i am just someone on the board, but i am a person and you wouldnt say that to my face so why do it on here. ive had a shitty day as it is and dont need this.

    • 56 replies
  2. Started by Scream,

    started in hardware repair in a workshop and then moved into repair of pc's, laptops, printers and servers out in the field. Fell into a job doing network admin and support, mostly for Netware systems. I then moved into an office based helpdesk role, and am now the teamleader for the helpdesk for a small-medium bussines orientated isp we manage worldwide ip data transfer, smtp + pop3 mail, website hosting, sql databases and all the other stuff associated with an isp. Training in the new .net architecture at the moment. m.

    • 34 replies
  3. Started by Blink,

    All hands man your battlestations All hands man your battlestations This is a drill This is a drill Sorry, just had to do it TUNE

    • 11 replies
  4. Started by Tony P,

    just sent you a pm matey.

  5. Started by Tony P,

    just sent you a pm matey.

  6. Started by CreamyC,

    Oi [censored] face! Just seen your the new contender for bloke of the month on BigWideWorld - well done! However, my joy turned to horror when I noticed that you have got *that* picture on your profile you knob cheese!!! ClubTheWorlders, check it out here and help Dakers the tosser get to Bloke of the Week for next week! http://www.bigwideworld.com/myphotos.asp?nickname=Dakers

    • 8 replies
  7. Started by CreamyC,

    Oi [censored] face! Just seen your the new contender for bloke of the month on BigWideWorld - well done! However, my joy turned to horror when I noticed that you have got *that* picture on your profile you knob cheese!!! ClubTheWorlders, check it out here and help Dakers the tosser get to Bloke of the Week for next week! http://www.bigwideworld.com/myphotos.asp?nickname=Dakers

    • 8 replies
  8. Started by Fish,

    Where have the pics from Dave's bday gone ? I can'r find the link

    • 4 replies
  9. Started by Fish,

    Where have the pics from Dave's bday gone ? I can'r find the link

    • 4 replies
  10. Started by Bobbymoore,

    Stop scratching that rash and check your pm's!

    • 1 reply
  11. Started by Bobbymoore,

    Stop scratching that rash and check your pm's!

    • 1 reply
  12. Started by Wub Wub,

    Is this you? If it's not, apologies!

    • 0 replies
  13. Started by Wub Wub,

    Is this you? If it's not, apologies!

    • 0 replies
  14. Started by matthew james,

    caption for this little winner!!! m.

  15. Started by Diablo,

    Whats the crack with work then? how come u've handed in your notice?

    • 0 replies
  16. Started by Tony P,

    mate...i've just sent you a pm with regards to the one i got from you. Hope all is cool Tony

    • 0 replies
  17. Started by Diablo,

    Whats the crack with work then? how come u've handed in your notice?

    • 0 replies
  18. Started by Tony P,

    mate...i've just sent you a pm with regards to the one i got from you. Hope all is cool Tony

    • 0 replies
  19. Started by Kenikia,

    http://www.realdoll.com/dolls.html Oh my... god. Madness!

    • 13 replies
  20. Started by Kenikia,

    http://www.realdoll.com/dolls.html Oh my... god. Madness!

    • 13 replies
  21. Started by Kenikia,

    http://www.realdoll.com/dolls.html Oh my... god. Madness!

    • 13 replies
  22. Started by MItz,

    One day Little Susie got her "monthly bleeding" for the first time in her life. Having failed to understand what was going on and being really frightened, she decided to share her trouble with little Johnny. Having found Johnny she told and showed him what her problem was. Johnny's face grew serious and he said, "You know, I'm not a doctor, but it looks like someone just ripped your balls off!"

  23. Started by oddball,

    ...to wake up every morning and start blasting out hard house at an offensive volume and carry about your daily activities wiggling your hips as if you were in sundissential???

    • 4 replies
  24. Started by Belle,

    For some reason, this is something I'm always curious about! I almost always sleep naked! If I fall asleep wearing something, it usually winds up on the floor by morning .

    • 39 replies
  25. Started by Belle,

    For some reason, this is something I'm always curious about! I almost always sleep naked! If I fall asleep wearing something, it usually winds up on the floor by morning .

    • 39 replies
  26. Started by Belle,

    For some reason, this is something I'm always curious about! I almost always sleep naked! If I fall asleep wearing something, it usually winds up on the floor by morning .

    • 39 replies
  27. Started by Davies,

    One day Bill complained to his friend, "My elbow really hurts, I guess I should see a doctor." His friend offered, "Don't do that. There's a computer at the drug store that can diagnose anything quicker an cheaper than a doctor. Simply put in a sample of your urine and the computer will diagnose your problem and tell you what you can do about it. It only costs $10." Bill figured he had nothing to lose, so he filled a jar with a urine sample and went to the drug store. Finding the computer, he poured in the sample and deposited the $10. The computer started making some noise and various lights started flashing. After a brief pause out popped a small …

    • 9 replies
  28. Started by Diablo,


    • 13 replies
  29. Started by Tidy Girl,

    whats ur fave tune? of all time: now:

    • 3 replies
  30. Started by Tresh,

    Don't you hate it when when you get an itch in your ear and it just won't go away? What are everuone elses pet hates? Piss off you damned itch!!!!!!!

    • 7 replies
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