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but i hate monday nights a lot more. at least during the day on a monday I keep myself busy at work. On a monday evening though, all I want to do is go to the pub and get drunk, but I know i shouldn't cos ive overdone it for the last 3 nights. its a real problem making myself stay out of the pub. m.
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Did you hear about the magic tractor? It drove down the road and turned into a field
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killin 2 birds with one stone with this post Claire - where u been hiding? Libby - are you gettin my mails, or is my breathe account [censored] again?
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HoneyClub this saturday, Brighton. Try band get down earlish as it looks like i am going to a pre club houseparty in the midle of Brighton(Perfec t Location) and yous boys is also invited if you are down in time, will get more details later in the week. Accomodation? Shall we book somewhere, perhaps? Or james have you got mates you can kip with?
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killin 2 birds with one stone with this post Claire - where u been hiding? Libby - are you gettin my mails, or is my breathe account [censored] again?
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As you all know, being a newbie i'm still a bit wet behind the ears when it comes to this site. When i log on, a list of presumably 'online users' is displayed along the page. I just wanted to know where everyone hides on here - do you all just hang around waiting for new posts on the boards whilst surfing the net in other windows, or is there some ickle private chat room that you're all buried deep inside of? They say curiosity killed the cat, but what did it do to humans? Did they find what they were looking for? Will i?
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"Larger than life" . nice one geri ! m.
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A mate of mine knows this bloke who works for a company who presses vinyl. I got chatting to him (well sound bloke) and he said he could get me some free vinyl. He got me about 40 pieces of vinyl a few months back, which were all promos (loads of tidy trax and nukleuz) and some of them have not been released yet. As you can expest i was well chuffed. I've just had a call from my mate saying that he has some more tunes for me which he has been putting aside for me.........this time he has about 300 records for me. I'm so happy
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Fancy takin this Northern Bum out on a drinking spree in London sometime soon?
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do you think anyone ever did? I think not somehow. m.
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good morning chaps and chapess's [ 06 August 2002, 08:36: Message edited by: whatisbeak ]
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good morning chaps and chapess's [ 06 August 2002, 08:36: Message edited by: whatisbeak ]
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good morning chaps and chapess's [ 06 August 2002, 08:36: Message edited by: whatisbeak ]
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"I feel a bit light headed, maybe you should drive...." Classic film. The book is good to. Perfect for a monday night. m.
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