General Discussion
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Mate, I'm so pleased I met you because everytime I read your posts I can tell exactly how you mean them to come across and can hear your voice - you crack me up and you also put things exceedingly well - keep it up!!! James *picturing you looking at me saying "eh James - Health n Fitness!!!?"
- 1 reply
code: - Discussion Forums Recent Clubbers: 60 Bobbymoore, flakey dove, Lazy, wub_wub, Claire DC, CrashinCarey, Mitz, jilly, SarahPvc, alasdairm, sarah*p*, power_slough, Lady, Fred The Baddie, Robin, oddball, DuDu, Dakers, CreamyC, minkinslappa, A J French, Whizzer, and 38 guest(s)[/code][/indent] Hello to all of you and if I haven't welcomed you before I'm sorry but I'm saying welcome now!!! stats ... [indent]code: Godskitchen Recent Visitors: 69 funki.monkey, Fluffybunny, REBEL DJ'S, bt, Golden_Twister, Carlos, Josephine, Paul Mathieson, Mark, Stu W, Neil, Groover, Biscuit Muncher, BoshBoshBosh, Funk-A-Tro…
- 2 replies
code: - Discussion Forums Recent Clubbers: 60 Bobbymoore, flakey dove, Lazy, wub_wub, Claire DC, CrashinCarey, Mitz, jilly, SarahPvc, alasdairm, sarah*p*, power_slough, Lady, Fred The Baddie, Robin, oddball, DuDu, Dakers, CreamyC, minkinslappa, A J French, Whizzer, and 38 guest(s)[/code][/indent] Hello to all of you and if I haven't welcomed you before I'm sorry but I'm saying welcome now!!! stats ... [indent]code: Godskitchen Recent Visitors: 69 funki.monkey, Fluffybunny, REBEL DJ'S, bt, Golden_Twister, Carlos, Josephine, Paul Mathieson, Mark, Stu W, Neil, Groover, Biscuit Muncher, BoshBoshBosh, Funk-A-Tro…
- 2 replies
Okay, yesterday I had the WORST comedown I have ever experienced. I dissappeared off into a paranoid depression pit for about half an hour. It was awful. I couldn't move a muscle, even turn my head. All I could do was stare at my computer. I was just sitting here, tears in my eyes, wanting to crawl away and die. It was not pretty. I just to apologise for any emails/posts/PM's sent at anytime yesterday afternoon. I wasn't in a good way.
- 14 replies
abuse Claire DC but 1) I think there's too many people on this board bein abused AND 2) I dont know if id like it or not hehe
- 13 replies
please tell me how to put a picture thingy under my name, im no good at this computer stuff! Cheers
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I was off work ill yesterday & because of that I've got a bit confused. I've been thinking it was Wednesday allday today, and i've only just realised it's not!!! It's Thursday & that means it's almost the w/e!! What a fu**ing result!! I just need to get that out of my system cos it's mad my day!!!
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You 2 need a better title than the default "Dedicated Clubber" - anyone got any ideas ????! ps. I haven't forgotten about some of you other people still awaiting one either !
- 4 replies
You 2 need a better title than the default "Dedicated Clubber" - anyone got any ideas ????! ps. I haven't forgotten about some of you other people still awaiting one either !
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What do u do when your gf doesnt understand clubbing and drugs. I had a break from my gf and then started clubbing and doing drugs. We then got back together. But now i still want to go out and take drugs but she would never understand as she hates anything to do with drugs. How confusing. Anyone got any advise.
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Well I thought [censored] it, I get enough as it is so why not make an official post about it! Take it away people, the stage is now yours........
- 7 replies
get the stars???? do i have to post a gazillion times to get them??? hope not 'cause that sucks!! help!
- 7 replies
I know i'm thick as shite, (don't laugh at me), but how do you do that thing when you quote what someone else was saying. And it come up in your reply in bold and is under lined. Cheers
- 4 replies
Could the following people please leave the board and wait outside my office: James scouseladuk FredTheBaddie Lia (- LibbyVanDyke wub_wub I have BANNED you from making comments due to the continued unecessary comments that you have all been making! Many thanks Bastard Moderator
- 13 replies
Could the following people please leave the board and wait outside my office: James scouseladuk FredTheBaddie Lia (- LibbyVanDyke wub_wub I have BANNED you from making comments due to the continued unecessary comments that you have all been making! Many thanks Bastard Moderator
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If I had a camel I'd hump her in the morning I'd hump her in the evening All over this town I'd hump her in Garlands I'd hump her in the G Bar I'd hump her in the aquarium Anywhere near or far
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If I had a camel I'd hump her in the morning I'd hump her in the evening All over this town I'd hump her in Garlands I'd hump her in the G Bar I'd hump her in the aquarium Anywhere near or far
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Check out this fool
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hello again, long time no hear! Glad to c club the world's got even bigger and theres loads more people than i ever imagined! Hope everyones been well and not been gettin too messy!! I had a wkd time at global, managed to get hold of a vip ticket so when it all got a bit too much 4 my body to cope with i went and chilled away from all you " little " people! Hehehe! Anyways, c u all l8r, lots of love and hugs, jane xxx
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To cheer up you up On this very boring day He's a picture of a bloke Acting in a stupid way *MWAH*
- 7 replies
To cheer up you up On this very boring day He's a picture of a bloke Acting in a stupid way *MWAH*
- 7 replies
A real I.T. helpdesk phone call - Piss funny!! Customer: "I got this problem. You people sent me this install disk, and now my A: drive won't work." Tech Support: "Your A drive won't work?" Customer: "That's what I said. You sent me a bad disk, it got stuck in my drive, now it won't work at all." Tech Support: "Did it not install properly? What kind of error messages did you get?" Customer: "I didn't get any error message. The disk got stuck in the drive and wouldn't come out. So I got these pliers and tried to get it out. That didn't work either." Tech Support: "You did what sir?" Customer: "I got these pliers, and tried to get the disk out, …
- 5 replies
Can i put u down as definate for Creamfields & Sundissential north in the CTW schedule? i know u were planning on going to both when i last spoke to u.
- 16 replies
Can i put u down as definate for Creamfields & Sundissential north in the CTW schedule? i know u were planning on going to both when i last spoke to u.
- 16 replies