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Not really sure what to call this new forum but its been suggested by quite a few people that we set up a new forum for people to have it out in - if they try to discuss their personal issues anywhere else other than in this forum or via PM then its an instant ban. Agreed ?
OK so we've had your worst... Now list your favourites. (Playstation Human Pyramid was voted as the best this year at Cannes).
- 25 replies
i have aquired 1x maryland cookie pack 1x bar cadburys bubble chocolate cadburys dream mousse 6 pack tesco's finest chocolate indulgence cake bowl strawberries pringle dippers+dip cherry+sultana sponge cake i'm out of coke but ive got pepsi max....and 4x bottle corrs (+ free cooler) ne1 for a midnightish feast?
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I love feeling smug it's one of the best feelings I got smug when I did so much better than some other girl at work on this mystery standard monitoring thing. What makes you smug
Did anyone hear about this?? Here's a new link!! HERE!!
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If, like me, you thought the original film was the dog's danglies, then get your arse to the cinema and watch the sequel! It's wicked. It's gritty, nail-biting (I worked my way through all my fingernails and made a start on my left foot) and feels very realistic. There are bags of neat little touches in the film that make it really believable, and convey what a scary-ass bastard Bourne is. I actually want to go and watch the film again now. And if you haven't seen the original -- get it watched!
- 19 replies
Hmmmph. the bloke is a slimy little twat.
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In ref to your pm, not entirely & I have sorted it for you
- 7 replies
Granada Televison are researching people to take part in a new programme that will be filmed in September. They are looking for people who are currently unemployed and despreate to get back into work. They will spend a week with you, perfecting your interview skills and hopefully by the end process, you will find a job. Call Susanne - 0161 832 7211 x 3335 Go on - you have got nothing to loose, and it may change your life ... !
- 3 replies
what do u do when u feel ur bottom and one cheek is bigger then the other? ...,no seriously one cheek is bigger........well, lower
- 22 replies
On Louises leaving post she mentioned that her pm's had been accessed and tampered with, I for one didn't believe her and I wish I had now Thinking back to some of the pm's I have received and supposedly sent, I should of thought more into it. Yesterday a member on here posted my password. There was no need for the word to have been posted and it was in no way connected to the thread it was in.
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for a top weekend dude ! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I. I really couldn't join in with the Tents (even to see Paul Glazby !! ) as it was faaaaar to hot, and I eneded up seeing people I hadn't seen for YEARS in the time I 'dissapeared'. Some proper blasts from the past !!! I thin the set of the weekend for me was Tiesto. Tis a shame you couldn't come back stage I am paying for it now though. Not long after you left yesterday, I went to bed about 3pm and woke up at 10 this moring. I still feel utter crap, but it was such a good day / night, I am not gona complain, as I got in for free aswell Hope 'caz' enjoyed it aswell and that we didn't scare …
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Has anybody heard that song? How fucking shit. I really hope it flops we spent 4 years trying to escape that terrible style of two step garage not for it to come back from the depths again.
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Why didn't you save this Album with the extention of MP3 ? :'( Gota rip it to MP3 masewlf now ! Thanks for sending it to me though. I cannae wait to play it !
CRIKEY ! Been watching this on the news most of today. Anyone seen it ? The pictures/ video footage is unbelievable ! Feel sorry for anyone trapped in their houses