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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by LazyGunn,

    I have some really bad news, his gf has just told me on the phone that he was hit by a car on his way back from work in london, he's now in intensive care and his condition is looking pretty hit and miss I'm a long time friend of Kether and i'm very upset to hear this, as i'm sure his friends on here will be too I just hope he gets better fast

    • 13 replies
  2. Guest JIMBOB
    Started by Guest JIMBOB,

    and please....this is a serious thread....no "acting like a lovely person" answers! i want serious answers e.g you were rudse to people and give examples! i have come on here, fair enough i admit, my "humour" might be more vulgar to some of ures! i apologise! but as for the "argument" with jay - lol, u didnt see him crying did ya! one thing i can say good about jay, is he's got this internet thing sorted, he gives it AND takes it! no crying, nothing! so please...highlight what ive done wrong/where ive insulted people. and i'll work on it! but also, please take a loo at some of ur comments towards me - aren't they just as hurtful as what ive been …

    • 8 replies
  3. Started by edinburgh_angel,

    rite guys, i love ctw, its a laugh an a carry on. i have got off on da wrong foot or feet with sum of u. i know alot of u dont like me either cos im honest or a bit open. guys this is me, i am open about everything an most of it is just me havin a laugh. believe it or not i hate conflict an i dont wanna argue wi u ne more, can we please leave things as its all gettin to me a bit. im me- accept it or leave it be. hopefully this will b the end of all bitchieness - doubt it thou lol. sorry if i have offended ne one bk 2.

    • 32 replies
  4. Started by Tidy Tart,

    how bout a Peterborough weekend on the 4 september? not really that much goin on i dont think on 4 sep! summat fun durin the day bowlin lazer quest pub dinner then on 2 dilate on the night time???? back to ours on sunday for BBQ! need 2 know if any1 is gonna be up for it so can get ball rolling and sort it all out! come on peeps lets try and get CTW back to how it was

    • 31 replies
  5. Guest JIMBOB
    Started by Guest JIMBOB,

    is on everyday at 7.10! the thing that annoys me about that is that he only has 4 types of 'swing' in one story he was in the jungle and he 'swung' on his web exactly the same way he would in the city! also, he went to the artic and was swinging!?!?!?! what the fuck did he swing from???? rubbish cartoons! discuss

    • 1 reply
  6. Started by squeakage,

    Saw this yesterday with Ian Was wkd not on par with the first one was expecting someone like Pulp Fiction as I was told there was a lot more dialogue in it - but not quite Pulp fiction Def worth a butchers though!

    • 19 replies
  7. Started by EmmaBlu,

    my mate wants me to go serious this weekend and im not sure whether to go. whats it like in there????? any good, and are the stes banging????

    • 21 replies
  8. Started by squeakage,

    you look like my ex in your avatar it's making me feel unsettled

    • 1 reply
  9. Started by Sophie,

    Todya must have been the most boring day at work i have ever had! the most excitement i had all day was getting a cheese sandwich for lunch! im off home guys! chat to you all laters!!!

    • 3 replies
  10. Guest JIMBOB
    Started by Guest JIMBOB,

    what the fuck is gurn?

    • 13 replies
  11. Guest JIMBOB
    Started by Guest JIMBOB,

    who done that? why? cant two people have banter to pass the long working hours of the day?

    • 14 replies
  12. Started by AlexV,

    Hey people, I've arrived in Beijing. I just visited Tiananmen Square and its f*cking massive. About the size of 90 football fields!! Anybody interested in doing a round the world tour should really consider China on their list. Take it easy people. Alex V

    • 8 replies
  13. Started by squeakage,

    who would he be Def not Kether coz he doesn't have the intelligence or wit

    • 33 replies
  14. Started by Sophie,

    im at work and im bored! can someone please make me laugh!!!

    • 28 replies
  15. Started by Maria,

    He really is the absolute NADS. I seen him on the weekend play the last set of the festival I went to. Oh my GOD. I have all the time in the world for this dude. He played a god dam blinder of a set. Teased us with his CD-DJ as though he was just finishing off his set, alas he wasn't. He finished off with Adadgio after the crowd was screaming for it when thry thought he finished his set. And he propa dropped it ! Fireworks going off all over the stage and everything ! I had an Access All Areas pass for the festival, and managed to go back stage, didn't get to have a piccie with him though as the fecking Security was gits :@ - - - GUTTED Manged to get to…

    • 24 replies
  16. Started by Clubbing Si,

    quality dj'age as eva!!!! wat a nite eh

  17. Started by LiquidEyes,

    Yo Lisa, Just out of interest... 1. Did you delete that thread? 2. Is Mr Happy going to be reinstated as a CTW member? P.S. Please don't insult me!

    • 4 replies
  18. Started by Rascal,

    Did to get my PM?? Reveal all matey!

    • 1 reply
  19. Guest JIMBOB
    Started by Guest JIMBOB,

    why dont people talk on here???? whats wrong with you lot?

    • 18 replies
  20. Started by Maria,

    Is being ultra gay tonight. Anyone else suffering the gayness ?

    • 19 replies
  21. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,

    Beat the living shit out of someone who bullied my really badly at school. i went down to ipwich at the weekend and caught up with some mates and on saturday night he started on me (after 6 years) and i royally fucked him up. i hate violence and this was the first proper punch i've thrown in 4 years but what a great feeling. his face was hanging off when i'd finished. i've just shedded so many demons it's untrue. chuffed. for anyone that was bullied at school, take pleasure in the fact i made one of them ugly.

    • 38 replies
  22. Guest FredTheBaddie
    Started by Guest FredTheBaddie,

    I've got two squares next to my name !! Result !

    • 11 replies
  23. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,

  24. Started by teabag,

    outside our staff tea room. It was about 10 cm in length so I stamped on it and now have bits of cockroach gut all over the bottom of my shoe

    • 7 replies
  25. Well i dont hate anyone on this site, so..........................I love u all!!!!

    • 7 replies
  26. Guest Kether
    Started by Guest Kether,

    I've felt like shit all day and logged on to catch fat jokes. Good work people.

    • 11 replies
  27. Guest Jay
    Started by Guest Jay,


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  28. After hearing this a couple of times on Radio One, I can't get this tune out of my head now!

    • 14 replies
  29. Started by Trouble,

    last post in general chat as "kether is a bad idea"

    • 9 replies
  30. Started by Sophie,

    ive never brought anything off e bay untill the other day when i went on and bidded for 2 christian dior bags! i won both bids! and got two CD bags for £75! BARGIN! they came today and there soooo niceeee!!!! i think i am now addicted to e bay shopping and i find myself on there all they time! its just got to stop!!! lol!!! any one else brought anything off there???

    • 14 replies
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